Recent Posts by distler
posted 9 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Dreamhost installation issues Hmmm. I’m afraid that Maruku no longer supports Ruby 1.8.x (which is EOL). I think you need at least Ruby 1.9.3. I guess I should update the documentation accordingly … |
posted 9 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: HTML/PHP comments? Short answer: no. You can try embedding (X)HTML comments in the source, but they get escaped (for a variety of security-related reasons) and hence are “visible” on the page. Longer answer: Metadata about the page can be placed in a way that does not appear in the rendered output. The syntax is that of email headers (key-value pairs, at the beginning of the page, separated from the main text by a newline):
This is not quite what you asked for, but it may serve your purpose, depending on what use-case you had in mind. |
posted almost 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: instiki_session cookie overflows after some editing
Well, since the changeset that I linked to above also involves changes to Moreover, updating all of the files in
Currently I am awaiting the release of Passenger 5.0.7, to see whether it resolves some issues with Instiki, or whether changes on the Instiki end are also required. If all goes according to plan, I’ll roll another release sometime in the early summer. For whatever it’s worth, though, this site runs on the latest development version of Instiki (with Passenger 4.0.59) and is perfectly stable. If you’re having issues with Instiki 0.19.7, I’d recommend updating now. |
posted almost 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: instiki_session cookie overflows after some editing Try using the latest Development Version. (Grab it either from my BZR Repository, from Github or as a tarball.) There are some changes that should fix the problem. Someday, I’ll get around to releasing 0.19.8 …. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Instiki hyperlinks failures
Oh. I think I misunderstood your problem. Of course you can’t create an HTML link to some random file in (a random subdirectory of) the instiki directory. That would be stupid and dangerous. As you can see from URLs for the CSS and javascript files on your Instiki pages, you can link to files in the
That’s for security. You ought to be able to trust that the content of an Instiki page is safe. Thus (for instance) you can’t edit an Instiki page and add malicious javascript to it. This protection would be vitiated, if you could put the malicious javascript in an HTML file that opened in the user’s browser as if it were just another page on the Instiki wiki. This restriction does not apply to files in the |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Instiki hyperlinks failures How about
? I don’t know how well Textile handles the “:” in the URL you were using. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: How do I bulk-clear the Instiki cache
That should be fine.
As should that.
All of those will be recreated, as needed. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Idle Instiki was using 17% of CPU on a shared host Hmmm. Both of those sound bad. Are they related? What version of Passenger are you running? |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests Try adding the entry
to the If that works, we can incorporate that in an update to Instiki. If not, we can look into implementing the API. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Requirements for a server-side Instiki scripting package You might want to look at this page
which, mind you, is about exporting a whole Instiki instance (rather than just the pages in a category). But it should give you the general idea. More generally, it seems that what you want to do is write a few That may be worthwhile, even if you eventually get SSL running properly. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: How to develop an ABC music plugin for Instiki? The So you might look closely at the Blahtex Math Extension in (my version of) Maruku. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: How to develop an ABC music plugin for Instiki? There is a hierarchy of processing of inputs in Instiki
Maruku (our Markdown processor) has an extension mechanism. Math support is implemented as an extension. But so is the Presumably, what you want is an ABC extension for Maruku. That would be much easier to create, if there were a Rubygem implementation of ABC notation. But there doesn’t seem to be one. Is there a good library in Python/Perl/… that might be worth porting to Ruby? |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Question marks in Instiki page titles? I can’t think of a reason why question marks in the page name would be a problem. The name is CGI-escaped when forming the URI. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: Evaluating HB for Azimuth Forum Heterotic Beast supports the following hierarchy Sites ⊃ Forums ⊃ Topics ⊃ Posts Different Sites have different URLs (virtual hosts, in Apache parlance), and different user-lists. For instance, the LHC Forum is another Site, running under the same Heterotic Beast instance as this one. The thing closest to Vanilla’s “categories” is Heterotic Beast’s “Forums”. I’m not sure we need both. But we can discuss it. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
edited 10 years ago |
Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: Bugs The culprit is
in The point is that we don’t want a “David Tanzer”, a “david tanzer” and a “dAvid tanzEr”. The While downcasing the email address is clearly the right thing to do, it’s not so clear that’s the “right” thing to do for the login name. I’ve fixed it so that we just make a case-insensitive check on uniqueness. |
posted 10 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: Can I view the source text for other people's posts? That might be a worthwhile feature to add. But, as an Instiki user, you are probably well-familiar with the syntax. Heterotic Beast uses Maruku as its Markdown processor and itex2MML to process equations. It even has the same WYSIWYG SVG editor that Instiki uses. So, except for a few bits of Wiki syntax ( |
posted almost 11 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Debian installation
My problem is lack of time, not lack of enthusiasm. |
posted almost 11 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Debian installation Sorry. You can try replacing
in the |
posted almost 11 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Debian installation Hmm. Well, I’m thinking of ditching You might try changing that line in the Gemfile and seeing if that fixes your error. It would be one more motivation for making the switch. |
posted 11 years ago
123 posts
edited 11 years ago |
Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: Rails 3.1.0 Heterotic Beast is now a Rails 3.2 application. (There’s an updated This forum is currently running on Rails 3.2.16. |
posted 11 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Ruby 2.0 and 2.1 The current development version of Instiki runs (and the next release will run) just fine on Ruby 2.0 and 2.1. This is important for (among others) MacOSX Mountain Lion users, whose default version of Ruby is 2.0. |
posted 11 years ago
123 posts
edited 11 years ago |
Forum: Instiki – Topic: installation problems (mac osx lion) Well, that was fun… I think I have instiki now running successfully on
It was quite a juggling act getting it to work on all three. But I think I’ve succeeded. Let me know if you encounter further problems. (In an attempt to eat my own dogfood, I have switched this forum and the copy of Instiki running on Golem, to run under Ruby 2.0.0.) |
posted 11 years ago
123 posts
edited 11 years ago |
Forum: Instiki – Topic: installation problems (mac osx lion)
Please try again. The relevant feature of the development version is that it changes.
Oh! I haven’t tested Instiki on Ruby 2.0. Works fine on 1.9.x, but there may be issues with 2.0. |
posted 11 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: installation problems (mac osx lion) Thanks for the bug report. The latest development version ( .tar.gz, bzr or git) should fix this problem. |
posted almost 12 years ago
123 posts
Since I’ve not had much success reproducing your bug, why don’t we see whether implementing your suggestion fixes it for you? Apply the following patch:
posted almost 12 years ago
123 posts
Might as well assume that
Correct. If you don’t specify a version, then any version is supposed to suffice. |
posted almost 12 years ago
123 posts
If there’s a minimum version number for the Curious, though, that this “cache bug” of yours would seem to have nothing to do with … caching. |
posted almost 12 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Windows installation not working
The advantage of SQLite3 is that the entire database is in a single file,
will, among other things, perform the necessary database migrations (assuming the previous one is not too old). |
posted almost 12 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Windows installation not working
Hopefully, you pain will be someone else’s gain, if the Windows installation instructions can be improved, based on your experience.
I don’t understand.
doesn’t install the gems in in the Or it does install them, but then Instiki can’t find them? |
posted almost 12 years ago
123 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Windows installation not working The Windows (unlike other operating systems) doesn’t come with that library installed. Some Ruby installers, for Windows, install it; evidently, some don’t. For those, you’ll have to install it yourself. If you google around, you’ll find plenty of useful advice on this topic. Unfortunately (since i don’t have any familiarity with Windows), I’m not a useful source for such advice. But, yes, as far as I can tell, installing the Windows SQLite3 package is a prerequisite for getting the
Bundler lets you manage/install rubygems, without installing them on the system. Instead, they are installed in your application’s But that’s not where (as far as I can tell) your problem lies. |