
Subscribe to Bugs 17 posts, 4 voices

admin Administator 63 posts

Let’s discuss bugs in Heterotic Beast.

distler 123 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Hmmm. /users/nnn/posts?monitored=true doesn’t seem to return anything, here on Golem. But it works fine on my test installation.

Both are running in production mode. The test installation uses sqlite3; this one uses mysql. The (admittedly complicated) SQL join seems not to work on the latter.

Hah! Fixed, now. Boolean comparisons are not the same in SQLite3 and MySQL. Finding a syntax that works in both was … umh … fun.

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

This place doesn’t seem to remember me at the moment. *sigh*

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

Is the colour of the icon next to the forum title meant to tell me if there’s new stuff there? If so, it’s not always in sync.

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

When I click on a discussion/whatever then it takes me to the top of the page. It would be more sensible if it took me to the point where I last read up to (which I presume it knows).

distler 123 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Layer 1

It would be more sensible if it took me to the point where I last read up to (which I presume it knows).

How does Vanilla keep track of what posts you’ve read?

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

Incidentally, if you want to get a feel for what Vanilla looks like but don’t want to sign on to the nForum, I have a test forum set up: http://www.math.ntnu.no/~stacey/Mathforge/Test/. I can easily add any plugins from the nForum that you might want to play with.

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

Vanilla stores some information in the user database, including the last comment in each discussion that you read.

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

May I suggest ”Other users online: XYZ”.

Okay, that’s odd. I suggested the above having seen the “Users online: distler” message, and not seeing my own name. Now I click back to the forums list and I am listed there this time. So either it got it wrong first time, or you’re playing with the code and I should shut up and let you get on with it.

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

Deleting the first post in a topic leads to a “page does not exist” error.

distler 123 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

No it doesn’t.

Deleting the only post in a topic, also deletes the topic. Possibly, the redirect (which normally goes to topic#show but, in this case, should go to the forum#show because the topic no longer exists) is incorrect.


Andrew Stacey 118 posts

Long lines (of code?) make the posts a bit wide. Currently, my view on http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/forum/forums/instiki/topics/bugs#post_77 has all the posts reaching in to the grey region on the right-hand side.

Andrew Stacey 118 posts

This place just remembered who I am. So that seems to be working now.

tanzer 36 posts

Minor: Account names get lowercased. I created an account “David Tanzer” from the signup page, but it gets recorded as “david tanzer.” I find it somewhat unsettling to see proper names in lower case. But its easy enough to workaround by updating the database.

distler 123 posts

edited almost 10 years ago

The culprit is

  before_validation :normalize_login_and_email

in app/models/user/validation.rb.

The point is that we don’t want a “David Tanzer”, a “david tanzer” and a “dAvid tanzEr”. The normalize_login_and_email downcases both the login name and email address, associated to an account, to put them in canonical form (before checking the database to see if there is already an account with that name/email).

While downcasing the email address is clearly the right thing to do, it’s not so clear that’s the “right” thing to do for the login name. I’ve fixed it so that we just make a case-insensitive check on uniqueness.

tanzer 36 posts

That a good resolution. Thanks.