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Windows installation not working

Subscribe to Windows installation not working 11 posts, 2 voices

nkay 8 posts

Im trying to migrate an existing wiki running on a old outdated server onto a new 2008 r2 x64 server. I have installed Ruby 1.9.3 onto the new computer and ran the Ruby bundle install –path vendor/bundle command as stated on the website however it looks like im getting a no such file or directory. I have verified that the source.rb file is located in the correct location.

D:\instiki-0.19.6\instiki-0.19.6>ruby bundle install –path vendor/bundle Fetching D:/instiki-0.19.6/instiki-0.19.6/vendor/plugins/bundler/gems/bundler-1.0.18/lib/bundler/source.rb:57 8:in “’: No such file or directory - git clone “” “D:/i nstiki-0.19.6/instiki-0.19.6/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/cache/bundler/git/file_signature-9e3f3d6fbf544 b2242ffca379f5f61bb2971e94e” –bare –no-hardlinks (Errno::ENOENT)

Also If there is any documentation or help on migrating the old wiki to the new server would be great.

nkay 8 posts

edited almost 12 years ago

I have figured out the above error.. however, now i recieve an error from the gemfile when trying to download the bundles:

D:\instiki-0.19.6>ruby bundle install –path vendor/bundle Updating Updating Fetching source index for Could not reach rubygems repository Could not find gem ‘sqlite3 (>= 0)’ in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfi

It cant find sqlite3 in the repository however if i try to modify the gemfile in anyway and give sqlite3 a version number or somthing i receive an syntax error. How should I contruct the gemfile and maybe force it to find the specific version thats in

This is the sqlite portion of the gemfile now:

“source “”gem “sqlite3”, :require => “sqlite3”

If i follow the syntax from the other bundles ie.. :require => “sqlite3” , “~> 1.3.7”

distler Moderator 123 posts

I don’t know what Ruby installation you have for Windows, but presumably, you are missing the SQLite3 precompiled binaries for Windows.

Presumably, the Windows Installation Instructions could be improved.

nkay 8 posts

edited almost 12 years ago

thanks for the reply. I currently have Ruby 1.8.7-p371 installed with the dev kit.

So are you saying i need to download and install that package then attempt to run “ruby bundle install –path vendor/bundle” again?

Im completly new to everything here.. I have aquired this outdated windows server that i had to upgrade to 2008r2. A week ago i just learned what ruby is so you really have to bear with me.

How does this installation work? What i gather you use “GIT” to download all the packages or i think bundles is the term and then ruby installs them on the system? If thats the case, then my problem is when ruby is tries downloading the package from repository as it cant locate sqlite3. Even though i could manually go to the rubygems website and locate sqlite3.

Could i download this manually from and maybe install it?

distler Moderator 123 posts

The sqlite3 rubygem won’t compile without thelibsqlite3 C-library. (Unlike many rubygems, which are pure Ruby, this one contains a C extension that links to the aforementioned library.)

Windows (unlike other operating systems) doesn’t come with that library installed. Some Ruby installers, for Windows, install it; evidently, some don’t. For those, you’ll have to install it yourself.

If you google around, you’ll find plenty of useful advice on this topic. Unfortunately (since i don’t have any familiarity with Windows), I’m not a useful source for such advice. But, yes, as far as I can tell, installing the Windows SQLite3 package is a prerequisite for getting the sqlite3 rubygem installed.

How does this installation work? What i gather you use “GIT” to download all the packages or i think bundles is the term and then ruby installs them on the system?

Bundler lets you manage/install rubygems, without installing them on the system. Instead, they are installed in your application’s vendor/bundle directory.

But that’s not where (as far as I can tell) your problem lies.

nkay 8 posts

edited almost 12 years ago

Thanks for the response.. I have installed sqlite3 per your direction and looks like it has passed the sqlite3 portion of the install.. However looks like every gem listed on the gem file i have to install manually including “rake, nokogiri, and itextomml” however im getting errors now with itextomml so that would be a bit to troubleshoot.

Never had so much trouble for something that is supposed to be so simple.. ugh..

distler Moderator 123 posts

Never had so much trouble for something that is supposed to be so simple.. ugh..

Hopefully, you pain will be someone else’s gain, if the Windows installation instructions can be improved, based on your experience.

However looks like every gem listed on the gem file i have to install manually…

I don’t understand.

bundle install –path vendor/bundle

doesn’t install the gems in in the vendor/bundle/ruby/* ?

Or it does install them, but then Instiki can’t find them?

nkay 8 posts

edited almost 12 years ago

Well im writing up simple documentation as i figure things out one at a time. I can send it too you if you want once everything is up and running.

Yes, if i run the command “bundle install –path vendor/bundle” when it gets to the Fetching source index for Rubygems etc on where it reads the gemfile it will always stop on a gem name saying it cannot find the gem gemname <>=version in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile.
If i manually type in Gem install gem name it will work. I have a feeling its the syntax or something inside the gemfile. I had to do the same for Rake and itextomml. Which brings me up to another issue i ran into.

Im getting an error when trying to install itextomml… Im wondering if its maybe the version of ruby i have installed or something. Something with the timezone.

(Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR: Error installing itextomml: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb creating Makefile

make gcc -I. -I/C/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32 -I/C/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32 -I. -g -O2 -DFD_SETSIZE=256 -Ditex2MML_CAPTURE -c itex2MML ruby.c In file included from c:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32/ruby.h:755:0, from itex2MML_ruby.c:832: c:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32/missing.h:29:8: error: redefinition of ‘struct timezone’ In file included from c:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32/win32/win32.h:57:0, from c:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32/defines.h:186, from c:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32/ruby.h:37, from itex2MML_ruby.c:832: c:\rubydevkit\mingw\bin../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.7.2/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/include/time.h:260:8: note: originally defined here make: *** [itex2MML_ruby.o] Error 1)

nkay 8 posts

I got it working! YIPPIE! I had to do a complete reinstall with a different version of ruby and devkit.

So any tips on migrating an already running wiki on a different server? I see Instiki created a “WEBS” folder which includes a folder with the name of the wiki. Does everything belong in the folder where the name of the file is ie. “ACES” or does it stay in the “WEBS” folder.

distler Moderator 123 posts

So any tips on migrating an already running wiki on a different server?

The advantage of SQLite3 is that the entire database is in a single file, db/production.db.sqlite3 … which makes it easy to transfer.

   bundle exec rake upgrade_instiki

will, among other things, perform the necessary database migrations (assuming the previous one is not too old).

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