Recent Posts by distler

Subscribe to Recent Posts by distler 122 posts found

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Windows installation not working

I don’t know what Ruby installation you have for Windows, but presumably, you are missing the SQLite3 precompiled binaries for Windows.

Presumably, the Windows Installation Instructions could be improved.

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: instiki without database?

I’m not sure why you think the Madeleine Persistence Layer (which, I believe, is what 0.9.2 uses) is lighter-weight than Sqlite3.

You do need to store the data somewhere. And, with Sqlite3,

  • there’s no separate database process
  • the data is stored in a single file, db/production.db.sqlite3.
posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: instiki without database?


You need some database. But the default sqlite3 is as lightweight as humanly possible.

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests

Great idea.

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: problem running instiki after installation

Probably, those instructions are out-of-date. (Help updating them would be appreciated.)

It would be best to ensure that you have a fully-functioning Ruby (1.9.3 is preferable) installation before proceeding with getting Instiki running. Perhaps these instructions might help.

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: problem running instiki after installation

I followed all the instructions on your installation page for ubuntu.

What page are you talking about?

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests

It’s been suggested that this is because that is in a div with class name byline.

That seems a pretty thin reed on which to base a request for changing the class names we use.

Google is pretty cagey about what algorithms they use. I’m kinda dubious about this one.

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

edited almost 12 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

I am fairly certain that none of my recent updates would affect this scenario..

But I’m happy to hear that it fixed itself.

posted almost 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: migration to Rails3.

This is extremely interesting.

Porting Instiki to Rails3 has long been on my TODO list. But (as you’ve seen), it’s not a small job. So it keeps getting pushed back in favour of other things. So I’m really happy you’re working on this!

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Pandoc is clearly weird. But you have uncovered a regression in Maruku. I’ve fixed that bug in the latest version in my repository on Github.

  ruby bundle update

will fix the problem.

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Migration from Textile

Interesting question!

I guess the first question is: do you want to convert the whole history (ie all previous revisions of each page) to Markdown, or just the current version?

If you just need the current version converted, you can go to the “Export” tab, and click on “Markup” to create a zip archive containing the (Textile) markup of each page.

If you want to convert the previous revisions, too, then you should look at the rake tasks described on this page. Those instructions are geared towards migrating from one database (e.g. sqlite) to another (e.g. MySQL). But they would also be useful in converting the content of the revisions` table, without changing database engines.

  • The db:fixtures:export_all rake task dumps your database to a (series of) YAML file(s).
  • db:fixtures:import_all imports them to a (new) database.

In between, you’d run a conversion on the dump/fixtures/revisions.yml file.

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

I’m sorry.

Could you please distill that long and rambling discussion in to a set of steps by which one might reproduce the bug?

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Instiki website

The website is a hopeless mess, on many levels. Alas, I don’t control it, so I can’t do much about it (except to send the occasional plaintive email message to Matthias, which he ignores).

Instead, point your browser at my website, which contains both up-to-date information and (as best as I am able to assure) is spam-free.

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Sorry, I follow exactly the steps you outlined, and it’s adequate+subcategory (and its variants) that get cleared from the cache, not adequate+subcategory+>+history.

The scenario you outline (involving the old name being forgotten before the cache gets swept) is exactly what the before_save action is supposed to avoid. Then the cache gets swept again in an after_save action.

Now, the only thing I can think of is that I tested this under SQLite3, rather than MySQL. Perhaps the driver for the latter does something funky. But that seems unlikely…

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Debugging uninterruptible sleep

It looks as though it is the “All Pages” request that is clogging up the works, … at 7000 pages then it’s a bit cumbersome, to say the least,

I have no idea why that would be an issue.

It’s not as if Instiki has to do anything with those 7000 pages, apart from retrieving an alphabetical list of their names (and URLs). If that’s indeed your problem, it would be nice to know why.

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: MathJax 2.0

The latest commits, to Heterotic Beast, upgrade it to MathJax 2.0 (from 1.1). This loads (a little) faster, and also sports a SVG rendering option (selectable from the context menu).

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: MathJax 2.0

The latest commits, to Instiki, upgrade it to MathJax 2.0 (from 1.1). This loads (a little) faster, and also sports a SVG rendering option (selectable from the context menu).

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Hmmm. Both look wrong. What I think we want is:

table_name = f.gsub('dump','fixtures').to_s + File::SEPARATOR)), '').gsub('.yml', '')

The point being that the output of Regexp.escape is a (properly-escaped) string which is suitable as input to

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

If you’ve found a mistake in the rake task, please send me a patch.

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: MySQL Gotcha

If you’re going to use Heterotic Beast in production, you need to be running MySQL 5.5.3 or later, and follow the advice in this blog post.

Otherwise, the lack of support for Unicode will come back to bite you.

posted 12 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: weird math fonts

P.S.: Congratulations on figuring out how to make this page ill-formed! It took a bit of work to fix the issue.

posted almost 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Some questions

  • Is there a way to link to a category? My idea is to have a lot of categories, but only link to the most important ones from the homepage. I couldn’t figure out any way to do that.

Not sure what you are after. Perhaps you mean to link to the page listing all pages in category ‘foo’. The url for that is /list/foo .

  • Macros for iTex: Is there any way to define per-page or global macros?

No. Though this is a much-discussed question.

  • Errors for iTex: So far it seems like if some TeX expression doesn’t work you just get the source rendered, but there is no way to find exactly where the error is. This way if I have a long equation I am left to hunt through the whole thing for the missed bracket or parenthesis. Is there something I’m missing?

I agree that itex’s error-reporting is pretty useless. Depending on the type of error (a missed brace bracket, say), LaTeX’s is often not much better. Here, at least, you know which equation to look at for the error, as each equation is parsed separately, and errors can’t spill over as they sometimes do in LaTeX.

  • Linking and/or embedding local files: I am running Instiki locally, but I am syncing the whole thing online, so I can use it from more than one computer. I often use Xournal (on a tablet PC) to take notes/do calculations. While for high-level results, or summaries, Instiki is fine, for long/messy calculations it’s a lot faster to just hand-write them in Xournal. Ideally, I want to be able to link to a Xournal file from Instiki and have some quick way of viewing or editing it. Right now it seems like that the only way is to put a file:/// url, but that requires syncing two things separately, and making sure the url’s make sense on every computer I am using.

Look at Instiki’s file upload capability.

That probably doesn’t help you very much from the point of view of syncing between different computers (as each Instiki installation will have its own set of uploaded files).

  • Editing SVG graphics: This is something that I’m pretty sure is a bug. It seems like unless there is empty space before and after the svg tags, the “Edit SVG graphic” button doesn’t show up.

I think it doesn’t like ”<svg” as the first characters on a page. But I have not had any trouble if the graphic is in the middle of the text.

  • How can I adjust the way math is rendered? I am using Firefox 11 under Linux. All math is much smaller than the surrounding text (e.g. 0 is the height of a lower case letter). I imagine there is some CSS option to change the font size for math, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

That’s strange. I am using Firefox on a Mac, and see no such inconsistency. Do you have the STIX fonts installed?

  • I have some programing experience, though I haven’t used Ruby before. I am willing to try to add some of these features myself, if you can give me some pointers as to where to start.

Contributions are always welcome. The source repository is available both through BZR and on Github.

posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: S5 presentation export

It’s not so clear to me what the best approach is.

The number of CSS and Javascript files (MathJax, in particular, is huge) required to support a single S5 slideshow is very large.

It would be possible, but very inefficient, to produce a Zip file, with all of that junk, for every slideshow you decided to export.

In some ways, you’d be better off putting an entire Instiki installation on a USB stick (assuming that the host computer has Ruby).

A hybrid approach would be to export a static file of the S5 slideshow, with the URLs rewritten to point to the files in an Instiki installation.

Gotta think some more …

posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests

I’m sure there’s a solution for that: …

Is this a feature that is implemented somewhere?

Your short description is slightly … underspecified. So looking at an actual implementation would be helpful to me, in deciding whether this is something to implement in Instiki.

posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

Is it obvious why the spider aren’t just hitting the cache (in which case, they should not slow down the system at all)?

Are they asking for all revisions of some page (or whatever), that would entail a large percentage of cache-misses?

I ask, just because it seems to me that, if they are operating correctly, spiders shouldn’t lead to an undue slowdown. Maybe I’ve been remiss about

<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />


In any case, is it clear that your 3-queue scheme is better than having one queue, with a larger number of worker processes? (I.e., do these spiders insist on making multiple simultaneous connections, or do they access the nlab serially?)

posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

That’s pretty strange. I have not been able to reproduce the problem.

Obviously, having dummy /app/helper/admin_helper.rb and /app/helper/file_helper.rb files does no harm, but I’m puzzled by the fact that they seem to be necessary for you.

posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Ah. I see.


posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs


Maruku’s HTML output looks perfectly OK (ie, as expected) in your example(s). (View the XHTML source, and tell me what you think is wrong with it.)

What you are complaining about is that the CSS doesn’t produce the desired appearance of the output.

Since you’ve been mucking about with the CSS of the Theorem Environment, why don’t you muck about some more and get it to format your example correctly.

posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Are you using the current revision of Instiki? ‘Cuz that’s not the behaviour I see, when I follow the steps above.

posted 13 years ago
distler 123 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

I’m not so sure I understand.

  1. I created a page, “Foo”.
  2. I edited the page, “Foo”, and changed the name to “Bar”.
  3. I removed the [[!redirects Foo]] directive, and saved the page.

All instances of “Foo” were successfully removed from the Cache.

What am I missing?