Recent Posts by admin

Subscribe to Recent Posts by admin 60 posts found

posted 2 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: noob backup question

If you’re using the (default) sqlite3 database, that’s a plain file in the db/ directory. Just copy it over to the new installation. If you’ve uploaded files to your wiki, they’re in the webs/ directory. Again, just copy them over to the new installation.

posted 3 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: tex2svg on Heroku

If you’re using the “free” level of service at Heroku, then timeouts can be a problem. It takes a while for Heroku to spin up a Dyno. Just try editing the page again. Once tex2svg is up and running, it should respond very quickly.

As to setup, there are many ways to do it. The simplest is simply to have two Heroku apps that talk to each other over http(s). So, e.g., in Instiki’s config/environments/production.rb, you could have

ENV['tikz_server'] = ''

This configuration can suffer from the timeout issue just mentioned.

Better would be to have them both running in the same Heroku instance. But that’s a Heroku question, not an Instiki question and you’ll get better advice on one of the Heroku forums.

posted almost 5 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: ubuntu upgrade broke instiki

You will need to upgrade to the latest Instiki if you want to run on Ruby 2.7.

The Instiki website is running on Ruby 2.7.1.

posted almost 6 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 6 years ago

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: Tikz

Here’s the new Tikz picture feature in action.

is produced by

+--{: style='text-align: center'}
\useasboundingbox (-4,-3) rectangle (4,4.75);
\draw[thick] (-3.46410,-2) -- (0,4) -- ( 3.46410,-2) -- (-3.46410,-2);
\draw[thick] (0,0) circle (2);
\draw[thick] (0,4) -- (0,-2);
\draw[thick] (-3.46410,-2) -- ( 1.73205,1);
\draw[thick] ( 3.46410,-2) -- (-1.73205,1);
\filldraw (-1.73205,1) circle (3pt) node[anchor=south east, scale=1.5] {$e_1$};
\filldraw ( 1.73205,1) circle (3pt) node[anchor=south west, scale=1.5] {$e_2$};
\filldraw (0,-2) circle (3pt) node[anchor=north, scale=1.5] {$e_3$};
\filldraw (0,0) circle (3pt) node[anchor=west, xshift=7pt, scale=1.5] {$e_4$};
\filldraw (3.46410,-2) circle (3pt) node[anchor=north, scale=1.5] {$e_5$};
\filldraw (-3.46410,-2) circle (3pt) node[anchor=north, scale=1.5] {$e_6$};
\filldraw (0,4) circle (3pt) node[anchor=south, scale=1.5] {$e_7$};

If you need additional Tikz libraries, put a \usetikzlibrary{...} in the body of your figure. See this blog post for more details and examples.

posted 10 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: How do I bulk-clear the Instiki cache

What is the cleanest / simplest / safest way to purge the entire cache?

At the commandline, do an

rm -R

of the appropriate directory. There isn’t a GUI tool to do it.

In addition, the old URL is present in files in the top-level folder “storage.”

Those can all be deleted.

posted 11 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: installation problems (mac osx lion)

Googling around, that sounds like an antiquated version of RubyGems. If so,

gem update --system

should fix it.

On the other hand, since you have JewelryBox, you could just use it to install Ruby 2.0 or 2.1 (both of which should work with the development version of Instiki), which come pre-installed with a more modern version of RubyGems.

posted 11 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

I’m working on updating my branch of Maruku, to incorporate various improvements from trunk. In particular, there are improvements to the table code. So you should check it out…

posted 11 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: installation problems (mac osx lion)

You need the latest development version ( .tar.gz, bzr or git).

posted 11 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Windows 8 and Instiki

Installation instructions.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited 12 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Debugging uninterruptible sleep

Attach gdb to the process and try to figure out where it’s stuck. It would be interesting to me if there was an Instiki-specific reason these processes were getting stuck.

But, so far, there’s no evidence for that.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: S5 vertical alignment

I don’t know of a totally robust way to do it. My CSS-fu is weak.


Test Vertical Alignment

This is centered on the slide
{: style="margin-top:25%;text-align:center;}

is a pretty good approximation to what you want.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited 12 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

And another one, this time in how maruku parses its meta-data.

This was actually only a problem for IALs attached to <li> elements. Fixed in the latest Maruku.

(This commit gives the complete solution. Its predecessor was only a partial fix.)

(N.b.: Maruku is now unvendored, so a

ruby bundle update

will pull in the latest version from Github.)

I’m unable to run the inbuilt SVG editor on my computer (running Mac OS X, Lion).

Works fine for me under Lion. (I haven’t updated to Mountain Lion, so I can’t make any promises about that. But I’d be surprised if there were any OS dependence of this; it ought to be a function of the Javascript engine in your browser. Or perhaps I misunderstood: were you running the server on Lion, or just the client?)

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited 12 years ago

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: weird math fonts

Perhaps you need to install the STIX fonts (see here for some slightly out-of-date, but still useful instructions).

I see those calligraphic letters all set in the same font. And, moreover and are set upright (as, for that matter, are 𝔸 and 𝕓).

Alas, what you see is strongly-dependent on what fonts you have installed.

In more detail:

On my system, ℬ (U+212C) is available in STIXGeneral, Apple Symbols and Arial Unicode MS. But 𝒜 (U+1D49C) is only available in STIXGeneral. In current versions of Firefox, I believe the default value of font.mathfont-family is

MathJax_Main, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSizeOneSym, STIXSize1, STIXGeneral, Asana Math, Symbol,
   DejaVu Sans, Cambria Math

so the version in STIXGeneral is what I see.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs

That’s a “feature”, not a bug.

As described here, $ab$ is a single token in itex (tranlated to <mi>ab</mi>); $a b$ are two tokens (translated to <mi>a</mi><mi>b</mi>). MathML is semantically-richer than (La)TeX, and this convention gives you the ability to enter multi-character tokens, which will be interpreted as such, when translated to MathML.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: How could I preview/undo changes?

Every page has a “History”, a “Diff” between successive Revisions, and the ability to Rollback to a prior Revision.

Instead of a Preview, successive edits, within 1/2 hour, by the same user, do not create a new Revision.

So save your work, as you go and you’ll be able to see your progress and still not lose anything (remember, with other wikis, changes which have been previewed, but not saved, will be lost).

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Instiki 0.19.4

I’ve released Instiki 0.19.4.

This is a security and bugfix release. Everyone should upgrade.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation/Upgrade Issues

Launchd doesn’t play well with RVM. There are workarounds, e.g. here.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation/Upgrade Issues

Hmm. And does

# irb
> require 'iconv'

return 'true'? What does

#  /usr/bin/env ruby -v


posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: itex and other languages

That’s cool. I’m sure other people would be interested in your PHP extension. So you should think of packaging it for distribution (Pear?).

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests

You’ll note that another bug that I fixed, in the same commit, was Maruku’s section numbering (disabled by default; see vendor/plugins/maruku/lib/maruku/defaults.rb). Dunno whether that’s of interest.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests


That is indeed a bug. Fixed (in Instiki and Heterotic Beast, too). Thanks.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests

The issue of needing ids to keep theorem numbers in step has been raised (again).

I’m not quite sure what the issue is.

So if I write

+-- {: .num_theorem}
###### Theorem
$X$ is nuclear and Banach if and only if it is finite dimensional

your theorems still get numbered (correctly, I hope).

Since there’s no label, there’s no easy way to refer to this theorem, but maybe you don’t care. And if you do care, wouldn’t you want to avoid the fragility associated to an automatically-generated id (which will change if someone re-orders the theorems, adds a new one, or whatever)?

I must be misunderstanding…

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests

That sounds like a request for macro-support in itex. For a variety of reasons, that’s unlikely to happen.

On the other hand, perhaps you have something else in mind …

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Q: what do I need to do to get Instiki chosing a normal font size for my Web by default?

You might try setting the font-size on #Content. But I’m puzzled: is the font-size different from what you see on my Instiki site (which should be the same as the font-size here). Or are those also too large for your taste?

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Hi, I’m trying out Instiki 0.19.3 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard and am running into an issue when publishing a Web. On each page (at the top) I get displayed: …

That’s a bug, which was fixed in Revision 770.

Grab a copy of the latest development version (or get it from my BZR repository or from Github).

Another issue: after installing a new version if Instiki I wanted to import the extisting content from the old installation.

You can copy over your old database, and then follow the upgrade instructions to update the schema to the latest version.

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: How can I arrange the order of forum ?

When logged-in as admin, click on the “edit” link, next to a forum in the list of forums.

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: redirecting bug ??

Evidently, the default mailer configuration isn’t working for you.

In the latest revision, I’ve made the configuration easier to customize (edit config/initializers/mail.rb). That should do it for you.

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: redirecting bug ??



resolves to a “site” named “localhost”, which is what you created when you ran the bootstrap script (with the default responses).

Connecting to

gets you to a different site (“”) which doesn’t exist.

Since you want the URL for your site to be

that’s what you have to input, when you run the bootstrap script.

Later, you could set up another site (by going to, say:

(where resolves to the same IP address as, and run both forum sites off the same HB installation. I’m running three different sites (each with multiple forums), off this one Heterotic Beast installation.

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited 13 years ago

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: redirecting bug ??

When I do a virgin install of Heterotic Beast, launch the application, and then connect to port 3000, I get the following on the console:

script/rails server
=> Booting Mongrel
=> Rails 3.1.1 application starting in development on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server

Started GET "/" for at 2011-11-30 10:50:11 -0600
  Processing by ForumsController#index as HTML
  Site Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "sites".* FROM "sites" WHERE (host = 'localhost' or host = '')
DEPRECATION WARNING: class_inheritable_attribute is deprecated, please use class_attribute method instead.
 Notice their behavior are slightly different, so refer to class_attribute documentation first. (called from
 <class:User> at /Users/distler/src/heterotic_beast/app/models/user/states.rb:2)
DEPRECATION WARNING: class_inheritable_attribute is deprecated, please use class_attribute method instead.
 Notice their behavior are slightly different, so refer to class_attribute documentation first. (called from
 <class:User> at /Users/distler/src/heterotic_beast/app/models/user/states.rb:2)
DEPRECATION WARNING: class_inheritable_attribute is deprecated, please use class_attribute method instead.
 Notice their behavior are slightly different, so refer to class_attribute documentation first. (called from
 <class:User> at /Users/distler/src/heterotic_beast/app/models/user/states.rb:2)
DEPRECATION WARNING: class_inheritable_attribute is deprecated, please use class_attribute method instead.
 Notice their behavior are slightly different, so refer to class_attribute documentation first. (called from
 <class:User> at /Users/distler/src/heterotic_beast/app/models/user/states.rb:2)
  Forum Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "forums".* FROM "forums" WHERE "forums"."site_id" = 1 ORDER BY position
  User Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (users.last_seen_at >= '2011-11-30 16:40:13.336189'
 and users.site_id = 1)
Rendered forums/index.html.erb within layouts/application (256.5ms)

What do you get?

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: redirecting bug ??


How about this? Let’s try to eliminate MySQL from the picture.

cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml
ruby bundle exec rake app:bootstrap

and respond that you want to keep the existing database.yml file. This will use SQLite3, instead of MySQL (it also uses separate database files for development and for production, but you could change that by editing the file).

If you can get Heterotic Beast to work with SQLite3, then we can narrow down the problem to your MySQL setup.