
Subscribe to Tikz 1 post, 1 voice

admin Administator 63 posts

edited almost 6 years ago

Here’s the new Tikz picture feature in action.

is produced by

+--{: style='text-align: center'}
\useasboundingbox (-4,-3) rectangle (4,4.75);
\draw[thick] (-3.46410,-2) -- (0,4) -- ( 3.46410,-2) -- (-3.46410,-2);
\draw[thick] (0,0) circle (2);
\draw[thick] (0,4) -- (0,-2);
\draw[thick] (-3.46410,-2) -- ( 1.73205,1);
\draw[thick] ( 3.46410,-2) -- (-1.73205,1);
\filldraw (-1.73205,1) circle (3pt) node[anchor=south east, scale=1.5] {$e_1$};
\filldraw ( 1.73205,1) circle (3pt) node[anchor=south west, scale=1.5] {$e_2$};
\filldraw (0,-2) circle (3pt) node[anchor=north, scale=1.5] {$e_3$};
\filldraw (0,0) circle (3pt) node[anchor=west, xshift=7pt, scale=1.5] {$e_4$};
\filldraw (3.46410,-2) circle (3pt) node[anchor=north, scale=1.5] {$e_5$};
\filldraw (-3.46410,-2) circle (3pt) node[anchor=north, scale=1.5] {$e_6$};
\filldraw (0,4) circle (3pt) node[anchor=south, scale=1.5] {$e_7$};

If you need additional Tikz libraries, put a \usetikzlibrary{...} in the body of your figure. See this blog post for more details and examples.