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Subscribe to Recent Posts by admin 60 posts found

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: redirecting bug ??

Hmmm…. Well, that’s puzzling.

Try running the server in the foreground in development mode; ie

script/rails server

instead of

script/rails server -d -e production

and report back what you see on the commandline.

I’ve done a fresh install of Heterotic Beast twice, now, and I can’t seem to reproduce your behaviour. My suspicion is that something is f%#@’d up with the communication between HB and MySQL.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: redirecting bug ??

And, if you paid attention, as the bootstrap script executed, it told you exactly what the problem was:

Time to create your administrator account.
Login:  |admin|

Email:  ||
The user didn't validate for whatever reason. Fix and call!
Password is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

You failed to create the initial “admin” user, whose presence is needed, in order for Heterotic Beast to function.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited 12 years ago

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: redirecting bug ??

Well, the first strange thing is that you’re running Rails 3.0.7. The Gemfile for the current version of Heterotic Beast calls for Rails 3.1.1.

I don’t know why, but something seems to be f%@#’d up with the Git repository on Golem. (Update: Fixed, now. Evidently, I can’t read instructions.)

Try using the one from GitHub instead

git clone git://

I also assume that you have successfully run

bundle exec rake app:bootstrap

If not, then nothing will work correctly.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs

According to Frédéric, it’s a feature, not a bug. I could change \widehat{} (and its cousins) to wrap their output in an <mstyle displaystyle='true'>, but that might have unintended side-effects.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs


posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited 12 years ago

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs

‘Cept it’s not a Firefox bug; it’s a Gecko Core (MathML Component) bug. As filed, no one relevant will see it. If you, as the Reporter of the bug, can reclassify it, maybe it will have a fighting chance of getting some attention.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited 12 years ago

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs


The accents work correctly when accenting an <mi> (see this old bug), but not when accenting an <mo>, unless the style is displaystyle.


<math display='inline' xmlns=''><mover><mo>⊗</mo><mo>^</mo></mover></math>^
<math display='inline' xmlns=''><mstyle displaystyle='true'><mover><mo>⊗</mo><mo>^</mo></mover></mstyle></math>^
<math display='block' xmlns=''><mover><mo>⊗</mo><mo>^</mo></mover></math>^
<math display='inline' xmlns=''><mstyle textstyle='true'><mover><mo>⊗</mo><mo>^</mo></mover></mstyle></math>^

You should file a bug report.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

  1. If I simply remove a row from the revisions table, does instiki get confused?

The revised_at field in the pages table should match the revised_at field of the last revision of that page.

2. If the timestamps are a bit out of order, does instiki get confused? Or is the revision id the One True Order on the revisions table?

The history of a page is reconstructed by sorting on the revised_at date. The revision id is irrelevant to that.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

Sorry. There isn’t a way to localize the Javascript.

You could, however, add some site-wide Javascript, which attaches an event listener to some element(s), based on the request-URL.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs


posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

On another topic, is there any progress on cache bugs?

I’ll take a look, again, at file uploads.

For the other, you have not been able to present me with a set of steps to reproduce the bug. So there’s nothing that I can do.

posted 12 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs


posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: Rails 3.1.0

Now on Rails 3.1.1.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

This one’s possibly the most obscure yet!

Not terribly obscure at all. But it does highlight how overloaded the WikiLink mechanism is. Ugly as sin!

This is probably not the right fix. But it’s a fix.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs


posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

I suppose there is a marginally higher probability that a ‘merge’ will succeed with some lines commented-out, instead of deleted.

But I expect that it’s a small effect; hardly worth obsessing-over.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs

It’s a matter of the precedence rules that you expect not being respected by itex2MML

 \lim_{n\to 0}

is set with an <munder>. But, when you type

\displaystyle \lim_{n\to 0}

the precedence of the ”_” is not treated as being higher. The above is treated as equivalent to

{ \displaystyle \lim }_{n\to 0}

which is set with an <msub>. Putting in the grouping explicitly:

\displaystyle { \lim_{n\to 0} }

gives you what you were expecting.

I think this is confusing. Probably, you were expecting \displaystyle to behave more like \color{red} does (compare the definitions of COLOR and of DISPLAY, respectively, in itex2MML.y).


Let’s see: lim n01n=0

lim n01n=0\textstyle \lim_{n\to 0} \frac{1}{n} = 0

Yup. itex2MML 1.4.8 works as you’d expect.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

The “Expired fragment” log-entries all have times (in ms) attached to them, so you would be in a better position than I to tell how long they took to execute.

But, yes, when you ask for new features (like source views for every revision), that means more pages to expire, when an edited page is saved.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

Ah. I see. I was deceived by your example


This is italic text. But this is not.

+-- {: .num_theorem}
###### Theorem ######
This is italic text.  But [this is not](#top){: style="font-style: normal;"}.

In general, the more specific CSS selector wins, and there was some circumstance where inheritance from .num_theorem was not sufficient. I needed the more specific .num_theorem *. But, for the life of me, I can’t recall the details.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

Works for me.


This is in italics. This is normal. And this is italic, again.

This whole paragraph is normal.

This paragraph is in italics.

was generated by

+-- {: .num_theorem}
###### Theorem ######
This is in italics. *This is normal.*{: style="font-style: normal;"} And this is italic, again.

This whole paragraph is normal.
{: style="font-style: normal"}

This paragraph is in italics.

Aside from the kludgy bit about applying styles to spans, I have no idea what your issue is.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Thanks for the report. Fixed in Revision 742.

I think this bug was a long-standing one. The other, fixed in that Revision, was completely iatrogenic.

Oh, and your double-escaping bug is fixed in Revision 743.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Fixed in Revision 736.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Feature Requests

What should itex2MML do, that it doesn’t, currently?

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs

Discuss bugs in itex2MML.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

atom_with_content renders the last 15 updated pages. So it should take approximately 15 times as long as it takes to render 1 page.

Incidentally, the nLab had crashed when I came in this morning…

Ouch. OK. Now I am puzzled.

Is there a process-limit that gets exceeded on your VPS? (Seems unlikely: if there were too many active processes, you wouldn’t be able to login.) Could it be that Passenger is killing off a long-running response, because it thinks Instiki is “inactive”. If so, try setting PassengerPoolIdleTime to 0.

The default (300) clearly won’t work for you if

  1. A list request (say) takes more than 300s to complete.
  2. That’s the only request received during the 5-minute period in question. You receive, on average, 3 requests/minute, so it’s not inconceivable that you go for long stretches with no requests at all.
posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: nlab

But it didn’t crash, or become otherwise unresponsive. Which is better than what you were doing before your “clean” install.

Some actions, like list, are O(N). With a Wiki your size, they will take a long time to complete1. If you want prevent people from calling the list action (or other O(N) actions), I suggest blocking/redirecting it at the Apache level.

I assume you know how to use mod_rewrite to good effect.

But it appears that the nLab operates acceptably, even when you allow such actions.

  1. Incorporating will_paginate (which is used by Heterotic Beast, for just this reason) in those actions will make them O(1), again.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Heterotic Beast – Topic: Bugs

Let’s discuss bugs in Heterotic Beast.

posted almost 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

edited almost 13 years ago

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Feature Requests


  1. I agree that *this*{: style="font-style: normal; color: red;"} is a little silly.
  2. I thought you could already do that (see here). (It seems that you need a space between the ”2.” and the IAL, despite what I said there. I think this is a result of this commit.)
  3. I’m not sure I understand your Javascript suggestion. Could you point to some software that implements something similar?
posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Right, I now appear to be logged in again.

The second, “mystery” user is a bit of a … mystery. Clearly, there are many parts of the code which work in inscrutable ways.

posted 13 years ago
admin 63 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: Bugs

Let’s discuss bugs in Instiki.