Potential Functions and the Magnitude of Functors 2
Posted by Tom Leinster
Despite the “2” in the title, you can follow this post without having read part 1. The whole point is to sneak up on the metricky, analysisy stuff about potential functions from a categorical angle, by considering constructions that are categorically reasonable in their own right. Let’s go!
Let be a monoidal category, which I’ll assume is symmetric, closed, complete or cocomplete as necessary. Take a pair of -categories and , and a -functor
Then we get a new functor
defined by
This is sometimes called the nerve functor induce by , because of the first example in the following list.
Examples In the first few examples, I’ll take the enriching category to be .
Let be the inclusion , which takes a finite nonempty totally ordered set and realizes it as a category in the usual way. Then sends a small category to its nerve, which is the simplicial set whose -simplices are paths in of length .
Let be the functor that sends to the topological -simplex . Then sends a topological space to its “singular simplicial set”, whose -simplices are the continuous maps .
Let be an inclusion of partially ordered sets, viewed as categories in the usual way. Then is given by
For example, let be the set of integers, ordered by divisibility. Let be the set of (positive) primes. Then is the functor that sends to
where is Iverson notation: it’s if divides and otherwise.
If has a right adjoint , then . In particular, is representable for each .
Take the inclusion , where is the category of commutative rings. Now take opposites throughout to get . The resulting nerve functor
sends a ring to (by which I mean the restriction of to the category of fields). More explicitly,
Here is the set of prime ideals of , and is the field of fractions of the integral domain . In particular, is a coproduct of representables for each . (In the terminology of Diers, one therefore says that is a “right multi-adjoint”. A closely related statement is that it’s a parametric right adjoint. But that’s all just jargon that won’t matter for this post.)
Now let’s consider with its additive monoidal structure, so that -categories are generalized metric spaces and -functors are the functions between metric spaces that are variously called short, distance-decreasing, contractive, or 1-Lipschitz: for all . I’ll just call them “maps” of metric spaces.
Take a map of metric spaces. The induced map is given by
Unlike in the first post, I’m not going to assume here that our metric spaces are symmetric. so the “op” on the matters, and in general.
We’ll be particularly interested in the case where the -functor is full and faithful. Most of the examples above have this property. In the metric case, , being full and faithful means being distance-preserving, or in other words, an inclusion of a metric subspace. In that case, it’s normal to drop the . So we’d usually then write
Next I’ll define the potential function of a -functor. For this we need some of the apparatus of magnitude. Roughly speaking, this means we have a notion of the “size” of each object of our base monoidal category .
More exactly, we take a field and a function , to be thought of as assigning to each object of its size . And to make everything work, we assume our size function has reasonable properties:
where is the monoidal product on and is its unit.
The basic definitions are these. A weighting on a finite -category is a function such that
for all , and a coweighting on is a weighting on . Although it’s not true that every finite -category has a unique weighting, it’s a harmless enough assumption that I’ll make it here. The magnitude of a finite -category is
It’s a tiny lemma that the total weight is equal to the total coweight , so you can equivalently define the magnitude to be one or the other.
There’s a whole lot to say about why this is a worthwhile definition, and I’ve said it in detail many times here before. But here I’ll just say two short things:
Taking , , and to be cardinality, the magnitude of a finite category is equal to the Euler characteristic of its classifying space, under suitable hypotheses guaranteeing that the latter is defined.
Take , , and to be (because that’s just about the only function converting the tensor product of into addition, as our size functions are contractually obliged to do). Then we get a notion of the magnitude of a metric space, a real-valued invariant that turns out to be extremely interesting.
That’s the magnitude of enriched categories. But we can also talk about the magnitude of enriched presheaves. Take a finite -category and a -presheaf . Its magnitude is
When I wrote about the magnitude of functors before, I concentrated on covariant functors , which meant that the weights in the weighted sum that defines were, well, the weights . But since we’ve now changed to , the weights have become coweights.
Let me briefly recall why the magnitude of presheaves is interesting, at least in the case :
If our presheaf is a coproduct of representables then is , the cardinality of the colimit of .
The magnitude of presheaves generalizes the magnitude of categories. The magnitude of a category is equal to the magnitude of the presheaf with constant value .
In the other direction, the magnitude of categories generalizes the magnitude of presheaves: for all presheaves . Here means the category of elements of , also called the (domain of the) Grothendieck construction.
It’s enlightening to think of this result as follows. If we extend the codomain of from to then is the colax colimit of . So . You can compare this to the more limited result that , which only holds when has the special property that it’s a coproduct of representables.
There’s also another closely related result, due to Ponto and Shulman: under mild further hypotheses, . Mike and I had a little discussion about the relationship here.
Now here’s something funny. Which do you think is a more refined invariant of a presheaf : the magnitude , which is equal to and , or the cardinality of the strict colimit?
From one perspective, it’s the magnitude. After all, we usually think of lax or pseudo 2-dimensional things as more subtle and revealing than strict 1-dimensional things. But from another, it’s the cardinality of the strict colimit. For instance, if is the one-object category corresponding to a group then is a right -set, the cardinality of the colimit is the number of orbits (an interesting quantity), but the magnitude is always just the cardinality of the set divided by the order of (relatively boring and crude).
In this post I’ll keep comparing these two quantities. Whichever seems “more refined”, the comparison is interesting in itself.
(I stuck to the case here, because for an arbitrary , there isn’t a notion of “colimit” as such: we’d need to think about weighted colimits. It’s also harder to say what the category of elements or homotopy colimit of an enriched presheaf should be.)
Now here’s something new. The potential function of a -functor is the function
defined by
for all . Expanding out the definitions, this means that
where is the notation I introduced for the coweighting on . If is full and faithful then on the set of objects in the image of .
Examples The definition I just gave implicitly assumes that is finite. But I’ll relax that assumption in some of these examples, at the cost of some things getting less than rigorous.
Again, I’ll begin with some examples where .
What’s the potential function of the inclusion ? To make sense of this, we need a coweighting on , and I’m pretty sure there isn’t one. So let’s abandon and instead use its subcategory , consisting of all the finite nonempty totally ordered sets but only the injective order-preserving maps between them. This amounts to considering only face maps, not degeneracies.
The coweighting on is . So, the potential function of is given, on a category , by
Here is the set of paths of length in , which we often write as . So
Even if the category is finite, this is a divergent series. But morally, is the alternating sum of the number of -cells of .
In other words, the potential function of is morally Euler characteristic.
As I hinted above, it’s interesting to compare the potential function with what you get if you take the cardinality of the colimit of instead of its magnitude. I’ll call this the “strict potential function”. In this case, it’s
— the cardinality of the set of connected-components of . So while the potential function gives Euler characteristic, the strict potential function gives the number of connected components.
Similarly, the potential function of the usual functor , sending to , is given by
for topological spaces . Again, this formally looks like Euler characteristic: the alternating sum of the number of cells in each dimension. And much as for categories, the strict potential function gives the number of path-components.
For the inclusion that we saw earlier, the potential function is what’s often denoted by , sending an integer to the number of distinct prime factors of . The strict potential function is the same.
An easy example that works for any : if has a right adjoint then since is representable, its magnitude is equal to the cardinality of its colimit, which is . So has constant value , as does the strict potential function.
More generally, if is a coproduct of representables then , and the same is true for the strict potential function.
For the inclusion , we saw that
for every ring . This is a coproduct of representables, so by the previous example, . That is, the potential function is given by
(as is the strict potential function). Usually is infinite, so this calculation is dodgy, but if we restrict ourselves to finite fields and rings then everything is above board.
For an opfibration , one can show that the potential function is given by
I should explain the notation on the right-hand side. The category is the fibre over , consisting of the objects of that sends to and the maps in that sends to . We can take its magnitude (at least if it’s finite and lightning doesn’t strike), which is what I’ve denoted by .
I won’t include the proof of this result, but I want to emphasize that it doesn’t involve finding a coweighting on . You might think it would, because the definition of involves the coweighting on . But it turns out that it’s enough to just assume it exists.
Now take , so that -categories are generalized metric spaces. The potential function of a map of metric spaces is the function given by
In particular, if is the inclusion of a subspace , then it’s natural to write instead of , and we have
This is equal to on but can take other values on . In suitable infinite contexts, sums become integrals and becomes something like a measure or distribution, in which case the formula becomes
This is exactly the formula for the potential function in Part 1, with one difference: there, I used weightings on , and here, I’m using coweightings. It’s coweightings that one should use. In the previous post, I assumed that all metrics were symmetric, which means that weightings and coweightings are the same. So there’s no inconsistency.
(Of course, one could take duals throughout and use weightings on instead. But we’ll see that whichever choice you make, you end up having to consider weightings on one of and and coweightings on the other.)
What about the strict potential function, sending a point to the “cardinality of the colimit of ”? Well, I put that phrase in inverted commas because we’re now in an enriched context, so it needs a bit of interpretation. “Cardinality” is okay: it becomes the size function . “Colimit” wouldn’t usually make sense in an enriched world, but we’re saved by the fact that the monoidal unit of (namely, ) is terminal. The colimit of a -functor into is just its infimum. So the strict potential function of a map of metric spaces is just
I showed you an example of the difference between the potential function and the strict potential function in Part 1, although not with those words. If we take to be the inclusion then the potential function is
whereas the strict potential function is
These two functions are identical on , but different on the interval . If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between strict and lax colimits, here’s an example!
By definition, the potential function of an enriched functor is given by
but a slightly different viewpoint is sometimes helpful. We can take the function and push it forward forward along to obtain a new function
Really it’s best to think of as not a function but a measure taking values in (although these are the same thing on a finite set). Then this is just the usual pushforward measure construction. In any case, the formula for the potential function now becomes
which has the advantage that everything is taking place in rather than . In the case where is an embedding of a subspace of a metric space, is just the extension of the measure on to all of , which we’d usually just write as (with a wink to the audience). In integral notation, the last formula becomes
which is what we had in the last post.
I’ve now explained what potential functions are. But what are they good for?
Last time, I explained that they’re very good indeed for helping us to calculate the magnitude of metric spaces. The key was that
for a subspace of a metric space . And as I recounted, that key unlocks the door to the world of PDE methods.
So you might hope something similar is true for enriched categories in general: that there’s a formula for the magnitude in terms of the potential function. And there is! For any -functor , it’s a theorem that
This is an easy calculation from the definitions.
(If you’re really paying attention, you’ll notice that we used the coweighting on to define the potential function, and now we’re using the weighting on . That’s just how it turns out. One is a weighting, and the other is a coweighting.)
For a -functor that has a right adjoint, we saw that the potential function has constant value , so this formula tells us that
But the right-hand side is by definition the magnitude of , so what this formula is saying is that
In other words, if there’s an adjunction between two categories, their magnitudes are equal!
This has been known forever (Proposition 2.4), and is also intuitive from a homotopical viewpoint. But it’s nice that it just pops out.
Less trivially, we saw above that for an opfibration , the potential function is . So
In other words, the magnitude of the “total” category is the weighted sum over the base of the magnitudes of the fibres. (Special case: the magnitude of a product is the product of the magnitudes.)
Now this has been known forever too (Proposition 2.8), but I want to emphasize that the proof is fundamentally different from the one I just linked. That proof constructs the weighting on from the weightings on the base and the fibres. Now that’s an easy and informative proof, but what we’ve just done is different, because it didn’t involve figuring out the weighting or coweighting on . So although the result isn’t new or difficult, it’s perhaps grounds for optimism that the method of potential functions will let us prove new things about enriched categories other than metric spaces.
What new things? I don’t know! This is where I’ve got to now. Maybe there are applications in the metric world in which is nothing like an inclusion. Maybe there are applications to graphs, replacing the PDE methods used for subspaces of by discrete analogues. Maybe the potential function method can be used to shed light on the tricky result that the magnitude of graphs is invariant under certain Whitney twists (Theorem 5.2), and more generally under the sycamore twists introduced by Emily Roff (Theorem 6.5). Let’s find out!
Re: Potential Functions and the Magnitude of Functors 2
This is all very interesting. I confess that the category theory got too heavy for me almost right away (lots of words whose definitions I have read and understood, but never properly internalized), but I definitely want to understand this thoroughly as soon as I have the time for it.
One little thing that I think is worth noting is that I believe (please correct me if I’m wrong) that the places where coweightings turn out to be appropriate to use are precisely the places where, in infinite metric space contexts, we use measure- or distribution-like objects. This fits perfectly with the fact that a weighting is a function but a coweighting is canonically the same as a -linear function (right?).