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January 29, 2025

Comagnitude 2

Posted by Tom Leinster

Previously: Part 1

Last time, I talked about the magnitude of a set-valued functor. Today, I’ll introduce the comagnitude of a set-valued functor.

I don’t know how much there is to the comagnitude idea. Let’s see! I’ll tell you all the interesting things I know about it.

Along the way, I’ll also ask an elementary question about group actions that I hope someone knows how to answer.


First, a quick recap of last time. A weighting on a finite category AA is a function w A:ob(A)w_A: ob(A) \to \mathbb{Q} such that

aA|A(b,a)|w A(a)=1 \sum_{a \in A} |A(b, a)| w_A(a) = 1

for all bAb \in A. This is a system of linear equations with as many equations as unknowns, so there’s usually a unique weighting w Aw_A on AA. The magnitude of a functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet is defined to be

|X|= aw A(a)|X(a)|. |X| = \sum_a w_A(a) |X(a)| \in \mathbb{Q}.

This is equal to the cardinality of the colimit of XX when XX is a coproduct of representables. Examples of this equality include the inclusion-exclusion principle and the simple formula for the number of orbits of a free action of a group on a finite set. But even when XX isn’t a coproduct of representables, |X||X| means something, and I gave a few examples involving entropy.

There’s also a definition of the magnitude (or Euler characteristic) of a finite category AA: it’s the total weight

|A|= aAw A(a). |A| = \sum_{a \in A} w_A(a).

This is equal to the magnitude of the constant functor Δ1:AFinSet\Delta 1: A \to FinSet that sends everything to the one-element set.

But in the other direction, the definition of the magnitude of a set-valued functor can also be seen as a special case of the definition of the magnitude of a category: |X||X| is equal to the magnitude of 𝔼(X)\mathbb{E}(X), the category of elements of XX. In a comment on the last post, Mike Shulman pointed to work of his and Kate Ponto’s showing that it’s also equal to the Euler characteristic of the homotopy colimit of XX, under some fairly mild additional hypotheses on AA.

Aside   The two results in the last paragraph are easily deduced from each other, up to some small changes in the hypotheses on AA. This isn’t entirely surprising, as 𝔼(X)\mathbb{E}(X) is the colax colimit of X:ACatX: A \to Cat (where I’ve changed the codomain of XX from SetSet to CatCat by viewing sets as discrete categories). In any case, Thomason proved that the nerve of 𝔼(X)\mathbb{E}(X) is homotopy equivalent to hocolim(X)hocolim(X), so in particular, they have the same Euler characteristic. But the Euler characteristic of the nerve of a category is its magnitude (under hypotheses), so

|𝔼(X)|=χ(hocolim(X)). |\mathbb{E}(X)| = \chi(hocolim(X)).

Thus, if we know that one side of this equation is equal to |X||X|, then so is the other. A few more details of this argument are in my comment here.

But there’s a but! Whereas magnitude can be defined for categories as well as set-valued functors, it will turn out that comagnitude can’t be, as far as I can see. We’ll get to this later.

The cardinality of a limit

Let’s play a dual game to the one we played last time: given a finite category AA and a functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet, can we find a formula for the cardinality of the limit of XX, in terms of AA and the cardinalities of the sets X(a)X(a) (aAa \in A) only?

Of course, we can’t in general: |limX||lim X| depends on what XX does to the maps in AA as well as the objects. But there are significant cases where we can:


  • If AA is the two-object discrete category (01)(0 \quad 1) then a functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet is a pair (X 0,X 1)(X_0, X_1) of finite sets, and

    |X 0×X 1|=|X 0|×|X 1|. |X_0 \times X_1| = |X_0| \times |X_1|.

  • What about pullbacks? Take finite sets and functions

    X 0fX 1gX 2. X_0 \stackrel{f}{\rightarrow} X_1 \stackrel{g}{\leftarrow} X_2.

    Suppose ff is uniform, meaning that all its fibres are isomorphic: f 1(y)f 1(y)f^{-1}(y) \cong f^{-1}(y') for all y,yX 1y, y' \in X_1. This is equivalent to the condition that ff is a product projection X 1×FX 1X_1 \times F \to X_1, a condition I talked about here, using the word “projection” instead of “uniform”. Using the uniformity of ff, it’s a little exercise to show that the pullback of our diagram has cardinality

    |X 0||X 2||X 1|. \frac{{|X_0|} \cdot {|X_2|}}{|X_1|}.

  • In a similar way, we can show that the equalizer of a pair of functions f,g:X 0X 1f, g: X_0 \to X_1 has cardinality |X 0|/|X 1|{|X_0|}/{|X_1|} if the function (f,g):X 0X 1×X 1(f, g): X_0 \to X_1 \times X_1 is uniform.

    You can think of this condition as saying that given an element x 0X 0x_0 \in X_0 chosen uniformly at random, all pairs (f(x 0),g(x 0))(f(x_0), g(x_0)) are equally likely. In particular, the probability that (f(x 0),g(x 0))(f(x_0), g(x_0)) lies on the diagonal of X 1×X 1X_1 \times X_1 is

    |diagonal||X 1×X 1|=|X 1||X 1||X 1|=1|X 1|. \frac{|diagonal|}{|X_1 \times X_1|} = \frac{|X_1|}{{|X_1|}\cdot {|X_1|}} = \frac{1}{|X_1|}.

    Since an element x 0X 0x_0 \in X_0 is in the equalizer if and only if (f(x 0),g(x 0))(f(x_0), g(x_0)) lies on the diagonal, we’d expect the equalizer to have cardinality |X 0|/|X 1|{|X_0|}/{|X_1|}, and it does. I’ll come back to this probabilistic idea later, rigorously.

  • Now let’s consider cofree actions of a group GG on a set. By definition, the cofree GG-set generated by a set SS is the set S GS^G of GG-indexed families (s g) gG(s_g)_{g \in G} of elements of SS (or functions GSG \to S if you prefer), with action

    h(s g) gG=(s gh) gG. h \cdot (s_g)_{g \in G} = (s_{g h})_{g \in G}.

    The fixed points of this GG-set are the constant families (s) gG(s)_{g \in G}, for sSs \in S. So, if we’re given just the GG-set S GS^G and not told what SS is, we can reconstruct SS anyway: it’s the set of fixed points. In particular, when everything is finite, |S||S| is the cardinality of the GG-set to the power of 1/o(G)1/o(G) (writing oo for order).

    Now, when a GG-set is regarded as a functor BGSetB G \to Set, the set of fixed points is the limit of the functor. So for a functor X:BGFinSetX: B G \to FinSet corresponding to a cofree action of a group GG on a finite set X 0X_0,

    |limX|=|X 0| 1/o(G). |lim X| = |X_0|^{1/o(G)}.

Let me digress briefly to ask an elementary question:

Question   How do you recognize a cofree group action?

What I mean is this. Define a GG-set to be free if it’s isomorphic to G×SG \times S (with its usual action) for some set SS. It’s a useful little theorem that a GG-set XX is free if and only if:

for all gGg \in G, if gx=xg x = x for some xXx \in X then g=1g = 1.

Is there an analogous result for cofree actions?

As I mentioned above, if you’ve got a cofree GG-set XX and you want to find the set SS such that XS GX \cong S^G, it’s easy: SS is the set of fixed points. But I can’t get any further than that, or obtain any non-tautological necessary and sufficient condition for a GG-set to be cofree.

Back to the cardinality of limits! In all the examples above, for functors X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet satisfying certain conditions, we had

|limX|= aA|X(a)| q(a) |lim X| = \prod_{a \in A} |X(a)|^{q(a)}

for some rational numbers q(a)q(a) (aAa \in A) depending only on AA, not XX. If you read Part 1, you might be able to guess both what these numbers q(a)q(a) are and what condition on XX guarantees that this equation holds. So I’ll just jump to the answer and state the definitions that make it all work.

Here goes. A coweighting on AA is a weighting on A opA^{op}, or explicitly, a function w A:ob(A)w^A: ob(A) \to \mathbb{Q} such that

aA|A(a,b)|w A(a)=1 \sum_{a \in A} |A(a, b)| w^A(a) = 1

for all bAb \in A. As for weightings, I’ll assume throughout that AA has exactly one coweighting, which is generically true.

As I explained in a previous post, the forgetful functor

Set ASet ob(A) Set^A \to Set^{ob(A)}

has both a left adjoint LL and a right adjoint RR. A functor ASetA \to Set is in the image of LL if and only if it’s a coproduct of representables; these were the functors that made the formula for the cardinality of a colimit work. I’ll say a functor ASetA \to Set is cofree if it’s in the image of RR. These are the ones that make the formula for the magnitude of a limit work:

Theorem   Let AA be a finite category and X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet a cofree functor. Then

|limX|= aA|X(a)| w A(a). |lim X| = \prod_{a \in A} |X(a)|^{w^A(a)}.

What do the cofree functors actually look like? I don’t know a really easily testable condition — and that’s why I asked the question above about cofree actions by a group. But they’re not the products of representables. In fact, given a family of sets

(S(a)) aASet ob(A), (S(a))_{a \in A} \in Set^{ob(A)},

the cofree functor X=R(S)X = R(S) is given by

X(a)= bS(b) A(a,b). X(a) = \prod_b S(b)^{A(a, b)}.

You can see from this formula how X(a)X(a) is functorial in aa. (The right-hand side is doubly contravariant in aa, which means it’s covariant.) In examples, the functions

X(a)X(u)X(b) X(a) \stackrel{X(u)}{\to} X(b)

arising from maps auba \stackrel{u}{\to} b in AA have a strong tendency to be uniform, in the sense I defined in the pullback example above. In fact, as I mentioned in a previous post, X(u)X(u) is always uniform if uu is epic, and in the kinds of category AA that we often take limits over, the maps often are epic.


  • When AA is a two-object discrete category, so that limits over AA are binary products, every functor AFinSetA \to FinSet is cofree, the coweights of the objects of AA are both 11, and the theorem gives the usual formula for the cardinality of a product of two finite sets.

  • For pullbacks, we’re taking AA to be (012)(0 \rightarrow 1 \leftarrow 2), whose coweighting is (1,1,1)(1, -1, 1). A functor AFinSetA \to FinSet is a diagram (X 0X 1X 2)(X_0 \rightarrow X_1 \leftarrow X_2) of finite sets, and it’s cofree if and only if both these functions are uniform. In that case, the theorem gives us the formula we saw before for the cardinality of a pullback: it’s

    |X 0||X 2||X 1|. \frac{{|X_0|}\cdot {|X_2|}}{|X_1|}.

  • Similarly, a functor from A=(01)A = (0 \rightrightarrows 1) to FinSetFinSet consists of finite sets and functions f,g:X 0X 1f, g: X_0 \to X_1, it’s cofree if and only if (f,g):X 0X 1×X 1(f, g): X_0 \to X_1 \times X_1 is uniform, and the theorem tells us that the equalizer has cardinality

    |X 0||X 1|. \frac{|X_0|}{|X_1|}.

  • Finally, when AA is the one-object category corresponding to a group GG, the single coweight is 1/o(G)1/o(G), a functor AFinSetA \to FinSet is a finite GG-set XX, and the theorem tells us that if the action is cofree then the number of fixed points is

    |X 0| 1/o(G)|X_0|^{1/o(G)}

    (where |X 0||X_0| means the cardinality of the underlying set X 0X_0 of XX).

Comagnitude: definition and examples

Given an arbitrary functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet, not necessarily cofree, it’s typically not true that

|limX|= aA|X(a)| w A(a). |lim X| = \prod_{a \in A} |X(a)|^{w^A(a)}.

But we can still think about the right-hand side! So I’ll define the comagnitude X\|X\| of XX by

X= aA|X(a)| w A(a) +. \|X\| = \prod_{a \in A} |X(a)|^{w^A(a)} \in \mathbb{R}^+.

(The notation X\|X\| isn’t great, and isn’t intended to suggest a norm. I just wanted something that looked similar to but different from X\|X\|. Suggestions are welcome.)


  • If XX is cofree then X=|limX|\|X\| = {|lim X|}.

  • For a diagram X=(X 0X 1X 2)X = (X_0 \rightarrow X_1 \leftarrow X_2) of finite sets, seen as a set-valued functor in the usual way,

    X=|X 0||X 2||X 1|. \|X\| = \frac{{|X_0|}\cdot {|X_2|}}{|X_1|}.

  • Similarly, for a diagram X=(X 0X 1)X = (X_0 \rightrightarrows X_1) of finite sets,

    X=|X 0||X 1|. \|X\| = \frac{|X_0|}{|X_1|}.

  • For a finite set X 0X_0 equipped with an action of a finite monoid GG, the comagnitude of the corresponding functor X:BGFinSetX: B G \to FinSet is given by

    X=|X 0| 1/o(G). \|X\| = |X_0|^{1/o(G)}.

  • Let AA be any finite category and SS any finite set. The constant functor ΔS:AFinSet\Delta S: A \to FinSet with value SS has comagnitude

    a|S| w A(a)=|S| aw A(a). \prod_a |S|^{w^A(a)} = |S|^{\sum_a w^A(a)}.

    Now it’s a tiny lemma that the total coweight of a category AA is equal to the total weight (try it!), which by definition is the magnitude of AA. So

    AΔSFinSet=|S| |A|. \| A \stackrel{\Delta S}{\to} FinSet \| = |S|^{|A|}.

For the next example, I have in my head an imaginary dialogue.

Me: Here’s a finite category AA. I’m going to choose a functor X:ASetX: A \to Set in secret, and I’m going to tell you the set X(a)X(a) for each object aa of AA, but I’m not going to tell you what XX does to morphisms. I want you to calculate the cardinality of the limit of XX.

You: That’s impossible! The cardinality of the limit depends on what XX does to morphisms as well as objects.

Me: Try anyway.

You: Well, okay. If the only information I’ve got is which set each object of AA gets sent to, and I’m supposed to calculate the cardinality of the limit, then the best I can do is to consider all functors that do what you say on objects. I’ll calculate the cardinality of the limit of each one, then take the average. That’s the best guess I can make.

This suggests an idea: could the comagnitude of a functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet be the expected value of |limY||lim Y| for a random functor Y:AFinSetY: A \to FinSet satisfying |Y(a)|=|X(a)|{|Y(a)|} = {|X(a)|}?

Sadly not, in general (regardless of what probability distribution you use). Bu there’s a significant case where the answer is yes, where comagnitude can be characterized in terms of random functors:

Example   Let QQ be a quiver (directed multigraph). We can form the free category FQF Q on QQ, whose objects are the vertices of QQ and whose maps are the directed paths of edges in QQ. Assuming that QQ is finite and acyclic, the category FQF Q is finite too.

It’s a theorem that for a functor X:FQFinSetX: F Q \to FinSet, the comagnitude X\|X\| is the expected value of |limY||lim Y| for a functor Y:AFinSetY: A \to FinSet chosen uniformly at random subject to the condition that Y(a)=X(a)Y(a) = X(a) for all aAa \in A.

This covers cases such as products, pullbacks and equalizers: all those categories AA are free on a quiver.

(Incidentally, the cofree functors on FQF Q have a simple explicit description, which I gave here. For those, the cardinality of the limit is equal to the expected value: it’s “what you’d expect”.)

(Co)magnitude of functors vs. (co)magnitude of categories

I mentioned earlier that the constant functor ΔS:AFinSet\Delta S: A \to FinSet has comagnitude |S| |A||S|^{|A|}, for any finite set SS. In this sense, the definition of the magnitude of a category is a special case of the definition of the comagnitude of a set-valued functor (sort of; maybe “special case” is slightly overstating it). With the situation for magnitude in mind, you might wonder whether, in the other direction, the definition of the comagnitude of a set-valued functor is a special case of the definition of the magnitude of a category, or of some notion of the “comagnitude of a category”.

Not as far as I can see. For a start, two set-valued functors can have the same category of elements but different comagnitudes; so for a functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet, there’s no way we’re going to be able to extract the comagnitude of XX from its category of elements. Now the category of elements is a colax colimit, so you might think of using the lax limit instead. Or you might remember the result of Ponto and Shulman that the magnitude of XX is the Euler characteristic of its homotopy colimit (under hypotheses on AA), and hope for some dual result involving homotopy limits instead.

But I don’t think any of that works. For a start, if we view X:ASetX: A \to Set as a functor ACatA \to Cat taking values in discrete categories, then its lax limit is simply the discrete category on the set limXlim X. That’s too trivial to help. But more importantly, coweights can be fractional, which means that comagnitudes

X= a|X(a)| w A(a) \|X\| = \prod_a |X(a)|^{w^A(a)}

are in general irrational. Since the magnitude of a finite category is always rational, there’s no finite category in the world whose magnitude is going to be X\|X\|.

Properties of comagnitude

In any case, comagnitude of set-valued functors has some good properties. Most simply, if XY:AFinSetX \cong Y: A \to FinSet then X=Y\|X\| = \|Y\|. Also, given functors

AFBYFinSet, A \stackrel{F}{\to} B \stackrel{Y}{\to} FinSet,

we have YF=Y\|Y \circ F\| = \|Y\| if FF is an equivalence, or even just if FF has a right adjoint. Comagnitude also behaves well with respect to limits. For example, given functors X,Y,Z:AFinSetX, Y, Z: A \to FinSet and natural transformations

XYZ X \rightarrow Y \leftarrow Z

such that the diagram

X(a)Y(a)Z(a) X(a) \rightarrow Y(a) \leftarrow Z(a)

is cofree for each aa (meaning that both functions are uniform), then the comagnitude of the pullback

X× YZ:AFinSet X \times_Y Z : A \to FinSet

is given by

X× YZ=XZY. \|X \times_Y Z\| = \frac{\|X\| \cdot \|Z\|}{\|Y\|}.

A similar result holds for any other limit shape.


The last idea I want to share is about “codiscrepancy”. For a functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet, typically |limX|X{|lim X|} \neq \|X\| unless XX is cofree. We can measure the extent to which this equation fails by defining the codiscrepancy of XX to be

|limX|X +. \frac{|lim X|}{\|X\|} \in \mathbb{R}^+.

(I’ll ignore the possibility that this is 0/00/0.) In my last post, I used the word “discrepancy” for the difference between the cardinality of the colimit and the magnitude. For limits and comagnitude, taking the ratio seems more appropriate than taking the difference.


  • Take an equalizer diagram EX 0X 1E \to X_0 \rightrightarrows X_1 in FinSetFinSet. Its codiscrepancy is

    |E||X 0|/|X 1|=|E||X 1||X 0|. \frac{|E|}{{|X_0|}/{|X_1|}} = \frac{{|E|} \cdot {|X_1|}}{|X_0|}.

    In the case of discrepancy and magnitude last time, there was some discussion in both the post and the comments about the relationship between discrepancy and the Euler characteristic of chain complexes. Codiscrepancy seems more related to homotopy cardinality, where we take an alternating product of cardinalities of homotopy groups rather than an alternating sum of ranks of homology groups. But I’m still absorbing the comments from last time and won’t try to say more now.

  • For a pullback diagram

    P X 0 X 2 X 1 \begin{array}{ccc} P & \rightarrow & X_0 \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ X_2 & \rightarrow & X_1 \end{array}

    in FinSet, the codiscrepancy is

    |P||X 0||X 2|/|X 1|=|P||X 1||X 0||X 2|. \frac{|P|}{{|X_0|}\cdot {|X_2|}/{|X_1|}} = \frac{{|P|}\cdot{|X_1|}}{{|X_0|}\cdot{|X_2|}}.

    This provides an answer — although maybe not a completely satisfying one — to the question I posed at the end of part 1: can mutual information be seen as some kind of magnitude?

    Here’s how. As explained in the example on conditional entropy in part 1, an integer-valued measure on a product I×JI \times J of finite sets can be seen as a set AA together with a function AI×JA \to I \times J, or equivalently a pair of functions IAJI \leftarrow A \rightarrow J. The pullback square

    I×J I J 1 \begin{array}{ccc} I \times J & \rightarrow & I \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ J & \rightarrow & 1 \end{array}

    of sets gives rise to a pullback square of monoids

    End I×J(A) End I(A) End J(A) End(A), \begin{array}{ccc} End_{I \times J}(A) & \rightarrow & End_I(A) \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ End_J(A) & \rightarrow & End(A), \end{array}

    where, for instance, End I(A)End_I(A) is the monoid of endomorphisms of AA over II. And the codiscrepancy of this pullback square is

    |End(A)||End I×J(A)||End I(A)||End J(A)|, \frac{{|End(A)|}\cdot{|End_{I \times J}(A)|}}{{|End_I(A)|}\cdot{|End_J(A)|}},

    This is exactly the mutual information of our measure on I×JI \times J. So that gives the definition of the mutual information of an integer-valued measure, and by the same kind of argument we used last time, we can easily get from this the definition for arbitrary measures, including probability measures.


Zooming out now and contemplating everything in this post and the last, the big question in my mind is: what’s this all good for? Do the magnitude and comagnitude of set-valued functors have significance beyond the examples I’ve given?

And what about the world of enriched categories and functors? The most novel and startling results in the theory of magnitude have come from thinking about metric spaces as enriched categories. So what happens in that setting? Are there interesting results?

Posted at January 29, 2025 10:50 PM UTC

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6 Comments & 0 Trackbacks

Re: Comagnitude 2

This is really interesting!

I’m sure you know this, but I thought I would point out that althought the free functors are the coproducts of representables and the cofree functors are not the products of representables, there are (of course) ways of expressing the two that do look dual. Just as the cofree functors are those of the form X(a)= bS(b) A(a,b)X(a) = \prod_b S(b)^{A(a,b)}, the free functors are those of the form X(a)= bS(b)A(b,a)X(a) = \coprod_b S(b) \cdot A(b,a). So we both dualize products to coproducts and also powers to copowers.

And I’m also sure you know this (because it’s probably how you prove the theorem about cardinalities of limits), but if you have such a presentation of a functor as cofree, then you can say what its limit is, namely bS(b)\prod_b S(b). Just as if you have such a presentation of a functor as free, then its colimit is bS(b)\coprod_b S(b).

Of course, now I want to know whether any of the Ponto-Shulman theory dualizes. In particular, is there some natural kind of “limit” that the comagnitude of a non-cofree functor “counts”? As you pointed out, taking homotopy limits doesn’t help, because discrete sets are closed under limits in \infty-groupoids. But if we zoom out a bit, we can say that what happened in the magnitude case is that we applied some functor Σ:FinSet𝒮\Sigma : FinSet \to \mathcal{S} (where 𝒮\mathcal{S} could be a higher category) that preserves colimits of free functors but not all colimits, and observe that (under some conditions) the magnitude of XX calculates the “size” of colim(ΣX)\colim(\Sigma\circ X). And that might dualize: could there be some functor Π:FinSet𝒯\Pi : FinSet \to\mathcal{T} that preserves limits of cofree functors but not all limits, such that the comagnitude of XX calculates the “size” of lim(ΠX)\lim(\Pi \circ X)?

Relatedly, what progress has been made on understanding homotopy cardinality since those slides from 2003 that you linked to? I see its nLab page has a bunch of more recent references, but not much indication of what they contain.

Posted by: Mike Shulman on February 1, 2025 6:32 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Comagnitude 2

Right, I should have emphasized those dualities that you emphasized!

One piece of progress on homotopy cardinality that’s been made since that old talk of John’s was a paper of John Berman’s, Euler characteristic and homotopy cardinality (arXiv:1811.07437), the abstract of which reads as follows:

Baez asks whether the Euler characteristic (defined for spaces with finite homology) can be reconciled with the homotopy cardinality (defined for spaces with finite homotopy). We consider the smallest infinity category Top rxTop^{rx} containing both these classes of spaces and closed under homotopy pushout squares. In our main result, we compute the K-theory K 0(Top rx)K_0(Top^{rx}), which is freely generated by equivalence classes of connected p-finite spaces, as p ranges over all primes. This provides a negative answer to Baez’s question globally, but a positive answer when we restrict attention to a prime.

Maybe John will appear here and tell us if he knows of any other progress.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on February 1, 2025 9:01 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Comagnitude 2

Also, Lior Yanovski’s paper Homotopy Cardinality via Extrapolation of Morava-Euler Characteristics (2303.02603) has a related abstract:

We answer a question of John Baez, on the relationship between the classical Euler characteristic and the Baez-Dolan homotopy cardinality, by constructing a unique additive common generalization after restriction to an odd prime pp. This is achieved by \ell-adically extrapolating to height n=1n = -1 the sequence of Euler characteristics associated with the Morava K(n)K(n) cohomology theories for (any) |p1\ell | p-1. We compute this sequence explicitly in several cases and incorporate in the theory some folklore heuristic comparisons between the Euler characteristic and the homotopy cardinality involving summation of divergent series.

He claims in a footnote that

A solution using a different technique was claimed in [Berman’s preprint], but apparently it has a mistake. The proposed approach is however still interesting and merits further investigation.

He doesn’t say anything about what the mistake might be, though.

Posted by: Mike Shulman on February 1, 2025 4:08 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Comagnitude 2

Lior Yanovski told me that Berman himself informed him that Berman’s paper has a mistake, which is why it was never published, and was removed from Berman’s homepage. Yanovski said someone else also told him Berman’s paper contains several serious errors.

I wish someone would come out and explain the problems in detail, and I wish Berman would add a note to his paper on the arXiv explaining the situation.

However, Yanovski agreed that Berman’s negative result presented in Section 1.2 is correct. (This is perhaps unsurprising, since Berman credits this result to Schlank and Yanovski, and it also appears in Yanovski’s paper.) This is an example of the failure of homotopy cardinality to get along with homotopy pushouts. So, there are spaces with well-defined homotopy cardinality where XX is the homotopy pushout of AA and BB over ZZ, yet

|X||A|+|B||Z| |X| \ne |A| + |B| - |Z|

The example is quite simple.

I have no further news about progress in the subject of homotopy cardinality!

Posted by: John Baez on February 1, 2025 6:03 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Comagnitude 2

Here are some of my thoughts towards finding such a functor Π:FinSet𝒯\Pi : FinSet \to \mathcal{T}, although they haven’t borne any fruit yet.

Let’s back up and think about how we constructed Σ:FinSetChainComplexes\Sigma : FinSet \to ChainComplexes first. In our general theory, the kinds of colimits that have a “linearity formula” for the “size” of a colimit are the “absolute” ones (those whose weights are adjoint profunctors). And given a monoidal category, which ought to be nice like locally presentable, its “stabilization” is the universal way to make all finite colimits absolute.

Now FinSet isn’t locally presentable, but we can embed any small category CC in its presheaf (\infty-)category and then stabilize that; I think the result will be the category of presheaves of spectra on CC, which we could probably simplify by thinking about presheaves of chain complexes. But we’d also like to preserve some good colimits, like the finite coproducts in FinSet that always have a linearity formula already, so we can cut down to the presheaves of chain complexes on FinSet that preserve finite coproducts.

But FinSet is freely generated under finite coproducts by a point, so this is just ordinary chain complexes, with Σ(X)= X\Sigma(X) = \mathbb{Z}^X in degree 0. This also implies that the image of every object of FinSet is dualizable in chain complexes, so it has a monoidal Euler characteristic, to which we can apply the general theory of linearity.

Now let’s try to dualize and start with FinSet opFinSet^{op}. We can still embed this in presheaves of chain complexes on it, which is to say [FinSet,ChainComplexes][FinSet, ChainComplexes], and then cut down to the functors that preserve finite products. FinSet isn’t freely generated by finite products, so these functors won’t be as simple; but that’s probably not a problem, I would expect to get a more exotic category.

The deeper problem I haven’t figured out how to get around yet is that the images of objects in FinSet won’t necessarily become dualizable in this presheaf category. Any ideas are welcome.

(I’m not worried yet about the difference between additive and multiplicative relations in magnitude vs comagnitude; I’m hoping that if something like this works, then the Euler characteristics of 𝒯\mathcal{T} will land in someplace that’s related to comagnitude by a sort of logarithm, so that the additive relations coming from categorical linearity will become the multiplicative relations in this post.)

Posted by: Mike Shulman on February 6, 2025 7:10 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Comagnitude 2

There have been lots of thought-provoking comments on this and the last post (and the related seminar I gave the other day), which is great, but I’m not finding time to keep up. Even though I’m on sabbatical, it’s PhD admissions season, which means I’m trying to do about twelve things at once.

In any case, I wanted to jot down a couple of thoughts about comagnitude while they’re on my mind.

The idea is to consider the cardinality of weighted limits, not just ordinary limits. This is a perilous venture, as the word “weight” is now being used in two different senses simultaneously. (Whoever introduced this word in the magnitude sense should have seen this problem coming and chosen different terminology.) But let’s forge ahead anyway.

Let AA be a finite category and W:AFinSetW: A \to FinSet a functor, to be thought of as a weight in the weighted limit sense. A coweighting on WW is a function k:ob(W)k: ob(W) \to \mathbb{Q} such that

aA|A(a,b)|k(a)=|W(b)| \sum_{a \in A} {|A(a, b)|} k(a) = {|W(b)|}

for all bAb \in A. For example, if WW has constant value 11 then a coweighting on WW is the same as a coweighting on the category AA.

This is a linear system with the same number of equations as unknowns, so generically there’s a unique coweighting k Wk^W on WW.


Theorem   Let AA be a finite category, let W:AFinSetW: A \to FinSet be a functor, and let k Wk^W be a coweighting on WW. For a cofree functor X:AFinSetX: A \to FinSet, the weighted limit {W,X}\{W, X\} satisfies

|{W,X}|= a|X(a)| k W(a). {|\{W, X\}|} = \prod_a {|X(a)|}^{k^W(a)}.


The proof is very like the proof in the unweighted case (to which it reduces in the case where WW has constant value 11). The key step is that if XX is cofree on a family of sets (S(a)) aA(S(a))_{a \in A}, so that

X(a)= bS(b) X(a,b) X(a) = \prod_b S(b)^{X(a, b)}

for all aAa \in A, then

{W,X}= aS(a) W(a). \{W, X\} = \prod_a S(a)^{W(a)}.

One trivial but noteworthy principle used in the proof is that for finite sets PP and QQ,

|Q P|=|Q| |P|. |Q^P| = {|Q|}^{|P|}.

I mention this because if we want to do comagnitude for enriched categories then we’ll need to be thinking about weighted limits, but the typical size functions that one uses in magnitude don’t satisfy this principle. For example, if we’re enriching in FinCat and using magnitude of categories as our size function, then a functor category [P,Q][P, Q] does not have magnitude |Q| |P|{|Q|}^{|P|}; worse, it’s not even determined by |P||P| and |Q||Q|.

Nevertheless, something good seems to happen with limits in the enriched setting. I tried comma categories as a test case, these being certain weighted limits with V=CatV = Cat. The little result is that the comma category FGF\downarrow G of functors

AFBGC A \stackrel{F}{\rightarrow} B \stackrel{G}{\leftarrow} C

has magnitude

|A||C||B| \frac{{|A|}{|C|}}{|B|}

provided that FF and GG are product projections in CatCat. I suspect the fact that this works has something to do with how simple the weight is in this case. But I don’t know how the general story goes.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on February 7, 2025 7:37 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

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