Physical Systems as Topoi, Part III
Posted by Urs Schreiber
Yesterday night I had to interrupt my transcript of Andreas Döring’s talk. Here is the continuation.
[I had broken off where Andreas Döring began explaining how to get subobjects of the spectral presheaf from a projection operator. I’ll recall that last bit.]
Given any projection operator on the Hilbert space , we want to interpret it “in every context” [recall that a “context” here is a commutative subalgebra of ].
This is accomplished by constructing for each projector a subobject of the spectral presheaf. This subobject is the presheaf on which sends any commutative subalgebra to the following subset of its Gelfand spectrum: where is that particular projector in with the property that its image contains that of and is the smallest such image.
This map is called the daseinization map.
Notice that not every subobject of comes from a projection operator this way.
Daseinization of self-adjoint operators
[Now Andreas Döring talked about how to turn self-adjoint operators into morphisms from the spectral presheav to some other presheaf “of values”. At this point my notes become a little shaky, since he was going too fast.. But luckily this is precisely the stuff explained by Squark to me and summarized here, so I’ll just recall that:
If we know how to do something for projectors, then we can do the same, using functional caculus, for any self-adjoint operator. This gives us for each self-adjoint operator and each commutative subalgebra an operator the daseinization of .
Next, let be the presheaf on which sends each commutative subalgebra to the set of decreasing functions on the collection of its subalgebras.
Then the daseinization construction yields a morphism of presheaves which is such that it sends each element in the Gelfand spectrum of to the function on subalgebras .]
Pure states as morphisms
In order to assign truth values to propositions, we have to represent states within the topos of presheaves on .
To each pure state we will assign a truth value in the internal logic of the topos.
In classical mechanics, in the topos , a pure state [a point in phase space] is a morphism from subsets of phase space to the subobject classifier set Hence, now, we want to find a way to get from a state a morphism
[Here is the presheaf of sieves which I mentioned in Part II.
I missed the definition of , apparently, but it should be the collection of global sections of , I assume, hence .
Oh, dear, now I realize that I cannot really make sense of my notes on how is defined! Maybe somebody reading this here who knows this stuff can help.
Anyway, this was the punchline, then. I’ll skip to the summary and stop there. Sorry.]
In the general topos-theoretic setup, propositions about physical systems correspond to subobjects of the spectral presheaf.
Moreover, pure states give rise to morphisms and physical quantities to morphisms
All this can in principle be done in any other topos.
[But notice, as I had remarked in part I, that not every morphism corresponds to a pure state and not every morphism corresponds to a physical quantity. Hence, it seems to me, it would in fact not be clear how to define a “physical quantity” in an arbitrary topos with chosen objects and .
Experts on this stuff should please correct me, but my impression is that without such a characterization, we haven’t really reached the goal yet of extracting the topos-internal “arrow theory” of physical quantities, etc.
Maybe one problem is that the current setup is rather too general in its assumptions. I am wondering why none of the older ideas by Chris Isham on “quantizing on a category” seem to enter this approach so far. They certainly appear to be relevant.
In QFT of Charged n-Particle: Algebra of Observables I argue that within this framework of “quantizing on a category” one finds a rather nice arrow-theoretic characterization of “physical observables”.
I would very much enjoy seeing a connetion of such considerations with the topos theoretic work here. But at the moment I do not yet. ]
Re: Physical Systems as Topoi, Part III