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July 30, 2024

The Zinn-Justin Equation

A note from my QFT class. Finally, I understand what Batalin-Vilkovisky anti-fields are for.

The Ward-Takahashi Identities are central to understanding the renormalization of QED. They are an (infinite tower of) constraints satisfied by the vertex functions in the 1PI generating functional Γ(A μ,ψ,ψ˜,b,c,χ)\Gamma(A_\mu,\psi,\tilde\psi,b,c,\chi). They are simply derived by demanding that the BRST variations

(1)δ BRSTb =1ξ(Aξ 1/2χ) δ BRSTA μ = μc δ BRSTχ =ξ 1/2 μ μc δ BRSTψ =iecψ δ BRSTψ˜ =iecψ˜ δ BRSTc =0\begin{split} \delta_{\text{BRST}} b&= -\frac{1}{\xi}(\partial\cdot A-\xi^{1/2}\chi)\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} A_\mu&= \partial_\mu c\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} \chi &= \xi^{-1/2} \partial^\mu\partial_\mu c\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} \psi &= i e c\psi\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} \tilde{\psi} &= -i e c\tilde{\psi}\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} c &= 0 \end{split}

annihilate Γ\Gamma: δ BRSTΓ=0 \delta_{\text{BRST}}\Gamma=0 (Here, by a slight abuse of notation, I’m using the same symbol to denote the sources in the 1PI generating functional and the corresponding renormalized fields in the renormalized action =Z A4F μνF μν+Z ψ(iψ σ¯(ieA)ψ+iψ˜ σ¯(+ieA)ψ˜Z mm(ψψ˜+ψ ψ˜ ))+ GF+ gh \mathcal{L}= -\frac{Z_A}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} + Z_\psi \left(i\psi^\dagger \overline{\sigma}\cdot(\partial-i e A)\psi+ i\tilde{\psi}^\dagger \overline{\sigma}\cdot(\partial+i e A)\tilde{\psi} -Z_m m(\psi\tilde{\psi}+\psi^\dagger\tilde{\psi}^\dagger) \right) +\mathcal{L}_{\text{GF}}+\mathcal{L}_{\text{gh}} where GF+ gh =δ BRST12(b(A+ξ 1/2χ)) =12ξ(A) 2+12χ 2b μ μc \begin{split} \mathcal{L}_{\text{GF}}+\mathcal{L}_{\text{gh}}&= \delta_{\text{BRST}}\frac{1}{2}\left(b(\partial\cdot A+\xi^{1/2}\chi)\right)\\ &=-\frac{1}{2\xi} (\partial\cdot A)^2+ \frac{1}{2}\chi^2 - b\partial^\mu\partial_\mu c \end{split} They both transform under BRST by (1).)

The situation in nonabelian gauge theories is more cloudy. Unlike in QED, 𝒩Z gZ A 1/21\mathcal{N}\coloneqq Z_g Z_A^{1/2}\neq 1. Hence the BRST transformations need to be renormalized. Let D˜ μ= μig𝒩A μ \tilde{D}_\mu = \partial_\mu -i g\mathcal{N}A_\mu be the renormalized covariant derivative and F˜ μν=ig𝒩[D˜ μ,D˜ ν]= μA ν νA μig𝒩[A μ,A ν] \tilde{F}_{\mu\nu} = \frac{i}{g\mathcal{N}}[\tilde{D}_\mu,\tilde{D}_\nu]= \partial_\mu A_\nu-\partial_\nu A_\mu -i g\mathcal{N}[A_\mu,A_\nu] the renormalized field strength. The renormalized BRST transformations

(1)δ BRSTb =1ξ(Aξ 1/2χ) δ BRSTA μ =Z ghD˜ μc=Z gh( μcig𝒩[A μ,c]) δ BRSTχ =ξ 1/2Z gh μD˜ μc δ BRSTc =ig2Z gh𝒩{c,c}\begin{split} \delta_{\text{BRST}} b&= -\frac{1}{\xi}(\partial\cdot A-\xi^{1/2}\chi)\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} A_\mu&= Z_{\text{gh}}\tilde{D}_\mu c = Z_{\text{gh}} (\partial_\mu c -i g\mathcal{N}[A_\mu,c])\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} \chi &= \xi^{-1/2}Z_{\text{gh}} \partial^\mu\tilde{D}_\mu c\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} c &= \frac{i g}{2}Z_{\text{gh}} \mathcal{N}\{c,c\} \end{split}

explicitly involve both 𝒩\mathcal{N} and the ghost wave-function renormalization, Z ghZ_{\text{gh}} and are corrected order-by-order in perturbation theory. Hence the relations which follow from δ BRSTΓ=0\delta_{\text{BRST}} \Gamma=0 (called the Slavnov-Taylor Identities) are also corrected order-by-order in perturbation theory.

This is … awkward. The vertex functions are finite quantities. And yet the relations (naively) involve these infinite renormalization constants (which, moreover, are power-series in gg).

But if we step up to the full-blown Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, we can do better. Let’s introduce a new commuting adjoint-valued scalar field Φ\Phi with ghost number 2-2 and an anti-commuting adjoint-valued vector-field S μS_\mu with ghost number 1-1 and posit that they transform trivially under BRST: δ BRSTΦ =0 δ BRSTS μ =0 \begin{split} \delta_{\text{BRST}} \Phi&=0\\ \delta_{\text{BRST}} S_\mu&=0 \end{split} The renormalized Yang-Mills Lagrangian1 is

(2)=Z A2TrF˜ μνF˜ μν+ GF+ gh+ AF \mathcal{L}= -\frac{Z_A}{2} Tr\tilde{F}_{\mu\nu}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu} +\mathcal{L}_{\text{GF}}+\mathcal{L}_{\text{gh}}+\mathcal{L}_{\text{AF}}

where GF+ gh =δ BRSTTr(b(A+ξ 1/2χ)) =1ξTr(A) 2+Trχ 22Z ghTrbD˜c \begin{split} \mathcal{L}_{\text{GF}}+\mathcal{L}_{\text{gh}}&= \delta_{\text{BRST}}Tr\left(b(\partial\cdot A+\xi^{1/2}\chi)\right)\\ &=-\frac{1}{\xi} Tr(\partial\cdot A)^2+ Tr\chi^2 -2Z_{\text{gh}}Tr b\partial\cdot\tilde{D} c \end{split} and AF=Z ghTr(S μD˜ μc)+ig2Z gh𝒩Tr(Φ{c,c}) \mathcal{L}_{\text{AF}} =Z_{\text{gh}}Tr(S^\mu\tilde{D}_\mu c) +\frac{i g}{2} Z_{\text{gh}}\mathcal{N} Tr(\Phi\{c,c\}) AF\mathcal{L}_{\text{AF}} is explicitly BRST-invariant because what appears multiplying the anti-fields S μS^\mu and Φ\Phi are BRST variations (respectively of A μA_\mu and cc). These were the “troublesome” BRST variations where the RHS of (1) were nonlinear in the fields (and hence subject to renormalization).

Now we can replace the “ugly” equation δ BRSTΓ=0\delta_{\text{BRST}}\Gamma=0, which has explicit factors of 𝒩\mathcal{N} and Z ghZ_{\text{gh}} and is corrected order-by-order, with

(3)δΓδA μ aδΓδS a μ+δΓδc aδΓδΦ aξ 1/2χ aδΓδb a=0\frac{\delta\Gamma}{\delta A^a_\mu}\frac{\delta\Gamma}{\delta S_a^\mu} + \frac{\delta \Gamma}{\delta c^a}\frac{\delta \Gamma}{\delta \Phi_a} - \xi^{-1/2} \chi_a\frac{\delta\Gamma}{\delta b_a} = 0

which is an exact (all-orders) relation among finite quantites. The price we pay is that the Zinn-Justin equation (3) is quadratic, rather than linear, in Γ\Gamma.

1 The trace is normalized such that Tr(t at b)=12δ abTr(t_a t_b) = \frac{1}{2}\delta_{a b}.

Posted by distler at July 30, 2024 1:56 PM

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Re: The Zinn-Justin Equation

Hello, Prof. Distler. I just read this post:

What would you say is a good undergrad particle physics book and a graduate particle physics book that you would use for such classes you’d be teaching. I suppose you’d be most likely using your own notes, but I’m curious about what you’d recommend an advanced undergraduate should look at or what a graduate student should look at. Thanks!

Posted by: Rich on August 2, 2024 4:49 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

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