Thanks again to Evan Jenkins and Todd Trimble for the references. I have now included a pointer to these at the end of section 5.1 “Differential forms on smooth spaces”.
This entire section is crying for being extended to a more comprehensive discussion in its own right, but for the moment it is what it is.
But here is a related question, concerning, once again, the internal hom (or lack thereof) for differential graded commutative algebras (DGCAs):
for any two DGCAs and we are calling (definition 4)
the sheaf on smooth test domains (manifolds, say) which sends each smooth test domain to the set
So let’s look at what this does in the case that and are of the form and . Then
The inclusion is due to the fact that not every smooth function on is a tensor product of smooth functions on with smooth functions on .
On the other hand, the last term on the right
would be the inner hom in sheaves on test domains (still for the case that and are test domains themselves, i.e. representable sheaves).
So it looks as if the failure of the inclusion
to be a bijection is one crucial indicator for the failure of to be an inner hom.
On the other hand, we could consider forming a completed tensor product, some “fusion product” which remedies this.
Such a completion would strongly remind me of the discussion of saturating sheaves which we are having over here.
While it looks as if this situation wants some conclusion to be drawn from it, I cannot say that I am seeing this conclusion at the moment…
Re: Question on Smooth Functions
Natural Operations in Differential Geometry has a simple proof of this statement. It is Corollary 35.10. The preceding material in Section 35 is overkill for this result; 35.9 has an elementary proof in the “short story” in the introduction to Chapter VIII.