Quantization and Cohomology (Week 9)
Posted by John Baez
Here are the final notes from my Fall 2006 course on Quantization and Cohomology:
- Week 9 (Dec. 5) - A glimpse of what’s to come. Phases versus relative phases. Geometric quantization: finding a connection on a U(1) bundle whose curvature is the symplectic 2-form ω on phase space. Why doing this is only possible if ω defines an integral cohomology class - hence the term ‘quantization’.
Last week’s notes are here; the notes from next quarter begin here.
My colleague Apoorva Khare has produced a LaTeX version of the notes for the entire Fall quarter, and Christine Dantas has drawn figures for these notes. The notes still need more polishing, but they’re already very useful:
- John Baez and Apoorva Khare, with figures by Christine Dantas, Course Notes on Quantization and Cohomology, Fall 2006. Also available in Postscript.
Re: Quantization and Cohomology (Week 9)
Adding figures to the document sounds like a fun thing to do over Christmas break!