Thanks for this! A great way to start the year :)
You discuss two things close to my heart: algebraic topology as a driver of improvements in computational physics and the “cochain problem” involving the failure of cup product to be graded commutative “on the nose”. Of course, my interest in both stem from the fact I think the two are related.
I didn’t quite understand the bit about Eilenberg-Zilber map (EZ) and Alexander-Whitney map (AW). Are these related to the de Rham map (R) and the Whitney map (W)?
I wish I knew the correct “maths” way to express this, but given a manifold and differential forms on , we can construct a simplicial complex with cochains . The de Rham map takes forms on and turns them into cochains on
The Whitney map (W) takes cochains on and turns them into (Whitney) forms on
We have
which sounds similar to EZ and AW.
As you pointed out, the wedge product in is graded commutative and the cup product in is not graded commutative “on the nose” so all these maps do not quite fit together perfectly, e.g.
Some people have proposed a modified cup product for computational physics via
I don’t think this helps much with the “cochain problem”. In particular, this modified cup product is not even associative!
I have proposed an alternative, which at first will seem radical but I actually think might help with things like the “cochain problem”. That is to introduce a modified wedge product
How dare we mess with the continuum :)
This modified wedge product has the (uber) nice property that it is an algebra homomorphism “on the nose”, i.e.
The undesirable property of this modified wedge product is that it will depend on , but that dependence disappears when you pass to cohomology, homotopy, etc, which is what the mathematicians really care about.
My gut tells me that having a true algebra morphism like this will give you true functors and the category theoretic analysis will be much cleaner. But that is just a hunch.
Also note that in a suitable limit of refinements of , i.e. a kind of “continuum limit” we have
Re: This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 288)
John wrote:
for us oldsters is the adjoint pair: realization denoted | | and Sing
This preceded Quillen but I would guess that it inspired him