Geometry and String Theory
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This is the homepage for the UT Geometry and String Theory Seminar. At the organizational meeting we will flesh out the details of our plans for the semester. Below are some suggestions to get us started.
There is a mailing list. To subscribe, send an email to with subject “subscribe math-gst Your Name
At least for the Fall, the seminar will take place online .
Fall 2020 2021 Schedule
Date Speaker Topic 8/26 8/25 Organizational Meeting
9/2 9/1 Andreas Karch QFT David and Ben fractons Zvi
9/9 9/8 Ryan Spieler Exotic David Symmetries, Ben Duality, Zvi and Fractons in 2+1-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory
9/16 9/15 Amir RazReduced conformal symmetry
9/23 9/22 ShehperMore on Fractons
9/30 9/29 ShehperEven More on Fractons
10/7 10/6 Sebastian SchulzMirzakhani and Weil-Petersson volumes I
10/14 10/13 Ricky WedeenMirzakhani and Weil-Petersson volumes II
10/21 10/20 Lewis BowenMirzakhani and Weil-Petersson volumes III
10/28 10/27 Charlie ReidMirzakhani and Weil-Petersson volumes IV
11/4 11/3 Yale FanJT Gravity
11/11 11/10 Jacques DistlerWeil-Petersson volumes of supermoduli space
11/18 11/17 Jason PollackReplica Wormholes
12/2 12/1
Spring 2021 2022 Schedule
Date Speaker Topic 1/20 1/19 Organizational Meeting
1/27 1/26 Andreas KarchIntroduction to the Swampland
2/3 2/2 Dan FreedIntroduction to Kontsevich-Segal
2/10 2/9 Jacques DistlerTopology-change in Quantum Gravity and McNamara-Vafa
2/17 2/16 Arun DebrayVariants of Cobordism theories and McNamara-Vafa
2/24 2/23 ShehperWightman framework of QFT
3/3 3/2 Charlie ReidAllowable complex metrics
3/10 3/9 Haoyu SunShilov boundaries in representation theory
3/24 3/23 Will & SebastianAxioms for QFT and nuclear spaces
3/31 3/30 Will & SebastianAxioms for QFT and nuclear spaces
4/7 4/6 Ricky WedeenGlobally hyperbolic manifolds and Wick rotation
4/14 4/13
4/21 4/20
4/28 4/27 Yale Fan
5/5 5/4 Qianyu HaoPainleve equations and 4d N=2 gauge theory
Fractons Brane Quantization and Analytic Geometric Langlands
R. S. Nandkishore Gukov, and E. M. Witten, Hermele, “ Fractons “Branes and Quantization” ”
N. D. Seiberg Gaiotto, and E. S-H. Witten, Shao, “ Exotic “Probing Symmetries, Quantization Duality, Via and Branes” Fractons in 2+1-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory”
K. E. Slagle, Witten, “ Foliated ICTS Quantum Lecture Field 1 Theory of Fracton Order”
A. Karch Kapustin, and E. A. Witten, Raz, “ Reduced “Electric-Magnetic Conformal Duality Symmetry and the Geometric Langlands Program” ”
E. Witten, ICTS Lecture 2
D. Gaiotto, E. Witten, “Gauge Theory and the Analytic Form of the Geometric Langlands Program”
E. Witten, ICTS Lecture 3
See also the lectures by Teschner at the same program .
Matrix Anomaly models in and S-duality JT Symmetry gravity of IIB
P. A. Saad, Debray, S. M. H. Diergl, Shenker, J. D. Heckman, Stanford, M. “ Montero, JT “The gravity anomaly as that a was matrix not integral meant IIB” ”
E. Witten, “Volumes and random matrices ”
D. Stanford, E. Witten, “JT gravity and the ensembles of random matrix theory ”
C. McMullen, “The work of Maryam Mirzakhani ”
A. Wright, “A tour through Mirzakhani’s work on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces ”
M. Mirzakhani, “Simple geodesics and Weil–Petersson volumes of moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces ”
R. Dijkgraaf, E. Witten, “Developments in topological gravity ”
Cattegorical Symmetries
Twisted supergravity and Koszul duality
Wick rotation and the positivity of energy
Swampland Cobordism Conjecture
“Condensed Matter” Topics
M. Freedman and M. Hastings, “Classification of Quantum Cellular Automata ”
M. Freedman, J Haah, and M. Hastings, “The Group Structure of Quantum Cellular Automata ”
D. Delmastro, D. Gaiotto, J. Gomis, “Global Anomalies on the Hilbert Space ”
A. Kapustin, L. Spodyneiko, “Higher-dimensional generalizations of the Berry curvature ”
P. Hsin, A. Kapustin, R. Thorngren, “Berry Phase in Quantum Field Theory: Diabolical Points and Boundary Phenomena ”
A. Kapustin, N. Sopenko, B. Yang, “A classification of phases of bosonic quantum lattice systems in one dimension ”