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November 15, 2024

Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Posted by Tom Leinster

Previously: Part 8. Next: Part 10.

It’s the penultimate week of the course, and up until now we’ve abstained from using the axiom of choice. But this week we gorged on it.

We proved that all the usual things are equivalent to the axiom of choice: Zorn’s lemma, the well ordering principle, cardinal comparability (given two sets, one must inject into the other), and the souped-up version of cardinal comparability that compares not just two sets but an arbitrary collection of them: for any nonempty family of sets (X i) iI(X_i)_{i \in I}, there is some X iX_i that injects into all the others.

The section I most enjoyed writing and teaching was the last one, on unnecessary uses of the axiom of choice. I’m grateful to Todd Trimble for explaining to me years ago how to systematically remove dependence on choice from arguments in basic general topology. (For some reason, it’s very tempting in that subject to use choice unnecessarily.) I talk about this at the very end of the chapter.

Section of a surjection

Posted at November 15, 2024 2:26 PM UTC

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Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

I love the inclusion of the last section. I remember being confused as a student about when the axiom of choice was necessary and when it wasn’t (particularly in topology!). You missed the opportunity in that section to recall the socks versus shoes example that you mentioned earlier in the notes.

I like the emphasis on orders as a technical tool here. It reminds me that the most technically involved proof I ever wrote (in a completely different context from this) had as its starting point a definition of a convenient total order on \mathbb{C}.

Posted by: Mark Meckes on November 15, 2024 5:22 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Thanks! I kept banging on about shoes and socks in class, but I probably should have gone back to them in the text too.

I have a very long set of notes now on what I’d do differently next time, and one of those things is to devote more time to introducing ordered sets. Without really meaning to, I basically tried to slip them in without ever making them the number one thing I was explaining, and pedagogically that was a bad idea. Live and learn! Maybe I’ll get the chance to teach this again in a couple of years.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 16, 2024 3:56 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Great, and thanks for the mention! I remember the time some of these spurious uses of choice puzzled me. Mike Shulman was one of the people who helped set me straight (I think over at the nForum; I’d have to check).

Andrej Bauer also discusses this sort of thing is his excellent paper Five stages of accepting constructive mathematics, around page 484 where he analyzes the proof of the Lebesgue covering theorem. It’s amazing how many authors of excellent topology texts don’t point out they are doing this (the typical telltale sign is subscripts, like “open sets U yU_y indexed by points yy”) – almost as if they didn’t notice they were using AC.

Posted by: Todd Trimble on November 15, 2024 5:38 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Thanks, Todd. I agree, Andrej’s paper is great for this stuff. Maybe you were the one who told me about it, back at CT2019 when I was learning from you how to remove choice from topological proofs.

Horst Herrlich’s book The Axiom of Choice also has a section devoted to this (3.2: Unnecessary choice). That book has a great contents list. Chapter 4 is called Disasters without Choice, with section headings like “Disasters in Order Theory”, “Disasters in Algebra” and “Disasters in Graph Theory”. Then Chapter 5 is Disasters with Choice, and Chapter 6 is Disasters either way. There’s a short chapter 7 on Beauty without Choice, but really the whole book is disaster-dominated.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 16, 2024 4:02 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

By the way, I enjoyed including sarcastic quotes from textbook authors, one making fun of people who like using the axiom of choice and the other making fun of people who don’t. That’s in Digression 3.4.4. If anyone knows other similar quotes, I’d love to hear them.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 16, 2024 4:05 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

My personal take is that if you assume the axiom of choice, then too many things are true, and without the axiom of choice, too few things are true. And no weak version of choice I’ve seen seems to totally avoid both of those issues. My personal preference is to work in a version of mathematics with too many true things rather than too few. But I can see where people with the opposite take are coming from and certainly see no reason to make fun of them.

Posted by: Mark Meckes on November 17, 2024 4:31 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Which is not to criticize your inclusion of those quotes, Tom! Even though I don’t agree with the quotes on either sides, they’re still an entertaining way to make a point.

Posted by: Mark Meckes on November 17, 2024 4:34 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

I bet you know this, Mark, but I can’t resist saying the following, because it’s on my mind now while I’m writing the next problem sheet.

The axiom of dependent choice says that given:

  • a set XX

  • an element aXa \in X

  • a relation RR on XX that’s “total” (for every xXx \in X, there exists yXy \in X such that xRyx R y)

there exists a sequence (x n)(x_n) in XX such that x 0=ax_0 = a and x nRx n+1x_n R x_{n + 1} for every nn.

(A non-obviously equivalent statement: for every nonempty set XX and total relation RR on XX, there exists a sequence (x n)(x_n) in XX such that x nRx n+1x_n R x_{n + 1} for every nn.)

The axiom of choice implies the axiom of dependent choice, which in turn implies the axiom of countable choice, but neither of those implications can be reversed. And people say that dependent choice suffices for the development of much of analysis, while not being enough to prove the existence of unmeasurable sets — hence its popularity. Where it first becomes inadequate, I don’t know.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 17, 2024 10:30 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

I think that this may just be an accident of history: the axiom of dependent choice was only introduced by Paul Bernays in 1942, a full two decades after ZFC was formulated and accepted by the majority of mathematicians as their foundations of mathematics.

Had dependent choice came on the scene in mathematics around the same time that the axiom of choice did, it is conceivable that more mathematicians would have rejected the controversial axiom of choice for the weaker dependent choice.

Posted by: Madeleine Birchfield on November 17, 2024 3:06 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Interesting. So what’s the simplest thing that can be proved with the axiom of choice but can’t be proved with the axiom of dependent choice? By “simplest”, I mean most basic, ordinary or essential from the viewpoint of a non-logician.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 17, 2024 3:58 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

I haven’t looked at it in a long time, but there is a book titled Handbook of Analysis and its Foundations by Eric Schechter that delves deeply into which results in point set topology and functional analysis can be proved under which versions of ZF+whatever set theory, and which results are even equivalent to some version of choice. For example, if I recall correctly, under ZF, the Baire category theorem is equivalent to dependent choice. Schechter even promotes the idea that the Hahn–Banach theorem can be considered a very weak form of choice.

Posted by: Mark Meckes on November 17, 2024 4:11 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Thanks. You probably mentioned Schechter’s book to me before, because I see that I do have a copy. It does indeed give several results that can be proved using only dependent choice, and your memory about this is correct:

if I recall correctly, under ZF, the Baire category theorem is equivalent to dependent choice

(section 20.16 of the book).

What I haven’t been able to find in Schechter’s book is any explicit statement about theorems in analysis that can’t be proved using only dependent choice, or even theorems where we don’t know they can be proved using only dependent choice, although presumably one could extract this information with a less superficial reading than I’m giving it now.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 17, 2024 5:01 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Well, apparently you can’t prove the existence of Lebesgue nonmeasurable sets with just DC, which also means things like Banach–Tarski are out. So maybe it’s only “pathological” results in analysis that need AC and not DC. Hmm, maybe I need to rethink my stance about intermediate forms of choice.

I think that Madeleine’s suggestion that DC might have become standard if it had been introduced before ZFC became entrenched is very plausible.

In the present context, to my taste the version of AC included in the ETCS axioms is the most natural-feeling one. Is there a similar formulation of DC that can be substituted in ETCS?

Posted by: Mark Meckes on November 19, 2024 1:54 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Okay, so no nonmeasurability from DC alone, which also means you can’t well-order \mathbb{R}. Of course, since DC is weaker than AC, you can’t prove that every vector space has a basis, and perhaps you can’t prove that every nontrivial vector space has nontrivial dual. But I’m still wondering what the most basic result is in non-functional analysis that can’t be proved with DC.

I’m sure Jonathan’s right that asking Asaf Karagila would be a way to find this out!

In the present context, to my taste the version of AC included in the ETCS axioms is the most natural-feeling one. Is there a similar formulation of DC that can be substituted in ETCS?

At this very instant, I don’t know any way of stating DC other than just stating it. But that’s a nice question. Sounds like a good one for me to think about on my walk back to the station this evening.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 19, 2024 2:32 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Here’s a statement equivalent to dependent choice and with an ETCS kind of flavour. It hasn’t got the simple appeal of “surjections split”, but maybe it’s a step in the right direction. Here it is:

For all sets and functions p,q:XYp, q: X \to Y with pp surjective, and all yYy \in Y, there exists a function f:Xf: \mathbb{N} \to X such that p(f(0))=yp(f(0)) = y and pfs=qfp f s = q f.

Here s:s: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N} is the successor function. Another way to express the equation is p(f(n+1))=q(f(n))p(f(n + 1)) = q(f(n)) for all nn \in \mathbb{N}, where of course n+1n + 1 means s(n)s(n). And there’s a pentagonal commutative diagram for pfs=qfp f s = q f that I’m not drawing here.

Let me call the statement above “DC2”, for reference.

DC2 looks rather like the natural numbers axiom. I think you could roll it and the natural numbers axiom into one, like this:

There exist a set \mathbb{N}, an element 00 \in \mathbb{N} and a function s:s: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N} with the following property: [DC2], and ff is unique if pp is invertible.

But this doesn’t seem very illuminating.

To show that DC implies DC2, define a relation RR on XX by xRxq(x)=p(x)x R x' \iff q(x) = p(x'), take some xXx \in X such that p(x)=yp(x) = y, and turn the handle.

To show that DC2 implies DC, take a total relation RR on a set YY and an element yYy \in Y. Define p,q:RYp, q: R \to Y to be the two projection functions, sending a pair (y,y)(y, y') of RR-related elements to yy and yy' respectively, and again, follow your nose.

I’m sure I’m reinventing the wheel.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 19, 2024 7:31 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

I believe the COSHEP – the Category of Sets Has Enough Projectives – axiom implies DC and has a nice categorical flavor. But I don’t really have any intuition for it.

Posted by: AB on November 19, 2024 8:21 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Thanks. \mathbb{N} is surely going to have to play a special role in any statement actually equivalent to DC.

“Enough projectives” means that for every set, there’s a surjection to it from some projective. I wonder what would happen if we just asked that there’s a surjection to \mathbb{N} from some projective.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 20, 2024 8:52 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Nice! And it’s a pleasingly simple exercise to prove DC2 from the natural numbers axiom and “surjections split”. Whereas I tend to find proofs of equivalent or weaker forms of AC from the traditional formulation to be annoyingly fiddly.

Posted by: Mark Meckes on November 19, 2024 8:37 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

I woke up in the middle of the night and realized there’s a simpler way. The following statement — call it DC3 — is also equivalent to the axiom of dependent choice:

for all sets XX, elements aXa \in X, and surjections p:XXp: X \to X, there exists a function f:Xf: \mathbb{N} \to X such that f(0)=af(0) = a and p(f(n+1))=f(n)p(f(n + 1)) = f(n) for all nn \in \mathbb{N}.

In other words, for any surjection from our set to itself and any given starting point aa, there exists a backwards trajectory

x 2x 1a. \cdots \mapsto x_2 \mapsto x_1 \mapsto a.

DC implies DC3: given XX, aa and pp as above, define a relation RR on XX by xRyx=p(y)x R y \iff x = p(y). Then RR is total as pp is surjective, and follow your nose.

DC3 implies DC: take a total relation RR on a set YY and an element bYb \in Y. Let XX be the set of finite sequeces (y 0,,y n)(y_0, \ldots, y_n) in YY such that y 0Ry 1RRy ny_0 R y_1 R \ldots R y_n, including the empty sequence ε\varepsilon. Define p:XXp: X \to X by p(y 0,,y n,y n+1)=p(y 0,,y n)p(y_0, \ldots, y_n, y_{n + 1}) = p(y_0, \ldots, y_n) for n0n \geq 0, and p((y 0))=p(ε)=εp((y_0)) = p(\varepsilon) = \varepsilon. Then pp is surjective as RR is total. Also, we have an element (b)(b) of XX (a sequence of length 11). Applying DC3 gives a sequence

(b),(b,y 1),(b,y 1,y 2),(b,y 1,y 2,y 3), (b), (b, y_1), (b, y_1, y_2), (b, y_1, y_2, y_3), \ldots

of elements of YY, and then b,y 1,y 2,b, y_1, y_2, \ldots is a sequence in YY with bRy 1Ry 2Rb R y_1 R y_2 R \ldots, as required.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 20, 2024 8:52 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

I like this! It feels like one can almost phrase it in terms of a universal property of a pointed set with a surjective endomorphism, with the natural numbers pointed by 0 and with the predecessor map (taking the predecessor of 0 to be 0). So the equation is p(f(n))=f(pred(n))p(f(n)) = f(\mathrm{pred}(n)) — but this highlights a small wrinkle: your pp doesn’t have aa as a fixed point! Perhaps it could be phrased in terms of a surjective endomorphism with a fixed point? The trick would be to convert an arbitrary surjective endomorphism of XX with a point aXa\in X to an endo where aa is fixed, and which is still surjective.

In any case this version feels close to the version of DC that talks about how a “pruned” tree with ω\omega-many levels has a branch, that is, an injective “tree-function” from the linear tree \mathbb{N}. The “pruned” condition says that there are no finite branches.

The Wikipedia page confusingly mentions how a tree with a branch is non-well-founded, which I realised meant that the partial ordering is the reverse of the one I thought of, namely higher up a branch is lower in the partial order. In this respects it’s like taking a membership tree of a pure set.

Your pp is like taking the parent of a node in the tree, and the surjectivity means that the tree is pruned (there are no nodes that are the ‘end’ of a branch, with no children). And the element aa is like the root node, though of course it has no parent (compare the wrinkle noted above). Of course, it may well be that you have a pointed forest instead of a tree, where the point may occur anywhere, not necessarily at the root node. But you are getting a branch that grows up out of aa, regardless of what is happening sideways from or below aa. Needless to say, the proof on Wikipedia takes a different approach.

Perhaps this is how you thought of it in the first place?

Posted by: David Roberts on November 21, 2024 10:33 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Perhaps this is how you thought of it in the first place?

No, I was just trying to simplify my initial rather clumsy attempt (“DC2”) to ETCS-ify dependent choice.

While I’m commenting, I might as well record a slight variant of the version of dependent choice I stated above, DC3. To recap, DC3 says, a bit informally:

For any set XX, element aXa \in X, and surjection p:XXp: X \to X, there exists an infinite backwards trajectory x 1x 0=a\cdots \mapsto x_1 \mapsto x_0 = a ending at aa.

The variant, which I guess I’m going to call DC4, says:

For any nonempty set XX and surjection p:XXp: X \to X, there exists an infinite backwards trajectory x 1x 0\cdots \mapsto x_1 \mapsto x_0.

Obviously DC3 implies DC4. The converse is proved by considering the set of finite backwards trajectories ending at aa, together with the surjection that removes the first step of a trajectory.

DC4 is shorter, but it feels a bit show-offy, somehow. DC3 is the one I like best.

Posted by: Tom Leinster on November 25, 2024 10:36 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Hmm. Now I’m wondering what is the “intuitive-to-use” ETCS-style version of DC that is useful in practice. That is, given the usual uses of DC in generic mathematics (i.e. not set theory) for instance matters of elementary analysis, what is the version that is closest to the metal, the one that fits the ready-made slot in the proof?

Posted by: David Roberts on November 27, 2024 1:57 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

The authors of a recent preprint expressed dependent choice structurally in the following manner:

Given an \mathbb{N}-indexed family of sets A nA_n and an \mathbb{N}-indexed family of surjections f:A n+1A nf:A_{n + 1} \to A_n, the projection function to A 0A_0 from the sequential limit limA n\underset{\leftarrow}\lim A_n of the aforementioned diagram is a surjection.

Posted by: Madeleine Birchfield on December 7, 2024 12:01 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

There used to be a project by Paul Howard called the “Consequences of the Axiom of Choice” which had a detailed description of various statements in mathematics and their relationship to each other and to the axiom of choice. However, I just checked today and it seems like the website is no longer available:

Posted by: Madeleine Birchfield on November 17, 2024 5:14 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Axiomatic Set Theory 9: The Axiom of Choice

Asking Asaf Karagila will get you a long way in understanding equivalences of various forms of choice.

Posted by: Jonathan Kirby on November 18, 2024 10:13 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

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