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October 17, 2024

Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

Posted by John Baez

I haven’t been carefully following quantum field theory these days, but some folks on the Category Theory Community Server asked me what I thought about recent work using the ‘amplitudohedron’ and other polytopes, so I decided to check out these videos:

There are 5, and so far I’ve only finished watching the first. But I have to say: I enjoyed it more than any lecture on physics I’ve seen for a long time!

Arkani-Hamed has the amusing, informal yet clear manner of someone like Feynman or Coleman. And he explains, step by step, how imaginary particle physicists in some other universe could have invented the associahedra just by doing scattering experiments and looking for poles in the S-matrix. That blew my mind.

One great thing is that Arkani-Hamed keeps the prerequisites to a minimum. Well, okay: if don’t know quantum field theory don’t watch this video. You need to know the Feynman rules, and how Feynman diagrams have poles when the energy-momentum pp of a virtual particle in the diagram goes ‘on shell’ — i.e., takes a value that a real particle could have, namely p 2=m 2p^2 = m^2 for a particle of mass mm. It also helps to have seen how Feynman diagrams for gauge bosons can be drawn as ‘ribbon graphs’. But he’s remarkably good at keeping things simple.

Beginners may, however, not fully understand his assumptions. He says he’s talking about the Tr(Φ 3)Tr(\Phi^3) theory. This is the theory of a spin-0 field Φ\Phi of mass mm that takes values in the Lie algebra 𝔰𝔲(n)\mathfrak{su}(n), with a cubic interaction Lagrangian

tr(Φ 3)= i,j,kΦ ijΦ jkΦ ki tr(\Phi^3) = \sum_{i,j,k} \Phi_{i j} \Phi_{j k} \Phi_{k i}

At this point some raw beginners should be told: this describes a universe unlike our own! When he sets m=0m = 0, this theory would apply to nonexistent ‘spin-zero gluons’.

More importantly, he doesn’t say why he’s only considering planar, tree-shaped Feynman diagrams! This restriction kicks in naturally only when we consider the limit nn \to \infty, so I assume that’s what he’s implicitly doing. There’s a long line of work on the large-nn limit of SU(n)SU(n) Yang–Mills theory, and how in this limit we can do a 1/n1/n expansion where the terms of order 1/n k1/n^k correspond to Feynman diagrams that can first be drawn on a surface of genus kk.

Once Arkani-Hamed restricts himself to planar, tree-shaped Feynman diagrams, he is studying trees drawn on a disk, with 3 edges meeting at each vertex because of the 3 in the Tr(Φ 3)\mathrm{Tr}(\Phi^3) theory. At this point the appearance associahedra becomes inevitable — because trees of this kind are precisely the vertices of associahedra! Arkani-Hamed draws these trees dually as ways of connecting up the vertices of a polygon to chop it into triangles:

Restricting to tree-shaped Feynman diagrams is an extreme simplification, so it’s not clear how close to the essence of quantum field theory we are getting. Luckily I just listened to his second lecture, and he said that in the third lecture he’d consider diagrams with loops.

Unfortunately, by the time the pop science media get ahold of Arkani-Hamed’s work, they drop all inhibitions and say stuff like “physicists have discovered a jewel-shaped geometric object that challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental constituents of nature”. Why does everything need to assume cosmic significance? Why can’t some work just be interesting?

But enough complaining! Arkani-Hamed’s talk has excited me to the point where I’m having a new fantasy about the future of fundamental physics. Attempts to cook up a theory of quantum gravity remain stalled. People turn to studying what already works: quantum field theory. They start finding more and more new structures there. Eventually this changes our picture of what quantum field theory is to the point where it breaks the logjam we’re experiencing today. Not only do people figure out how to make nonperturbative quantum field theory fully rigorous, they figure out things we can’t imagine yet… and eventually this leads to really earth-shaking developments.

Indeed, many exciting things are already going on. We’ve got Costello, Gwilliam and others bringing modern math to bear on quantum field theory using factorization algebras, we’ve got Connes, Marcolli and others studying the connection between quantum field theory and motives, we’ve got work on how perturbative quantum gravity is like a ‘double’ of Yang–Mills theory, we’ve got attempts to find Yang–Mills theory hiding inside the Tr(Φ 3)\mathrm{Tr}(\Phi^3) theory, we’ve got Wang and others applying TQFT ideas to the Standard Model and GUTs, and a lot more.

So, I want to keep a bit of an eye on this stuff. What are the most exciting developments you’ve seen lately in quantum field theory on Minkowski spacetime?

Posted at October 17, 2024 5:00 PM UTC

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13 Comments & 0 Trackbacks

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

I’m happy to hear you’re re-interested in QFT! I get a little depressed every time you go off to work on climate change (even though that’s important) or pure math (even though that’s fascinating) but console myself that you’ll inevitably return, because your knowledge and skill in mathematical physics and its exposition are unparalleled and the subject is compelling.

I do have two directions in QFT of potential interest. One is the paper that’s (after a two month hold, perhaps a new record) on hep-th:

C, P, T, and Triality

and the second I don’t wish to talk about publicly but can privately if you’d like.

Posted by: Garrett on October 18, 2024 10:03 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

I’m sorry you get a little depressed whenever I work on things that are more important or interesting than quantum field theory. I’d get very depressed if I didn’t.

I have a feeling that I need to catch up with things like the Amplitudes Seminar or the IAS conference Amplitudes 2024. At least the second link has a lot of talk slides.

Posted by: John Baez on October 19, 2024 2:23 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

Well, it’s not that you shouldn’t be doing other things, it’s just that your talent in mathematical physics is so strong that it seems beneficial to use it.

Anyway, if you do dive into the Amplitudes stuff you’ll immediately encounter helicity bracket notation, which is nifty but a little mysterious until you work out what it is. This might help: Helicity Notation

Posted by: Garrett on October 19, 2024 11:01 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

Your guess on planarity coming from n->oo in SU(n) is correct. They consider the planar stuff pretty much done at this point (the mathematicians sure don’t!) so a lot of the current work is on non-planar extensions.

I’ve been following this stuff for a long time and have discussed it a bunch with Nima. There’s a lot going on there.

Posted by: Allen Knutson on October 19, 2024 9:25 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

What’s the coolest thing going on now?

Posted by: John Baez on October 20, 2024 12:57 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

I’m not too hep to the physics side, but I keep hearing about what’s getting done in the non-planar case. On the math side, I’m quite partial to the algebraic combinatorics associated to positroid varieties, e.g. “Positroids, knots, and q,t-Catalan numbers”, and “A cluster of results on amplituhedron tiles” .

Posted by: Allen Knutson on October 24, 2024 12:42 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

The link labelled “pop science media” links to a preprint on the arXiv about scalar-scaffolded gluons. Presumably you had meant to actually link a pop science media article there.

Posted by: Madeleine Birchfield on October 20, 2024 1:04 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

Posted by: David Roberts on October 20, 2024 11:27 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

I was actually trying to link to an earlier article:

even though this one was about the amplitudohedron.

Posted by: John Baez on October 22, 2024 5:00 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

One hub for references on the associahedra and their applications and related structures–stellahedra, polygons, hypertetrahedra/n-simplices, and more–is OEIS A133437; another, with extensive refs in the comments, “Guises of the Stasheff polytopes, associahedra for the Coxeter A nA_n root system?”; and a third is my MO-Q “An Intriguing Tapestry: Number triangles, polytopes, Grassmannians, and scattering amplitudes”.

The refined Euler characteristic partition polynomials, a.k.a. the refined, signed, face- or f-partition polynomials, for the associahedra, [A][A] of OEIS A133437 re-normalized by the factorials, are precisely the polynomials for the coefficients of the compositional inverse (CI) of a power series, or ordinary generating function (o.g.f.), the first few of which can be found in a letter dated 1676 from Newton to a Secretary of the Royal Society. They occur in explicit solutions to the inviscid Burgers-Hopf equation, as sketched in the MO-Q “Why is there a connection between enumerative geometry and nonlinear waves?”.

[A][A] is related to the set of refined h-polynomials of the associahedra, [N][N] of OEIS A134264, via the partition polynomials [R][R] of A263633, the refined Pascal partition polynomials for the reciprocal, or multiplicative inverse (MI), of an o.g.f., by the substitutional identity denoted by [A]=[N][R][A] = [N][R] (this forms the core of an infinite dihedral group under substitution/composition of indeterminates). [N][N] is also the set of refined Narayana / Kreweras polynomials, related to Noncrossing partitions, primitive parking functions, forests of trees, Dyck lattice paths, and more. They are also known as the Voiculescu polynomials, giving the free moments from the free cumulants of free probability/random matrix theory (inverse is A350499), and are to be found in “Connecting Scalar Amplitudes using The Positive Tropical Grassmannian” by Freddy Cachazo and Bruno Giménez Umbert. See the MO-Q “Guises of the noncrossing partitions (NCPs)” for more notes on [N][N].

Allen Knutson mentions the positroids. OEIS A046802 and A248727 give analytic relations among the coarse h- and f-polynomials of the associahedra and those of the stellahedra, whose coarse face polynomials enumerate the number of positroid cells of the totally nonnegative Grassmannians. Combinatorics of tropical Grassmannians and that of the associahedra are linked analytically by the simple scaling transformation between the CI of an o.g.f. and that of an exponential generating function (e.g.f.), or formal Taylor series. The counterpart to [A][A] for the CI of an o.g.f. is the set of classic Lagrange partition polynomials [L][L] of A134685 for the CI of an e.g.f.. The natural reduction A134991 of [L][L] is related to tropical Grassmannians and phylogenetic trees. Both [A][A] and [L][L] are related to the flow equations characterized by the refined Euler partition polynomials [E][E] of A145271. The counterpart to the identity [A]=[N][R][A]=[N][R] for o.g.f.s is [L]=[E][P][L]=[E][P] for e.g.f.s, where [P][P] of A133314 is the set of refined Euler characteristic partition polynomials, a.k.a. the refined, signed f-polynomials, of the permutahedra, providing the MI of an e.g.f..

Given all these relationships, can you point me to the talks in the IAS 2024 summer school related to any of these sets of partition polynomials or their natural reductions?

Posted by: Tom Copeland on October 27, 2024 12:34 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

Thanks for all this information! Truly a wealth of connections.

The sad answer to your question is that I can’t point you to talks in the IAS summer school related to these partition polynomials, since I have not watched most of these talks. You might try Michael Borinsky’s 4 talks on The tropical and discrete geometry of Feynman integrals, but I can’t promise anything.

Posted by: John Baez on October 27, 2024 7:01 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

The first two links in my comment got scrambled. Correct links:

OEIS A133437 and “Guises of the Stasheff polytopes, associahedra for the Coxeter A nA_n root system?

Posted by: Tom Copeland on October 28, 2024 3:03 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: Associahedra in Quantum Field Theory

I think “symbology” is still pretty cool. I don’t think the reason for “antipodal duality” has been worked out yet, for example… There was an IAS talk by A. Volovich on symbology two weeks ago.

However, for me Marni Sheppeard’s work, such as her thesis, is still a glimpse of what a future physics might be like. Trying to get standard model mass matrices from the polytopes of a categorified Bilson-Thompson theory… that’s ambitious, minimal, and highly creative all at once.

Posted by: Mitchell Porter on December 9, 2024 12:51 PM | Permalink | Reply to this

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