Symmetric Pseudomonoids
Posted by John Baez
The category of cocommutative comonoid objects in a symmetric monoidal category is cartesian, with their tensor product serving as their product. This result seems to date back to here:
- Thomas Fox, Coalgebras and Cartesian categories, Comm. Alg. 4 (1976), 665–667.
Dually, the category of commutative monoid objects in a symmetric monoidal category is cocartesian. This was proved in Fox’s suspiciously similar paper in Cocomm. Coalg.
I’m working on a paper with Todd Trimble and Joe Moeller, and right now we need something similar one level up — that is, for symmetric pseudomonoids. (For example, a symmetric pseudomonoid in Cat is a symmetric monoidal category.)
The 2-category of symmetric pseudomonoids in a symmetric monoidal 2-category should be cocartesian, with their tensor product serving as their coproduct. I imagine the coproduct universal property will hold only up to 2-iso.
Has someone proved this, so we don’t need to?
Hmm, I just noticed that this paper:
- Brendan Fong and David I, Spivak, Supplying bells and whistles in symmetric monoidal categories.
proves the result I want in the special case where the symmetric monoidal 2-category is Cat. Namely:
Theorem 2.3. The 2-category SMC of symmetric monoidal categories, strong monoidal functors, and monoidal natural transformations has 2-categorical biproducts.
Unfortunately their proof is not purely ‘formal’, so it doesn’t instantly generalize to other symmetric monoidal 2-categories. And surely the fact that the coproducts in SMC are biproducts must rely on the fact that Cat is a cartesian 2-category; this must fail for symmetric pseudomonoids in a general symmetric monoidal 2-category.
They do more:
Theorem 2.2. The 2-category SMC has all small products and coproducts, and products are strict.
Re: Symmetric Pseudomonoids
It looks to me like the part of their proof dealing with the coproduct structure is purely formal, if interpreted in the internal logic of a symmetric monoidal 2-category.