Diary 2003–2020
Posted by John Baez
I keep putting off organizing my written material, but with coronavirus I’m feeling more mortal than usual, so I’d like get this out into the world now:
- John Baez, Diary, 2003–2020.
Go ahead and grab a copy!
It’s got all my best tweets and Google+ posts, mainly explaining math and physics, but also my travel notes and other things… starting in 2003 with my ruminations on economics and ecology. It’s too big to read all at once, but I think you can dip into it more or less anywhere and pull out something fun.
It goes up to July 2020. It’s 2184 pages long. I fixed a few problems like missing pictures, but there are probably more. If you let me know about them, I’ll fix them (if it’s easy).
Posted at August 9, 2020 1:30 AM UTC
Re: Diary 2003–2020
I won’t lie: Reading now that first entry from October 2003 is pretty brutal, in a “wow, we learned nothing after all” kind of way.
Flipping to the end, some of the math markup starting on page 2177 isn’t rendering. I see “an bundle over an S^3 bundle” with the “S^3” in light gray. It looks like this continues for the rest of the document.