Geometric Quantization on Moduli ∞-Stacks
Posted by Urs Schreiber
I am on the train to Higher Structures VI in Göttingen, doing last touches on my talk handout
Higher geometric prerequantization on moduli infinity-stacks
talk handout pdf (4 pages) .
I have mentioned this before. Here is a quick idea of what this is about:
There are two formalizations of the notion of quantization: geometric quantization and algebraic (deformation) quantization. The latter is naturally formulated in higher algebra in terms of ∞-cosheaves. The former should have a natural formulation in higher geometry, in terms of ∞-sheaves = ∞-stacks. Aspects of a formulation of such higher geometric quantization over smooth manifolds have been introduced and studied by Chris Rogers, see the references listed here. Examples like the following suggest that this is usefully generalized to higher geometric quantization over ∞-stacks in general and moduli ∞-stacks of higher gauge fields in particular.
For, write for the smooth moduli stack of G-connections, for a simply connected simple Lie group, and write for the smooth moduli -stack of n-form connections on smooth circle n-bundles ( bundle gerbes). Then, by FSS, there is an essentially unique morphism of smooth ∞-stacks
which refines the generating universal characteristic class , and this as the following properties: its transgression to the loop mapping stack of
modulates the -WZW-model B-field 2-bundle, its trangression to the mapping stack out of a compact oriented 2-dimensional manifold
restricts to the prequantum circle bundle of -Chern-Simons theory, and finally its transgression to the mapping stack out of a 3-dimensional
is the action functional of -Chern-Simons theory.
This suggests that we should regard itself as the prequantum circle 3-bundle of -Chern-Simons theory extended down to dimension 0.
What is a Hamiltonian vector field on a moduli stack such as ? What is the Poisson bracket -algebra? How does it act on prequantum 3-states? How to these trace/transgress to prequantum -states on ?
Answers to such questions I’ll indicate in my talk.
Posted at July 9, 2012 7:39 AM UTC
Re: Geometric quantization on moduli ∞-stacks
There were some typos in the long formulas in the post which I fixed, so they’re the same as the handout.
As you integrate over in the line on p. 1 of the handout and in the post, (and over in the second line of the second box here), I’m not sure I’m getting transgression. But I haven’t properly looked yet.