The Arrow of Time in Cat
Posted by David Corfield
Back here we were talking about the symmetry-breaking that takes place in mathematics by the choice of working in , which John attributed to nothing less than the ‘arrow of time’.
Why do many-to-one but not one-to-many relations get singled out for single treatment and dubbed ‘functions’? Because functions are supposed to be ‘deterministic’: the cause must determine the effect. We don’t care if the effect fails to determine the cause.
Now what is there to be said about the 2-category Cat and its three duals: , and ?
We can tell a story where coalgebra (in the general sense) was slow to take off because many algebraic structures defined on our favourite are boring when the arrows are reversed. For example, each set supports precisely one comonoid structure. So we have to leave behind along with any other cartesian monoidal category if we want interesting comonoids, and look at categories such as Vect.
[Question for experts: Is this right? A comonoid in is a monoid in is a monad in is a monad in is a comonad in .]
But slowly people cottoned onto the idea that there’s plenty to say about coalgebras in if we take endofunctors with less of an ‘algebraic’ flavour. For example,
- , the set of probability distributions on : Markov chain on .
- , the powerset on : Binary relation on .
- : Deterministic automaton.
- : Nondeterministic automaton.
- , for a set of labels : labelled binary trees.
Now then, will we see the same story played out a level higher with ? Where there are nice juicy examples of 2-algebras (and its variants) from 2-functors which are 2-monads, is it that the dual scene, or 3 dual scenes, are much more barren? Perhaps first something 2-coalgebra-like will emerge in a less cartesian setting. And then yet later people will come to realise that there were plenty of interesting 2-functors on and so 2-coalgebras there all along.
Re: The Arrow of Time in Cat
Here’s a couple of other things to think about:
Discussions of the 2-place relation “” are frequently confounded by several different senses of the word “determine”.
There are at least these two senses:
What exactly do we mean by “the” cause and “the” effect, anyway?
Do we mean a totality of events that we call “the cause” of a given effect?
Do we mean a totality of events that we call “the effect” of a given cause?
In the propositions as types analogy, we have a suggestive relation between the function arrow “” and the implication arrow “”.
But if we say that function arrows are arrows of time, do we really want to say that implication arrows are arrows of time, and in the same sense, too?