Posted by David Corfield
If we were to have a page at nLab on things to be categorified should it be titled categorifAcienda, categorifIcienda or something else?
My suggestions are based on the gerundives formed from verbs such as agenda and Miranda. Concerning verbs more closely resembling ‘categorify’ we have
- Satisfacio (satisfy) - satisfaciendus
- Efficio (bring to pass) - efficiendus
Unfortunately, categorify is a hybrid word, with Greek stem and Latin suffix. I suppose categorize was out of the question.
I believe the facere of ‘satisfacere’, ‘putrefacere’ and ‘liquefacere’ is less usual than the ficare of ‘edificare’, ‘specificare’ and ‘fortificare’ (is it just a question of whether an ‘i’ precedes the ending?), so ‘categorification’ was probably better than ‘categorifaction’.
Anyway, perhaps a suggestion for something to go on that page. Coalgebras, as maps , are of great interest in computer science, e.g., this workshop, capturing the notion of the state of observations on, and transitions within, a system. Now, has anyone looked at coalgebras for (pseudo) (lax) 2-functors between 2-categories, allowing state spaces to be, say, categories?
Re: Gerundives
What would be nice is a page of things where we almost know how to categorify it, and why it would be cool if we did. Because nearly every mathematical structure could be categorified.
And I’ve never heard of satisfacienda (at least, not as an English word), so I’d say that “Things to be categorified” is a much better title than either of the other suggestions.