Equivariant deRham Cohomology and Action Lie Algebroids
Posted by Urs Schreiber
The trimester program Geometry and Physics at the Hausdorff Institute in Bonnn is over. After a concentration of official activity around July it was getting a bit more relaxed again in August and we could pick up again our “internal seminar” among the program participants. Maybe a bit too relaxed: in the last weeks this internal seminar was attended just by Alejandro Cabrera and myself. But a 2-body seminar can be very useful.
I had mentioned a seminar talk by Alejandro on BV Poisson reduction recently here. Now in the internal seminar Alejandro was looking into the general mechanism of localization of integrals over graded spaces following
Richard Szabo
Equivariant Localization of Path Integrals
We talked about the relation of this to BV-BRST quantization. Maybe some of the things we discussed there are too top secret to be shared here for the moment, but I can share the following useful literature that Alejandro tracked down, on the relation between equivariant deRham cohomology and action Lie algebroids, and an interpretation of this in the context of rational approximations to universal -bundles in the sense of -connections (blog, arXiv).
Given the action of a compact connected Lie group on a manifold , there are several closely related but different differential algebra models for the -equivariant deRham cohomology of : notably there is the ancient Cartan-Weil model and then more recently there is what is called the BRST model.
It was shown in
V. Mathai, D. Quillen
Superconnections, Thom classes, and equivariant differential forms
Topology, 25(1):85-110, 1986
that the underlying complexes of these two models are isomorphic. Now, both these complexes are obtained as sub-complexes of bigger complexes. In
J. Kallkman
BRST model for equivariant cohomology and representatives for the equivariant Thom class
Comm. Math. Phys., 153(3):447-463, 1993
it is shown that also these bigger complexes are isomorphic.
When Alejandro showed me this bigger complex I said: “hey, this looks like the Weil algebra of the action Lie algebroid of the action of on ”.
Alejandro quickly demonstrated that this is indeed the case and shortly afterwards also came up with a reference where, up to some inessential difference in language, precisely this statement is demonstrated:
Rajan Mehta
-Algebroids and their cohomology
Recall what this statement about the Weil algebra of the action Lie algebroid means (I am following the notation and terminology from -connections :
an -algebroid with space of objects the smooth space is a non-positively graded cochain complex of -modules equipped with a degree +1 derivation covering the differential on and squaring to zero.
The “quasi free” (namely free just as a graded commutative algebra over ) differential graded commutative algebra is the Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra of the -algebroid .
The Weil algebra of the -algebroid, obtained by throwing in another but shifted copy of as well as the “locally shifted copy” of is where the matrix on the right is supposed to indicate how the differential acts on the original generators in and their shifted copies . Here denotes the degree +1 derivation which restricts to the canonical isomorphism on and to the deRham differential on and to zero on the shifted generators.
Action Lie algebroids provide examples for this: for an ordinary Lie algebra acting on an ordinary manifold by means of a Lie algebra morphism , the action Lie algebroid comes from the free -module generated by concentrated in degree 0, with the differential being the dual of on and the ordinary Chevalley-Eilenberg differential on .
As Alejandro saw, it is a quick computation using Cartan’s formula for the Lie derivative on differential forms to show that the Weil algebra in the above sense is precisely the Kalkman/BRST differential that appears as equation (21) in Mehta’s article.
Notice that Mehta follows common fashion and thinks of all things in terms of -graded supergeometry. I tend to want to not do that, as the Lie-theoretic imagery seems to me to be paramount. But in the end it is just an inessential matter of language and a straightforward exercise to check that Mehta’s shifted tangent -algebroid in his section 5.2 corresponds to the above.
Finally a word on the original issue of models for equivariant deRham cohomology and the relavent sub-complexes of the Weil algebra complex:
as recalled and discussed in -connections
the Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra plays the role of differential forms on the -group integrating
the Weil algebra plays the role of differential forms on the universal -bundle
the canonical morphism plays the role of the dual to the fiber injection .
This defines yet another qDGCA, namely , the algebra of basic forms or invariant polynomials on as the subalgebra of which is invariant under those inner derivations on that cover inner derivations on .
the algebra plays the role of differential forms on .
And is the Kalkman/BRST model of -equivariant deRham cohomology on .
To see this, notice that the only inner derivations on the CE-algebra of the action Lie algebroid are those coming from contractions with elements in the Lie algebra . Hence so are the inner derivations of the Weil algebra covering these. So an element of is in precisely if it is annihilated by all the contractions and all the inner derivations for all . This subalgebra is usually denoted and with the induced differential this is indeed the Cartan model for equivariant deRham cohomology. See for instance page 19 of Mehta’s article.
Finally, I should add a more general word on Mehta’s article. As mentioned here he is interested in groupoids internal to “-manifolds”. In the language I am using a “-manifold” is the geometric interpretation of the dual of the Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra of an -algebroid. Hence these are groupoids internal to -algebroids.
Such internal groupoids correspond of course to Lie algebroids internal to -algebroids. Mehta calls these “-algebroids” and this is what his article is concerned with. The Weil algebra of an -algebroid is itself a qDGCA and hence itself a Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra of an -algebroid which in -connections is denoted : the -algebroid of inner derivations of . From Mehta’s point of view this is a special case of a -algebroid, corresponding to the shifted tangent bundle of the corresponding “-manifold”.
-Café regulars will recall our extensive discussion of the relation between tangents, inner derivations and universal bundles, for instance from More on tangent categories.
Re: Equivariant deRham Cohomology and Action Lie Algebroids
Just 2 quick questions (probably obvious for those in the know):
What is BV reduction?
Any relation of this with Nekrasov’s approach to instanton counting?