Categories, Logic and Physics in London, II
Posted by Urs Schreiber
Andreas Döring writes:
Dear all,
we hereby wish to invite you to participate in the second workshop on “Categories, Logic and Foundations of Physics”, which will take place at Imperial College on
Wednesday, 14th May 2008, 11:00 - 18:45, Lecture Theatre 3, Blackett Laboratory.
Our workshop series is aimed at nourishing research in the fields named in the title and at bringing together scientists from the different fields involved. The success of the first workshop already showed that there is substantial interest in these topics and a great potential for collaborations. With the second workshop, we hope to keep and increase the momentum.
Please also have a look at the website.
The videos and slides of the January workshop are online now.
As a guiding line, the main topic of this meeting will be the description of the continuum and physical space-time in categorical terms, though some of the talks will have a different focus. We will have six talks (five of them 40 minutes each plus discussion, and one 1-hour presentation). Confirmed speakers up to now are
Peter Johnstone
Fay Dowker
Basil Hiley
Paul-André Melliès
Bruce Bartlett
We are also planning to have a discussion session again. We will keep you informed on the details of the schedule.
REGISTRATION: There is no formal registration, but for planning reasons, please DO let us know via email if you will participate or not. Many thanks!
Please bring the workshop to the attention of others who might be interested. We are looking forward to seeing you (again) at “Categories, Logic and Foundations of Physics”.
Best regards,
Andreas Doering (Imperial) and Bob Coecke (Oxford)
Re: Categories, Logic and Physics in London, II
Cool! I got the announcement in my email, but I hadn’t noticed Paul–André Melliès was speaking. I spent last July in Paris talking to him, and I plan to do the same this summer. I think it’ll be great to get him involved in this enterprise. Check out his picture gallery.
It would also be great to bring in some other French folks who ply their trade near the interface of physics, logic, computation and category theory: for example, Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont, Francois Lemarche, and Francois Metayer.