HD Failure
The hard drive on Golem went south this morning, and the machine was offline for about 14 hours. It was a fairly quick matter to procure a replacement drive from the Campus Computer Store ($60 for a 500 GB model which, since the original 250 GB drive was less than half full, should be more than adequate).
It took a couple of attempts to restore the Time Machine backup to the new drive, and considerably longer to get the machine to boot properly from the new drive. This leads me to suspect that the SATA controller may, itself, be dodgy. If so, then a fourth-generation Golem may be imminent. After 15 years, perhaps it’s time.
There was a period of a few hours between the last Time Machine backup and when hard drive gave up the ghost. Any blog comments or emails received during that period obviously didn’t make it onto the new disk. I may still be able to recover them from the old disk …
This experience (aside from killing what was otherwise shaping up to be a very productive day) left me with a new appreciation for “the cloud” and the redundancy it provides. My concerns about data security haven’t so much been allayed as supplanted.
Re: HD Failure
So what are the candidates for Golem mark IV? I’ve been putting off buying a second MacPro for a while b/c I kept hearing that updates were imminent, but it sounds like that might not happen until the summer.