now I have found the time to read your notes.
In case you care, I can tell you that I pretty much agree with what you write.
I should maybe add that I believe the comparison to Yang-Mills theory that you make could be sharpened, in my humble opinion. What should be compared is GR coupled to any fields with YM coupled to charged fields.
The issue of gauge fixing in both cases is really a little different from the general issue of background dependence, I believe.
I feel however that the entire discussion is suffering a little from the fact that different people in different situations seem to mean different things when talking about ‘backgrounds’ in physics. My feeling is that once we adopt and all agree on a clear-cut definition of terms, half of the confusion (if any) and half of the apparent disagreement will dissolve.
I checked with Wikipedia and it seems that nobody has yet written an entry on ‘background independence in physics’ or anything like that. I would want to propose some definitions and have them discussed here. Maybe we end up with something that we could post to Wikipedia for future reference.
Here is my proposal, the main point being that there are at least two different meanings of all the relevant terms floating around:
Background (in theoretical physics)
1) A parameter of a Lagrangian that is not varied, as opposed to a dynamical field :
2) A solution to classical equations of motion about which the quantum theory is computed perturbatively.
Background Independence
1) Given a theory with background parameters and dynamical fields the theory
which is given is given by the same Lagrangian functional but with the parameter regarded as a dynamical field instead of a background parameter, is said to be independent of the background .
2) A theory whose perturbative quantization does not depend on a fixed but arbitrary choice of classical background is said to be background independent.
(Even though I stated these definitions in some pseudo-formal fashion it is clear that we could make these definitions much more precise if desired. But I think the main point should be clear.)
It should go without mention but I will mention it nevertheless that we all want the metric not to be a background in sense 1) but that there is nothing wrong with (and it is in fact desirable for) it being a background in sense 2).
Also, perturbative string theory is well-known to be background-indepent in the second sense (at least under infinitesimal shifts of classical solutions) and is trivially background indepent (of the metric) in the first sense (since the metric tensor is not fixed, otherwise there would be just a single classical solution for it, which there is not).
What perturbative string theory is not is (by definition) being in a form that would allow quantization without ever using any (fixed but arbitrary) background in sense 2), namely a classical solution to its equations of motion.
I strongly believe that those people who complain that perturbative string theory is not a background indepentent quantization of gravity really mean (and should really be saying) that it is not a non-perturbative quantization of gravity, i.e. one in which you never have to mention a background in sense 2).
Which is true, trivially, and debated by nobody.
Comments and criticism are welcome.
Re: Background independence
I have only just returned home and haven’t had the time to catch up with all the discussion that I have missed. But I feel like making the following comment, not particularly replying to anything you wrote:
A ‘background’ is really nothing but a saddle point of a path integral which we are trying to compute perturbatively. Hence perturbation theory and backgrounds are inseperable and denying the usefulness of backgrounds in quantum gravity amounts to denying the usefulness of perturbation theory. What one wants is background independence, in that the choice of saddle point must not affect the result, but background freedom seems to be calling for theories without a classical limit.