Flat Functors and Morphisms of Sites
Posted by Mike Shulman
There’s something about the notion of flat functor that confused me vaguely in the background for a long time. Eventually I tracked it to its source: the same term is used with two slightly different meanings! As a preview of part of my CT2011 talk, today I’ll explain what those meanings are, and how a mutual generalization of them gives us a better notion of “morphism of sites”.
The starting point is that a Set-valued functor is flat if its category of elements is cofiltered. If has finite limits, then this is equivalent to preserving them; thus a flat functor “would preserve all finite limits if they existed.” This is also a reasonable thing to say because is flat if and only if the induced functor preserves finite limits (which always has, unlike ). In topos-theoretic terms, is flat if and only if the induced adjunction is a geometric morphism; thus flat functors are equivalent to points of the presheaf topos .
Now let’s generalize this to codomain categories other than . Starting from the first definition, a natural line of thought might go like this. The category of elements of is the same as the comma category , where is the 1-element set. In particular, it only knows about maps from into the images of —but this is enough to characterize finite limits in . With a codomain other than , therefore, we may expect to need maps out of all objects rather than just out of .
Thus, it seems reasonable to define a functor to be representably flat if for each , the comma category is cofiltered—or equivalently, if the functor is flat. (This is often called just “flat”, but I’m adding an adjective for clarity later on.) If has finite limits, then is representably flat if and only if it preserves them.
This notion of flatness has some nice properties. For instance, if has finite limits, then is representably flat if and only if it preserves them. Moreover, if and are small, then is representably flat if and only if the induced functor preserves finite limits. Therefore, if and are small sites and is representably flat, then the composite of with sheafification provides a left-exact left adjoint to . If also preserves covers, then lands inside , so in this case we have an induced geometric morphism . Thus, one often defines a morphism of sites to be a representably flat functor which preserves covers (cf. for instance C2.3.7 in Sketches of an Elephant).
On the other hand, however, the fact that points of are equivalent to flat functors suggests that should be the classifying topos for flat functors defined on . That is, for any (Grothendieck) topos , geometric morphisms should be equivalent to “flat functors defined on ” internal to . This is true as long as we define “flat functors defined on internal to ” correctly. The straightforward approach is to write down a geometric theory whose models in are flat Set-valued functors.
If you like geometric logic, that’s a nice exercise, but it just comes out to a functor with the following property. For any finite diagram , consider the family of all cones over in . Each of these cones induces a cone in , which therefore factors through the limit (which, of course, exists in ). We then ask that the family of all these factorizations is jointly epimorphic onto .
This is just the notion of flatness for a Set-valued functor, rephrased in terms of diagrams. Let’s call such a functor internally flat; then geometric morphisms are equivalent to internally flat functors . More precisely, is internally flat if and only if the induced functor preserves finite limits, which is a natural generalization of the characterization of flat Set-valued functors we started from. See for instance VII.7-8 of Sheaves in Geometry and Logic, and B3.2.3 of Sketches of an Elephant.
Now, representable flatness and internal flatness are not the same! In fact, even for Set-valued functors, internal-flatness is equivalent to flatness in the original sense, but representable flatness is a good deal stronger (although of course they agree when the domain has finite limits).
Exercise: Find a functor which is internally, but not representably, flat.
I don’t know about you, but I find this a bit bothersome, especially since people don’t usually put adjectives like “representably” and “internally” in front of “flat” to clarify which notion they mean. However, I got much happier about it when I realized that representable and internal flatness are actually two special cases of a single general notion.
To wit, suppose that is a category and is a site, and define to be covering flat if, for any finite diagram , and any cone over in , the sieve
is a covering sieve of in .
Let’s see how this reproduces representable flatness and internal flatness. First, suppose is a Grothendieck topos with its canonical topology, whose covering sieves are the jointly epimorphic ones. Then for any , the limiting cone is a particular cone (as in the definition of covering flatness). In that case, the sieve in question is generated by the family of all factorizations through of cones over in . Thus, covering flatness implies that this family is jointly epic, which is internal flatness. Covering flatness appears to say even more than this, since it refers to any cone over ; but when has a limit, it suffices to consider the limiting cone, since covering sieves are stable under pullback. So when the codomain is a topos (such as ) with its canonical topology, covering flatness reduces to internal flatness.
Second, suppose has the trivial topology, in which a sieve is covering just when it contains a split epimorphism. Then covering flatness asserts that for any and any cone , there exists a cone such that factors through (since there is some in the above sieve which is split epic). But and together are precisely a finite diagram in , and such that factors through is precisely a cone over this diagram in . Thus, when the codomain has a trivial topology, covering flatness reduces to representable flatness.
So that’s nice, but can we do anything else with covering flatness? Well, recall that one of the uses of representable flatness was to define morphisms of sites. If is representably flat, then preserves finite limits; hence if is a site then so does the composite since sheafification always preserves finite limits. But at least a priori, representable flatness is more than we need for this, since we don’t actually need itself to preserve finite limits, only its composite with sheafification. The weaker notion of covering flatness is exactly right!
Exercise: Prove that if is a small category and is a small site, then a functor is covering flat if and only if the composite preserves finite limits.
Therefore, if we were to define a morphism of sites to be a functor which is (1) covering flat and (2) cover-preserving, this would be sufficient to induce a geometric morphism . I don’t know whether there are any especially interesting functors which are morphisms of sites in this sense but not the classical one, but the extra generality is aesthetically pleasing and formally convenient. For instance, one nice thing is that the inclusion of any dense sub-site is always a morphism of sites in the new sense, though not necessarily in the classical one.
More importantly, this notion of “morphism of sites” now matches exactly the corresponding theory for classifying topoi. Recall that when is a topos, geometric morphisms are equivalent to internally flat, or equivalently covering flat, functors . If is moreover itself a small site, then geometric morphisms are classically known to correspond to internally/covering flat functors which are also cover-preserving—in other words, morphisms of sites in the new sense, where is equipped with its canonical topology. That means that modulo size issues (which I’ll address in my CT talk), the functor
(where is defined using the new notion of morphism of sites) is left adjoint to the forgetful functor
which sends a topos to its underlying category equipped with its canonical topology, and a geometric morphism to its inverse image functor. But things are actually even better than that, because is fully faithful: a functor between Grothendieck topoi is the inverse image functor of a geometric morphism precisely when it is a morphism of sites for the canonical topologies. In other words, the (2-)category of topoi is a reflective subcategory of the (2-)category of sites.
I’ll finish with a puzzle for the reader, connecting the new notion of covering flatness back to the original intuition for flat functors.
Puzzle: Under what conditions on and can we say that is covering flat if and only if it preserves finite limits? (Hint: we need some conditions on in addition to .)
Re: Flat Functors and Morphisms of Sites
That’s nice. It gives a refined precise sense of how is a completion operation.
Have you thought about possible higher analogs of this definition of covering-flat functors?