Well, the Primary Season is finally over. Which, I suppose, means that the Election Season has begun. Four years ago, Dietrich Ayala put together an XML interface to the electoral vote forecasts of The VoteMaster, which I dutifully displayed on my sidebar.
I haven’t seen any evidence that Mr. Ayala is going to do the same for this election cycle. And, besides, I wanted to display the poll results for the House and Senate races as well. So, this year, I decided to roll my own. As a gesture of public-spiritedness, here’s the XML interface. Share and enjoy.
Re: Polls
The Iowa Electronic Markets IEM [U_Iowa] offers an economics perspective as an “on-line futures market where contract payoffs are based on real-world events” like the “2008 US Presidential Election Markets”.
The IEM is more consistent with a popular vote rather than electoral college vote.
Since Russian PhD physicist Kirill Ininski wrote “The Physics of Finance”, there appears to be a means of unifying the mathematics of physics and economics.