Trackback Spambot
For the past 5 months, one particular group of trackback spammers been hammering away at this blog. They started at the beginning of February, and I wrote briefly about them at that time.
Despite their initial lack of success, they persisted in trying to post trackbacks through a dizzying array of anonymous proxies. I had to fine-tune my blocking methods, and a quiet arms-race ensued.
Automated Trackback Spam, Feb-Jun 2005.
In February, they made a total of 1439 attempts. By June, that number had mushroomed to 12871 attempts/month (yep, that’s an average of 429 trackbacks/day).
You might think that thousands of failed pings would be a bit … discouraging. But they, apparently, have a naïve faith that, if only they can hit me with enough trackback pings, some will surely go through.
I’m happy to report that legitimate trackbacks, while not very numerous (55 during the time interval in question) have been unaffected. And I’ve been doing my best to tarpit the trackback spammers, on the theory that if they’re consuming CPU cycles attacking me, they’re not using them to attack someone else.
Still, I gotta wonder how long this will go on, before they either give up in disgust, or find a way around my blocks1.
1 For obvious reasons, I’m reluctant to divulge the details of my methods, at the moment. But you can be sure that I have found SpamLookup and MovableType’s built-in Trackback throttle to be indispensible lines of defence.
Re: Trackback Spambot
I’ve had some battles with spammers, as well. After seeing an increase in activity a couple of weeks ago, I seem to be experiencing a lull at the moment. I’m worried that it might just be the calm before the storm, though.
I ended up implementing an automated system[1] that tied into my host’s firewall rules. When I detect spam via my blog or my email service, the client IP goes into a database. After the number of attempts from a particular IP crosses a threshold, the IP is blocked at the firewall level until a certain amount of time passes with no further activity from that IP.