I sat down last night, with my two children, to watch the much-protested “Sugartime” episode of Postcards from Buster. A sweet, wholesome half-hour tour of life in rural Vermont (as seen through the video camera of the eponymous rabbit). Lots of maple sugar, dairy cows, and even a Shabbos dinner. Having now seen the show, I am more amazed than ever at the “controversy” it engendered.
We have a contingent of seriously twisted people in this country. And I don’t mean “Mom and Gillian,” the parents of Buster’s tour guides in this episode.
Posted by distler at March 29, 2005 12:02 AM
Re: Sweetness
Hey Jacques,
I trust your judgement that this stuff is completely benign and harmless. I agree that this whole controversy is silly. But will you please stay away from these left-wing nuts at “mediamatters.org” etc.? You certainly should if you want your readers to take you more seriously than them.