Geometry and String Theory
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This is the homepage for the UT Geometry and String Theory Seminar. At the organizational meeting we will flesh out the details of our plans for the semester. Below are some suggestions to get us started.
Fall 2018 Schedule
Date Speaker Topic 8/29 Organizational Meeting
9/5 Andy Neitzke SL(3) connections on the punctured projective line
9/12 David Ben-Zvi Vertex Algebras towards Higgs Branches I
9/26 David Ben-Zvi Vertex Algebras towards Higgs Branches II
10/3 Dan David Freed Ben-Zvi Entanglement Vertex properties Algebras of towards quantum Higgs field Branches theory III
10/10 Behzat Ergun Infinite chiral symmetry in four dimensions
10/17 Saebyeok Jeong Opers, surface defects and Yang-Yang functional
10/24 Jacques Distler Chiral algebras of class S
10/31 Arun Debray Anomalies of duality groups and extended conformal manifolds
11/7 Ali Shehper Fivebranes and 4-manifolds
11/14 Qianyu Hao Vertex operator algebras and 3d N=4 gauge theory
11/28 Sebastian Schulz Integrability and 4d gauge theory I
12/5 Ivan Tulli Integrability and 4d gauge theory II
Brave New Vertex Algebras
C. Beem, M. Lemos, P. Liendo, W. Peelaers, L. Rastelli, B. C. van Rees, “Infinite chiral symmetry in four dimensions ”
C. Beem, W. Peelaers, L. Rastelli, B. C. van Rees, “Chiral algebras of class S ”
C. Beem, L. Rastelli, “Vertex operator algebras, Higgs branches, and modular differential equations ”
C. Beem, StringMath Slides, “Comments on Vertex Algebras for N=2 SCFTS ”
T. Arakawa, 2018 ICM Address, “Representation Theory of W-algebras and Higgs Branch Conjecture ”
T. Arakawa, “Associated Varieties and Higgs Branches, a Survey ”
A. Gadde, S. Gukov, P. Putrov, “Fivebranes and 4-manifolds ”
M. Dedushenko, S. Gukov, P. Putrov, “Vertex algebra and 4-manifold invariants ”
B. Feigin, S. Gukov, “VOA[M4] ”
K. Costello, D. Gaiotto, “Vertex operator algebras and 3d N=4 gauge theories ”
E. Frenkel, D. Gaiotto, “Quantum Langlands dualities of boundary conditions, D-modules, and conformal blocks ”
Gauge Theory and Integrable Systems
E. Witten, “Integrable lattice models from gauge theory ”
K. Costello, E. Witten, M. Yamazaki, “Gauge theory and integrability, I ”
K. Costello, E. Witten, M. Yamazaki, “Gauge theory and integrability, II ”
K. Costello, “Lecture at Strings 2016 ”
E. Witten, “Lecture at Strings 2016 ”
M. Yamazaki, “Lecture at Strings 2018 ”
Miscellaneous Papers
V. F. R. Jones, “Scale invariant transfer matrices and Hamiltonians ”
R. Mazzeo, E. Witten, “The KW equations and the Nahm pole boundary condition with knots ”
S. Chatterjee, “Yang-Mills for probabilists ”
N. Seiberg, Y. Tachikawa, K. Yonekura, “Anomalies of duality groups and extended conformal manifolds ”
A. S. Cattaneo, P. Mnev, N. Reshetikhin, “Poisson sigma model and semiclassical quantization of integrable systems ”
R. Dijkgraaf, E. Witten, “Developments in topological gravity ”
C. Elliott, P. Safronov, “Topological twists of supersymmetric algebras of observables ”
E. Witten, “Notes on some entanglement properties of quantum field theory ”
Old References
(Higher) Symmetries, Anomaly-Matching and Phases of QCD
A. Kapustin, R. Thorngren, “Anomalies of discrete symmetries in various dimensions and group cohomology ”
D. Gaiotto, A. Kapustin, N. Seiberg and B. Willett, “Generalized Global Symmetries ”
F. Benini, P. Hsin and N. Seiberg, “Comments on global symmetries, anomalies, and duality in (2+1)d ”
D. Gaiotto, A. Kapustin, Z. Komargodski and N. Seiberg, “Theta, Time Reversal, and Temperature ”
Z. Komargodski and N. Seiberg, “A Symmetry Breaking Scenario for QCD 3 \text{QCD}_3 ”
D. S. Freed, Z. Komargodski, N. Seiberg, “The Sum Over Topological Sectors and θ in the 2+1-Dimensional CP¹ σ-Model ”
D. Gaiotto, Z. Komargodski and N. Seiberg, “Time-Reversal Breaking in QCD 4 \text{QCD}_4 , Walls, and Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions ”
J. Gomis, Z. Komargodski, N. Seiberg, “Phases of adjoint QCD 3 \text{QCD}_3 and dualities ”
C. Cordova, P.-S. Hsin, N. Seiberg, “Time-reversal symmetry, anomalies, and dualities in (2+1)d ”
Y. Tachikawa, “On gauging finite subgroups ”
D. M. Hofman, N. Iqbal, “Generalized global symmetries and holography ”
Mathematics Papers on 2-Groups
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