Recent Posts by handy
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Using instiki.desktop to autostart at login @distler I’m actually using the OpenRC init system, so the changes to most (would have to be close to 100% of) distros go beyond just those (the vast majority) that use systemd. Again my apologies to readers for the mess that my instiki.desktop file presents as in the OP. You should be able to work out what it looks like by looking at a .desktop file in your own ~/.config/autostart/ |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Using instiki.desktop to autostart at login The formatting is messed up, Path= should be on its own line (I obviously haven’t yet learned markdown). |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Using instiki.desktop to autostart at login I looked at the wiki page on autostarting instiki at login & it is somewhat out of date. So I thought I’d see if I could kludge my way to an autostart by using a ~/.config/autostart/instiki.desktop file. & it works fine. So it should be a simple autostart method for all Linux distros (I just run instiki on my local machine for personal use). I’m sure that the following instiki.desktop file that I created could be improved & made more correct. But it works great as it is & instiki uses next to no resources when run in the background, which makes me happy. So hopefully the following is useful to someone (be sure to change the path to that of where you have instiki installed on your system): ________________________________________ [Desktop Entry] Name=instiki GenericName=Wiki software Comment=Contains indexed information Path=/home/handy/instiki Exec=ruby ./instiki –daemon Type=Application StartupNotify=true Categories=Network;WebBrowser;Wiki ____________________________________ |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation problem Thanks for your help. We got it this time. :) I used the command you suplied above, & started the setup again & it is working fine now. Thanks for your time. |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation problem Thanks for your reply. I have only one “web”. Unfortunately I still get exactly the same result when using the address that you provided in the above post? |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation problem OK I read your wiki page on the syntax, so here is my error in full: <nowiki>No route matches "/" with {:method=>:get}</nowiki> |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation problem I’ll try the code option before I read the wiki page again: ;) ‘code’No route matches “/” with ’/code’ |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation problem Thanks for your reply. :) I installed git, & then followed your instructions & installed instiki. (The AUR package is certainly out of date!) Then I ran instiki, intered a wiki name/address for my local wiki & a password. When I hit the next button I get a “HomePage” with the following error: Routing Error No route matches “/” with Once again I’m at a loss? If you could please point me in the right direction I’ll be very grateful? |
posted 7 years ago
9 posts
Forum: Instiki – Topic: Installation problem Hi there,
I’ve installed: * ruby 2.4.2p198 * Created ~/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/bin ruby_gems updated (have multiple directories & files in …/2.4.0/ now) Ran a couple of tests (found on the web) & Ruby seems to be functioning OK.
When I enter ./instiki –daemon I get the following errors: ‘code’ [handy@notebang ~/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/bin]$ ./instiki –daemon /home/handy/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/instiki-0.10.2/instiki:6:in Any help will be much appreciated. |