Category Theory 2019
Posted by Tom Leinster
As announced here previously, the major annual category theory meeting is taking place next year in Edinburgh, on 7-13 July. And after a week in the cityof Arthur Conan Doyle, James Clerk Maxwell, Dolly the Sheep and the Higgs Boson, you can head off to Oxford for the Applied Category Theory 2019.
We’re now pleased to advertise our preliminary list of invited speakers, together with key dates for others who’d like to give talks.
The preliminary Invited Speakers include three of your Café hosts, and are as follows:
- John Baez (Riverside)
- Neil Ghani (Strathclyde)
- Marco Grandis (Genoa)
- Simona Paoli (Leicester)
- Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins)
- Mike Shulman (San Diego)
- Manuela Sobral (Coimbra)
Further invited speakers are to be confirmed.
Contributed talks We are offering an early round of submissions and decisions to allow for those who need an early decision (e.g. for funding purposes) or want preliminary feedback for a possible resubmission. The timetable is as follows:
- Early submission opens: January 1
- Early submission deadline: March 1
- Early decision notifications: April 1
For those who don’t need an early decision:
- Submission opens: March 1
- Submission deadline: May 1
- Notifications: June 1
Submission for CT2019 is handled by EasyChair through the link
In order to submit, you will need to make an EasyChair account, which is a simple process. Submissions should be in the form of a brief (one page) abstract.
Registration is independent of abstract submission and will be open at a later date.
Re: Category Theory 2019
Wow! When we started the n-Café who would have guessed that one day half the plenary talks at the main category theory conference would be given by members!
I look forward to seeing you all there. I hope someone shows me a few cool spots in Edinburgh—I’ve never been there before.