Posted by John Baez
It’s Newton’s birthday! Google has a nice homepage today, which shows an apple dropping…
In honor of Sir Isaac, I thought I’d ask a question that’s related to classical mechanics: what’s coenergy?
I’m doing a lot of reading on electrical circuits these days — and most recently, the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian approaches to electrical circuits. And the word ‘coenergy’ keeps cropping up, but I’ve never seen it defined.
For example:
The function is the sum of the electric coenergy of the capacitors in the tree and the magnetic coenergy of the inductors in the cotree …
from Dissipative Systems: Analysis and Control by Bernard Brogliato, Rogelio Lozano, Bernhard Maschke and Olav Egeland. Or:
In the linear case, energy and co-energy are numerically equal — the value of distinguishing between them may not be obvious.
Why bother with co-energy at all?
from Coenergy: Again, which seems to be notes from a course at MIT. Some other MIT course notes are more illuminating, but still awfully terse:
The constitutive equation for kinetic energy storage (inertia) is:
diagonal matrix of inertial parameters (masses, moments of inertia, e.g. about mass centers)
Kinetic co-energy is the dual of kinetic energy:
Thus, by definition:
These are from Neville Hogan’s notes on Inertial Mechanics.
Now, I know that we can often think of kinetic energy either as a function of velocity or of momentum. In the first case, it’s a function on the tangent bundle of configuration space (some manifold or other). In the second case, it’s a function on the cotangent bundle . These two formulations are related by the ‘Legendre transform’.
Am I right in guessing from the above equations that ‘kinetic coenergy’ simply means kinetic energy regarded as a function of velocity? And maybe more generally ‘coenergy’ is energy regarded as a function on the tangent bundle? That seems perversely backwards to me — I’d say coenergy should be energy regarded as a function on the cotangent bundle. But who am I to say?
And I’m just guessing, anyway. I find it a bit frustrating that people would prefer to write rather than say ‘kinetic coenergy is just kinetic energy regarded as a function of velocity’ — if that’s what they actually mean. But I’m used to it.
Re: Coenergy
Principles of analytical system dynamics by Richard A. Layton tells us that “energy varies with momentum; coenergy varies with flow” and that kinetic coenergy is “the proper form to use in the classical Lagrangian” but kinetic energy is right for the classical Hamiltonian (p. 14).
There’s a nice table on the following page contrasting energy and coenergy of ideal kinetic stores.