Classical vs Quantum Computation (Week 9)
Posted by John Baez
Here are the first of the Winter quarter notes on Classical versus Quantum Computation. This quarter we’ll start categorifying everything we did last time!
- Week 9 (Jan. 4) - Brief review of categories and computation: objects as data types, morphisms as equivalence classes of programs. Why we must categorify our work so far to see computation as a process. The strategy of categorification. Categorifying the concept of ‘monoid’ to get the concept of ‘monoidal category’. Categorifying the concept of ‘category’ to get the concept of ‘(weak) 2-category’ (also known as ‘bicategory’).
Last week’s notes are here.
There won’t be any seminar next week, since some of will be at the workshop on Higher Categories and their Applications in Toronto. We’ll continue the week after next.