MacIntyre on Rational Judgment
Posted by David Corfield
Let us continue to develop the MacIntyrean theme of belonging to a tradition of enquiry. The central practice with which MacIntyre has been concerned is the life of a moral-political community. But for any community to operate rationally, it must do so in terms of a common good, internal to the practice of that community, which in turn must engage itself in a quest to better understand this good which constitutes its end. Something I have worked on over previous months has been whether we can see the mathematical community in similar terms. So where your typical Anglo-American political philosopher or ethicist and their philosopher of mathematics colleague will have very little to talk about, this is not the case with MacIntyre and myself, hence the number of posts, both here and at the old blog, which I have devoted to him.
Now, what is it to perform well in a community?
Since what discriminates one kind of character from another is how goods are rank ordered by the agent, and since each rank ordering of goods embodies some conception of what the good life for human beings is, we will be unable to justify our choices until and unless we can justify some conception of the human good. And to do this we will have to resort to theory as the justification of practice.
Rationality however does not necessarily, nor even generally, require that we move to this point. I may on many types of occasion judge rightly and rationally that it is here and now desirable and choiceworthy that I do so and so, without having to enquire whether this type of action is genuinely desirable and choiceworthy for someone such as myself. I may on many types of occasion judge rightly and rationally that this type of action is desirable and choiceworthy for someone such as myself, without having to enquire whether the type of character that it exemplifies is genuinely good character. And I may judge rightly and rationally on many types of occasion that this type of character is indeed better than that, without having to enquire about the nature of the human good. Yet insofar as my judgment and action are right and rational they will be such as would have been endorsed by someone who had followed out this chain of enquiry to the end (in two senses of “end”). It is always as if the rational agent’s judgment and action were the conclusion of a chain of reasoning whose first premise was “Since the good and the best is such and such…” But it is only in retrospect that our actions can be understood in this way. Deduction can never take the place of the exercise of phronesis. (Ethics and Politics, CUP 2006: 36-37)
On many posts back at the old blog I noted similarities between moral thinking and mathematical thinking. As I have indicated this is unsurprising from the Thomistic Aristotelianism of Alasdair MacIntyre. Elsewhere I sketched out some mathematical reasoning modelled on Aristotelian practical reasoning:
Since perfected understanding of its objects is the goal of mathematics, and since 3-manifolds are and plausibly will remain central objects of mathematics, with deep connections to other central objects, and since seeking sufficient theoretical resources to prove the Geometrization Conjecture will in all likelihood require us to achieve an improved understanding of 3-manifolds, and indeed yield us reasoning approximating to that of a perfected understanding, it is right for us to try to prove the Geometrization Conjecture. (p. 13)
This is highly schematic. For a fuller account we would want to hear what makes 3-manifolds so important, what it means for the Geometrization Conjecture to point us in the right direction, etc.
Now, if we continue the analogy, we can conclude that a mathematician may ‘judge rightly and rationally’ without having a full understanding of what he or she is doing. And doesn’t this accord well with our views of the great mathematicians? We may know more now, and be able to recast what our predecessors just began to glimpse, but still feel they were tuning in to the way things are.
I think this reflects on what I said in my Berlin talk. How does the historian tell us what, say, Poincaré was thinking in 1890 using the public language available at the time? Even if we had access to his private language, isn’t a part of the truth of what he was thinking only expressible in a language unavailable to him, i.e., in retrospect when understanding has improved? Hence, intellectual history must have something of the future perfect to it. At the same time one must beware the pitfall of incorrectly forcing older ways of thinking into a modern conceptual apparatus for fear of shielding off reasoning which could act to challenge our current conceptions.
Re: MacIntyre on Rational Judgment
To discuss the social structure of the Mathematics community, and its evolution, and the evolution of its evolution as interpreted in philosophy, do we not need a n-Category theory of the Erdos graph, and its morphisms?
When Molière poked fun at the pretensions of grand Paris ladies, his main target was the fashion for Descartes’s astronomy: “I adore his vortexes,” Armande coos in “The Learned Ladies,” which was first produced in Paris in 1672. “And I his falling worlds,” Philamente sighs.
What did Descartes really know?
– Jonathan Vos Post