Mathematics and Virtual Reality
Posted by David Corfield
If we consider the obstacles which stand in the way of certain actions, by and large they fall into two classes. Physical laws prevent us from tossing up a ton weight boulder into the air unaided, while social laws prevent us from going around murdering people. In the latter case, we may be able to perform the act physically, but are prevented by our obedience to the law which proscribes it. One tradition, whose history is far too complex to begin to describe here, has sought to make of these two classes one, arguing that some social laws, such as that forbidding murder, are natural laws, that is, are drafted in accordance with the nature of man, and, for many in that tradition, in accordance with the nature of his Creator.
When we come to experience mathematics, we can’t help but feel the force of the obstacles put in our way to prevent us from doing what we like. At first, these may appear to be arbitrarily imposed on us by our teachers. We wanted to add to and make , but the spoilsports put a big red cross by it. If we are fortunate, we will come to understand why rules, such as those for the addition of fractions, are being imposed. Inspired by the beautiful coherence of these rules, we may eventually turn our hand to research. Now, instead of forever butting up against the disapproval of our teachers, we encounter some freedom at last. Our supervisor suggests we look at this paper and that to see if we can generalise their results in a certain sort of direction. Freedom of a sort, then, but clearly we can’t just define things how we like. Not only must we reason logically, but we feel ourselves severely restricted in how we define our concepts. When we get it right, unthought of consequences should ensue.
Indeed, very commonly a researcher’s explorations in one area will lead them, apparently inexorably, to the concepts of a very different field. When we come to describe the experience of this reality we are butting up against, options are rather slim. As a first choice, we might compare it to physical reality. But the differences here seem too great. We might then liken working in mathematics to playing according to the rules of the game of chess. This takes us beyond the realm of physical possibility. So we could move our bishop for our first move, but then we simply wouldn’t be playing chess. Also, like mathematics, we can play chess in our heads without a physical chess set. However, the analogy doesn’t take us very far. The rules of chess seem far too arbitrary. Certainly, they’re nicely crafted to make for a game that has absorbed people for their whole lives. But engaging in mathematics is more like being able to change some of the rules of the game. If we took all such card and board games together the analogy would be closer. But where then is the analogue to the discovery of surprising links? It would be as though someone could discover a new strategy in bridge, and a chess player then recognise how it could help her game.
Where can we find a new point of comparison? Alexandre Borovik has located one in the field of virtual reality.
Mathematics is an interactive multiplayer game. Its virtual reality is constantly affected by your actions and by the actions of other players.
- Why is it one single game for the entire world and thousands, if not millions, of players?
- What makes the game stable?
- Why does not it crash?
- What is the nature of the shared game space for all players?
Mathematics is then compared by Borovik to a “Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game” (MMORPG). And he goes on to pose the questions:
What is the nature of intrinsic and unintended laws of MMORPGs? Why do virtual world economies of MMORPGs obey the same laws as the real world economies? In particular, why do many virtual worlds suffer from inflation?
This brings us back to social laws, and the question of their arbitrariness. For some the appearance of the same economic laws in the virtual world will reflect the inevitably of the truths of economics. But another response would be to argue that one should expect common phenomena to appear in the virtual world and our world as these MMORPGs’ economies are modelled so closely on our economy, and this certainly isn’t the only possible economy. A further debate might then ensue about whether there is an ideal economy. Someone in the Natural Law tradition, for example, would invoke the concept of a ‘fair price’, that is, one which does justice to all parties, understanding the virtue ‘justice’ in a specific way.
It may appear that I am being led away from mathematics, but let me end by recalling that Grigory Perelman, a player of the Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game that is mathematics, has turned down both a prestigious award within that game, as well as $1 million of the money we use in the ‘real world’ game. Many have speculated about his reasons. Perhaps they are ethical. According to The New Yorker:
Mikhail Gromov, the Russian geometer, said that he understood Perelman’s logic: “To do great work, you have to have a pure mind. You can think only about the mathematics. Everything else is human weakness. Accepting prizes is showing weakness.” Others might view Perelman’s refusal to accept a Fields as arrogant, Gromov said, but his principles are admirable. “The ideal scientist does science and cares about nothing else,” he said. “He wants to live this ideal. Now, I don’t think he really lives on this ideal plane. But he wants to.”
Re: Mathematics and Virtual Reality
The Field’s medal only comes with $15K I think. Maybe his mother will convince him to take (his share of) the million if its offered by the Clay Institute. I think the wording says the prize is for the first complete and correct statement of a proof. The Chinese claim that some bits of Perleman’s proof could not be understood, and they had to invent stuff to fill the gaps. This was an ambit claim for the prize, but I reckon they’ll be delighted with a minor share.