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June 17, 2006

Kapustin on SYM, Mirror Symmetry and Langlands, II

Posted by Urs Schreiber

The second part of the lecture.

Recall that we were studying twisted super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group GG on a four-dimensional manifold which we take to be of product form

(1)X=Σ×C. X = \Sigma \times C \,.

(Apparently we could more generally asume a fibration.)

In the limit where the volume of CC goes to 0 this is equivalent to a topological σ\sigma-model on Σ\Sigma with target the Hitchin moduli space M Hit(G,C)\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C) of dimension

(2)dimM Hit(G,C)=2dimG(g1), \mathrm{dim} \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C) = 2 \mathrm{dim}G (g-1) \,,

where gg is the genus of CC.

So the path integral is of the form

(3)Z=Dϕexp(S(ϕ)), Z = \int D\phi \exp(-S(\phi)) \,,

where we integrate over maps

(4)ph:ΣM Hit(G,C). \ph : \Sigma \to \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C) \,.

For the sort of action SS involved here, we need a metric on target space M Hit(G,C)\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C). This is proportional to the canonical hyper-Kähler metric

(5)g=4πe 2g can. g = \frac{4\pi}{e^2} \, g_\mathrm{can} \,.

Similarly, the BB field on target space is proportional to the canonical 2-form

(6)B=θ2πω I, B = -\frac{\theta}{2\pi}\, \omega_I \,,

where II is the complex structure.

We had seen that a parameter P 1t=vu\mathbb{C}P^1 \ni t = \frac{v}{u} defines which topological σ\sigma model we are dealing with, by specifyin the BRST charge to be

(7)Q BRST=uQ l+vQ r. Q_\mathrm{BRST} = u Q_l + v Q_r \,.

Now consider how the target space looks like in more detail.

We can think of it as the moduli space of pairs

(8)M Hit(G,C)={(A,ϕ)|F zz¯[ϕ z,ϕ z¯]=0,D z¯ϕ z=0}/gauge transformations. \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}\left(G,C\right) = \left\lbrace \left. \left(A,\phi\right) \right| F_{z\bar z} - \left[\phi_z,\phi_{\bar z}\right] = 0\,, D_{\bar z}\phi_z = 0 \right\rbrace / \text{gauge transformations} \,.

Here F= 2F = \nabla^2 is the curvature of a connection on a GG-bundle EE over CC, and ϕΩ 1,0(adE)\phi \in \Omega^{1,0}(\mathrm{ad}E) is called the Higgs field.

M Hit(G,C)\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C) is hyper Kähler (it is a hyper Kähler reduction of \infty-dimensional affine space of pairs (A,ϕ)(A,\phi)).

The hyper Kähler metric reads

(9)ds 2= Ctr(δA zδ A z¯+δϕ zδϕ z¯)dz 2. ds^2 = \int_C \mathrm{tr} \left( \delta A_z \delta_{A_{\bar z}} + \delta \phi_z \delta \phi_{\bar z} \right) dz^2 \,.

Due to the target being hyper Kähler, the corresponding σ\sigma-model has (4,4)(4,4) supersymmetry.

In fact, M Hit\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit} has an entire sphere of complex structures

(10)I general=aI+bJ+cK,a 2+b 2+c 2=1, I_\mathrm{general} = a I + b J + c K \,, \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 1 \,,

where I,J,KI,J,K with

(11)IJ=K I J = K

are the basic complex structures that we shall study in the following.

More explicitly, one finds that

(12)δA zwδϕ z \delta A_z - w \delta \phi_z


(13)δA z¯+w 1δϕ z¯ \delta A_{\bar z} + w^{-1} \delta \phi_{\bar z}

are holomorphic 1-forms on target space, for ww \in \mathbb{C} \cup \infty.

The three basic complex structures II, JJ and KK are obtained as the following three interesting special cases of this.

1) Let w=w = \infty. Then δA z\delta A_z and δϕ z\delta \phi_z are holomorphic differentials. Theis defines the complex structure II.

Equipped with this complex structure, the Hitchin moduli space can be thought of as the space of stable Higgs GG-bundles

(14)M Hit(G,C) IM stable(G,C). \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C)_I \simeq \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{stable}(G,C) \,.

2) For w=iw = -i the holomorphic differentials are

(15) δA z+iδϕ z δA z¯+iδϕ z¯. \begin{aligned} &\delta A_z + i \delta \phi_z \\ &\delta A_{\bar z} + i \delta \phi_{\bar z} \end{aligned} \,.

This defines the complex structure called JJ.

In this case we can think of the Hitchin moduli space as that of stable flat Higgs bundles for the complexified gauge group

(16)M Hit(G,C) JM stable, flat(G ,C). \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C)_J \simeq \mathbf{M}_\text{stable, flat}(G_\mathbb{C},C) \,.

3) Finally, the third basic complex structure is the product of the first two

(17)K=IJ. K = I J \,.

This corresponds to w=1w = -1.

The Hitchin moduli space has an action of S 1S^1 by isometries which leave II invariant and rotate JJ and KK via ϕ ze iαϕ z\phi_z \mapsto e^{i\alpha} \phi_z.

Given any complex structure I wI_w, we can define an AA model and a BB model. But actually, what we get here is not always just an AA-model or just a BB-model, but in general a mixture of them.

So recall how the twistig is accomplished.

We start with a 2D conformal theory with stress-energy tensor

(18) T(z):=T zz(z) T¯(z¯):=T¯ z¯z¯(z) \begin{aligned} &T(z) := T_{z z}(z) \\ &\bar T(\bar z) := \bar T_{\bar z\bar z}(z) \end{aligned}

and with R-currents J(z)J(z) and J¯(z¯)\bar J(\bar z).

Twisting is accomplished by performing the replacement

(19) TT+12 zJ T¯T¯+12¯ z¯J¯. \begin{aligned} & T \mapsto T + \frac{1}{2}\partial_z J \\ & \bar T \mapsto \bar T + \frac{1}{2}\bar \partial_{\bar z} \bar J \end{aligned} \,.

the point is that the precise nature of the R-current depends on the complex structure that we choose.

Hence, there is a whole sphere of R-currents. The most general twist possible is denoted J w +J_{w_+} and J¯ w \bar J_{w_-}, depending on two parameters

(20)(w +,w )P 1×P 1. (w_+, w_-) \in \mathbb{C}P^1 \times \mathbb{C}P^1 \,.

In order to obtain the pure AA-model we set

(21)I w +=I w I_{w_+} = - I_{w_-}

corresponding to w +=1w¯ w_+ = - \frac{1}{\bar w_-}.

The pure BB-model is obtained for w +=w w_+ = w_-. In general, the twist yields neither of these.

We need to define the map between our twisting parameters w +w_+ and w w_- and the parameter tt from before. It turns out that the relation is

(22) w +=t w =t 1. \begin{aligned} & w_+ = -t \\ & w_- = t^{-1} \end{aligned} \,.

The AA-model corresponds to tt \in \mathbb{R}, the BB-model to t=±it = \pm i.

(Side remark: this is obtained by studying the adiabatic limit of the BPS equations.)

Next, Kapustin draw a couple of pictures depicting the sphere of complex structures, the equator of AA-model twists and the BB-model north and south poles. I won’t try to reproduce these here. See figure 1 on p. 21 of the Witten-Kapustin paper (\to).

The important point is, that, as we had seen in the previous talk, S-duality sends t=it=i to t=1t=1. This relates

(23)Amodel ofM Hit(G,C) KBmodel ofM Hit(G L,C) J. A-\text{model of} \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C)_K \;\simeq\; B-\text{model of} \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(\multiscripts{^L}{G}{},C)_J \,.

The rest of the lecture was concerend with making contact to the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow picture of mirror symmetry (\to).

One expects, due to their work, that the target space on each side of the duality has a fibration by Lagrangian tori What is this fibration?

M Hit(G,C)\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C) fibers over an affine space of half the total dimension, with the generic fiber being a torus.

This fibration is complex with respect to II and Lagrangian with respect to JJ and KK.

Let the gauge group be G=GL(n)G = \mathrm{GL}(n). Then we get

(24)M Hit(G,C) p V= k=1 nH 0(C,K C k), \array{ \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C) \\ p \downarrow \;\; \\ V = \oplus_{k=1}^n H^0(C,K_C^k) } \,,

where the projection pp works like

(25)p:(A,ϕ)trϕ z k. p : (A,\phi) \mapsto \mathrm{tr}\phi_z^k \,.

So let’s run the SYZ argument. Consider a point

(26)qM Hit(G L,C)M flat connections(G L,C) q \in \mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(\multiscripts{^L}{G}{},C) \simeq \mathbf{M}_\text{flat connections}(\multiscripts{^L}{G}{_\mathbb{C}},C)

and regard this as a 0-brane for the σ\sigma-model,

(27)ϕ(Σ)=q. \phi(\partial\Sigma) = q \,.

This is a BB-brane, since a point is a reasonable D-brane in any complex structure, hence it is in particular one with respect to JJ.

The S-dual of this BB-brane is an AA-brane on the mirror manifold M Hit(G,C) K\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C)_K. This is a Lagrangian submanifold, actually a fiber of the Hitchin fibration.

From the gauge theory it follows that the AA-brane must sit over the fiber of the Hitchin fibration, so it follows that the AA-brane must equal that fiber.

Hence fibers p 1(p(q))p^{-1}(p(q)) must parameterize flat connections on the fiber of the dual p 1 L(p(q))\multiscripts{^L}{p}{^{-1}}(p(q)).

So to any fat G L\multiscripts{^L}{G}{_\mathbb{C}}-connection on CC, S-duality associates an AA-brane on M Hit(G,C)\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{Hit}(G,C).

Compare this to geometric Langlands (\to), where one associates a DD-module on the moduli stack of GG-bundles Bun(G,C)\mathrm{Bun}(G,C).

In fact, to any AA-brane we can associate a DD-module. AA-branes are eigen-objects (\to) of the symplectic Hecke operator.

Posted at June 17, 2006 9:30 AM UTC

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