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February 3, 2006

Seminar on 2-Vector Bundles and Elliptic Cohomology, II

Posted by urs

Here is a transcript of part 1 of our first session.

(1) Bipermutative Categories.

Definition. A symmetric bimonoidal category is a category with two bifunctors


as well as two special objects 1 and 0

- such that 1 is the unit with respect to and 0 that with respct to

- such that , are associative, commutative and unital up to coherent natural isomorphism and

- such that distributes over up to coherent natural isomorphism.

Definition. A symmetric bimonoidal category is called a bipermutative category if all structure isomorphisms are identities, except for

(2)AB c BA AB c BA



These are required to make

(4)A(BC) (AB)(AC) c c c (BC)A (BA)(CA)


Example. Let V be the skeleton of the category of finite dimensional vector spaces over the complex numbers, with all morphisms being isomorphisms.

This means that

(6)Mor V(n,m)={U(n) forn=m fornm

and we simply have

(7)nm = n+m nm = nm

and U(n)U(m) is the block sum of matrices and U(n)U(m) the tensor product.

V is clearly bipermutative.

Remark. As long as one can pick a “reasonable” skeleton, a similar construction will work for other abelian monoidal categories.

Definition. Let C be an arbitrary small category. The set π 0 C of path components of C is the set of equivalence classes of objects of C under the equivalence relation

(8)cπ 0 dMor C(c,d)orMor C(d,c).


1) Denote by BC the classifying space (geometric realization of the nerve of) C and by π 0 BC is 0th homotopy group, then

(9)π 0 C=π 0 BC.

2) If is a small bipermutative category, then π 0 is a commutative semiring. In this case we have

(10)[b] π 0 [b] π 0 = [bb] π 0 [b] π 0 +[b] π 0 = [bb] π 0 .

Example. For =V we have π 0 V=, with regarded as a commutative semiring.

Definition. Let be a small bipermutative category. Then M n() denotes the category of n×n matrices over . Here

(11)Obj(M n()) = {(b ij) i,j=1 n b ijObj()} Mor(M n()) = {(b ijϕ ijb ij) i,j=1 n ϕ ijMor()}.

We have a matrix multiplication functor

(12)M n()×M n() M n() (b ij)×(c ij) ( k=1 nb ikc kj).

Side remark. We are secretly talking in a simplified way about the 2-category of Kapranov-Voevodsky’s 2-vector spaces, without wanting to make the 2-business explicit.

Proposition. Let I n be the obvious unit matrix object in M n(). Then

(13)(M n()),,I n)

is a tensor category. (“” is the above matrix multiplication functor.)

Definition. For bipermutative, denote by A the group completion of the semiring π 0 .

This is simply obtained by throwing in formal additive inverses to all elements in π 0 . There is a natural injection

(14)π 0 A .

Example. Obviously we have A V=.

Now comes the crucial definition of part 1). We define a generalized notion of invertible objects in M n().


1) Let be a small bipermutative category. Denote by GL n(A ) the ordinary general linear group over A . Denote by GL n(π 0 ) the set defined by this pullback:

(15)GL n(π 0 ) GL n(A ) M n(π 0 ) M n(A ).

2) Define GL n() as the full subcategory of M n() whose objects (b ij) are such that

(16)([b ij] π 0 )GL n(π 0 ).

In words, GL n() is the subcategory of those matrices of vector spaces which would be invertible had we somehow allowed “virtual vector spaces”. i.e. formal inverses for .

Example. For =V we have

(17)GL n(π 0 V)=GL n().

This are all matrices AM n() which are invertible over , i.e. those with det(A)=±1 .

Remark. (GL n(),,I n) inherits a tensor structure from M n().


2) Algebraic K-theory of Bipermutative Categories

3) K(V) and Elliptic Cohomology

Posted at February 3, 2006 4:15 PM UTC

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Hi Urs

Sorry to butt in on your wonderful exposition of interesting things, but, did that thesis on 2-topologies (that was supposed to be out at the end of ‘05) ever materialise?

Posted by: Kea on February 4, 2006 1:06 AM | Permalink | Reply to this

Re: 2-topologies

did that thesis on 2-topologies (that was supposed to be out at the end of ‘05) ever materialise?

You mean the thesis by Igor Bakovic? Not yet. It is still in the making. I plan to report on this when possible. Igor plans to visit Hamburg in the near future.

Posted by: urs on February 4, 2006 5:37 PM | Permalink | Reply to this
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