Teleman Lecture on Higher Algebras and Topological Chiral Homology
Posted by Urs Schreiber
This summer, Constantin Teleman is giving a small lecture series as GQT visiting professor in Utrecht. I may have missed some organizational information when I was travelling last week, but since I am receiving emails from across the world asking me about this lecture, I thought it might be of interest to announce whatever I am aware of here, and hopefully later provide some usable lecture notes.
Here is what I am aware of: the lectures will take place
Fridays, 11:00-12:45 in Room BBL005
starting June 10, and then probably June 17 and maybe June 24.
The lecture topics are:
statement of Lurie’s cobordism hypothesis
See below the fold for references.
Constantin Teleman writes:
Here is a list of papers which might be useful to glance at. They are all more difficult than my lectures, so I am not suggesting that they are prerequisites. But some preliminary knowledge of the following topics will help me sail through some portions of the talks, especially the motivational part. I do plan to explain the background precisely as needed
Curved algebras:
- Orlov, Derived Categories of Singularities and D-branes in Landau-Ginzburg models , (arXiv:math/0503632)
(Just the basic notions)
- Pregyel, Thom-Sebastiani & Duality for Matrix Factorizations (arXiv:1101.5834)
operad and algebras:
- Cohen-Voronov, Notes on String Topology ,(arxiv:math/0503625)
(esp. S.5)
- Francis: The tangent complex and Hochschild cohomology of -rings (arXiv:1104.0181)
Cobordism Hypothesis, Topological Chiral homology:
- Lurie, On the Classification of Topological Field Theories S.1, S.4