Help with the Video

The state of streaming video on the Web is a bit of a mess, right now. The video is packaged in 3 different formats, each containing 4 different bitrates, to accommodate the widest range of browsers and bandwith conditions. And, despite all that effort, you still had trouble playing the video ...


Safari (desktop and iOS) should play the video out-of-the-box.


Chrome should play the video out-of-the-box. The Chapter-Selector menu and Closed-Caption button are available.


Firefox ≥ 47

Firefox 47 and later will play the video out-of-the box. The Chapter-Selector menu and Closed-Caption button are available.

The only defect is that the captions are un-styled because of this Firefox bug.

Other Browsers

I believe that Microsoft Edge is able to play the video without a plugin, but I have not been able to test this.

Still having trouble? Questions or comments? Email me.