package plugins::dsbl_deny; # A DSBL comment filter plugin for Movable Type # MT implementation inspired by # Requires Net::DNS package or the nslookup utility # # Modified by Jacques Distler ( ) # to # 1) Use the list of open HTTP proxies # 2) Block trackbacks as well as Comments use MT; MT->add_callback('CommentFilter', 2, undef, \&plugins::dsbl_deny::check_comment_for_proxy); MT->add_callback('TBPingFilter', 2, undef, \&plugins::dsbl_deny::check_tb_for_proxy); my $dnsbl = ''; my $dnsbl_url = ''; sub check_comment_for_proxy { my ($eh, $app, $comment) = @_; my $remote_ip = $app->remote_ip; my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = split /\./, $remote_ip; if (checkdnsrr("$d.$c.$b.$a.$dnsbl")) { $app->log("Blocked comment post from known open proxy: $remote_ip"); my $url = $dnsbl_url . $remote_ip; # we're forcing out the header here and exiting since I can't find # a cleaner way to force a redirection to the site... if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) { $app->{apache}->header_out(Location => $url); $app->response_code(Apache::Constants::REDIRECT()); $app->send_http_header; } else { my $q = $app->{query}; print $q->redirect(-uri => $url, %{ $app->{cgi_headers} }); } exit; } return 1; } sub check_tb_for_proxy { my ($eh, $app, $tb) = @_; my $remote_ip = $app->remote_ip; my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = split /\./, $remote_ip; if (checkdnsrr("$d.$c.$b.$a.$dnsbl")) { $app->log("Blocked trackback post from known open proxy: $remote_ip"); return 0; } return 1; } sub checkdnsrr { my ($ip, $type) = @_; if (eval 'require Net::DNS;') { my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $query = $res->search($ip); if ($query) { foreach my $rr ($query->answer) { if ($type) { next unless $rr->type eq $type; } return 1; } } } else { my $opt = $type ? '-ty='.$type : ''; my $out = `nslookup -sil $opt $ip`; if ($out && ($out !~ 'NXDOMAIN')) { return 1; } } return 0; } 1;