I’m Melting …
Okounkov, Reshetikhin and Vafa have a paper out today in which they relate the Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture for the Partition Function of the Topological A-Model to the statitstical mechanics of melting crystals.
In the limit of large-volume Calabi-Yau, with Euler characteristic, , the genus vacuum amplitude of the A-Model is
where is the Chern Class of the Hodge bundle, (the bundle whose fiber over is spanned by the holomorphic 1-forms on ).
The integral is given by
where the are Bernoulli numbers. Gopakumar and Vafa argued that the all-genus result could be evaluated by a 1-loop computation in M-theory. Summing over BPS states, they obtained
The present paper notes that this is the partition function for the statistical mechanics of corner-melting of a 3D cubical crystal. They argue for a rather literalist interpretation, where the 3D space is the base of Calabi-Yau, written as a fibration. And they suggest various generalizations, relating the recently-constructed Topological-Vertex of the A-Model to a dimer problem.
Wild stuff!
Posted by distler at September 23, 2003 8:50 AM