He Should Be in Pictures!
My hat’s off to Donald Rumsfeld!
The Washington Post and the Manchester Guardian are reporting that, as Reagan’s “Special Envoy to Iraq” during the Iran-Iraq War, Donald Rumsfeld helped pave the way for Saddam to acquire materials for chemical and biological weapons, aware that these weapons were being used “almost daily” in the war with Iran .
In his position, I’d have a hard time keeping a straight face while blustering about Saddam’s possession of chemical and biological weapons. How could I ever maintain the proper tone of righteous indignation, knowing that I had been instrumental in supplying him with those weapons in the first place?
But Rummy … Rummy pulls it off with aplomb! Were it not for these Freedom of Information Act-induced articles, I would never have suspected a thing. He’s that good!
Note to Hollywood: Give the man a role in the next John LeCarré thriller. He looks the part and man can he act!
Posted by distler at January 4, 2003 10:24 PM