Recent Posts by jl344

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posted 12 years ago
jl344 4 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs

Good enough then and thank you. I thought $X_a b$ was producing an unacceptable space, but that was just a Firefox peculiarity.

posted 12 years ago
jl344 4 posts

Forum: itex2MML – Topic: Bugs

Identifiers lumped together in MathML output

Example: $X_ab$ produces output X ab <msub><mi>X</mi> <mi>ab</mi></msub>

Output should be more or less X ab <math><msub><mi>X</mi> <mi>a</mi></msub><mi>b</mi></math>

Two things wrong with this: first the “b” would never be subscripted in LaTex, and second, two variables should not be lumped in the same <mi></mi> element because this causes MathML to set them in upright rather than italic type. So each variable really needs to be in its own <mi></mi>

posted 12 years ago
jl344 4 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: How could I preview/undo changes?

Thanks! Nothing wrong with that at all, now that I see how it works. I did find the history after I’d been experimenting for more than half an hour. I’m glad I found this wiki.

posted 12 years ago
jl344 4 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: How could I preview/undo changes?

Hi, I’m totally new to the Instiki software, and having just installed it I’m curious as to whether there is a preview and/or some history to make it possible to undo changes. There doesn’t seem to be. I guess I’m just nervous that I’ll inadvertently trash something I’m working on and not be able to get it back. Anyways, I really like the simplicity of potentially being able to quickly edit and put math notes and papers on the web with MathML, and being able to print them out real nice with LaTeX, too. Great work! I haven’t been able to find any other software out there that can do that, except for UniWakka, which unfortunately doesn’t look like it’s being maintained anymore.