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posted 13 years ago
tws01 2 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: S5 presentation export

Thanks for thinking some more! :-)

I wonder why the number of files is so large. If you look at the “nanoc-slidy” solution the number of files does not look too big. BTW some of the features of JessyInk (inkscape) - the option of inserting “whiteboards” during the talk and draw on the slides would certainly be another great feature. Although I know how much work that means, a tool which supports in collecting information for lectures, at the same time allows for preparing the slides and at the end you get an output which you can use on any computer with a browser (or a portable firefox). And this program supports drawing on the slides … I am dreaming - but Instiki has great potential!



posted 13 years ago
tws01 2 posts

Forum: Instiki – Topic: S5 presentation export

As far as I can see, an export of a S5 slideshow with all the scripts is not implemented with the current version of instiki. I believe this would be a great feature if one could export a slide show which was prepared within instiki onto a memory stick (with all the scripts, css and embedded graphs at the right place) and use the presentation “offline” on a system without a ruby/rails/instiki installation.

Is there some work around to achieve this?