var HOST = '<$MTBlogHost$>'; // Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Athenia Associates. // // License is granted if and only if this entire // copyright notice is included. By Tomer Shiran. //Adapted by J. Distler for XHTML compatibility, Mar 2003. function setCookie (name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? 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All rights reserved. * This software is released under LGPL. * * See * for explanations. * * version 0.13.4 Workaround for broken DOM Event support in IE6. * version 0.12 Fixed a bug reported by Rich Pedley. * version 0.11 Revised to disable Gez's updated script. * version 0.10.2 Disable Gez Lemon's Greasemonkey script, which does * the same thing. * version 0.9 Eliminate need for wrapper DIV. Accesskey definition-list * is assumed to have id="AccessKeyList" * version 0.8, Keyboard navigation fix for Opera * version 0.7, Separator character changed to TAB. * version 0.6, Added onkeypress event handler for Safari-compatibility * version 0.5, Initial release. */ /* * Global variables: */ accesskeylistid="AccessKeyList"; /* Id of the accesskey definition-list */ accesskeystarttabindex = 1; /* Tabindex values assigned to edit fields start with this value*/ defaultaccesskeys = new Array(); /* Array to hold the default values */ originalaccesskeys = new Array(); /* Array to hold the original values */ myaccesskeys = new Array(); /* Array to hold the user-edited values */ accesskeyelements = new Array(); /* Associative array to contain all elements with an accesskey attribute */ function initializeAccessKeys() { /* * This is meant to run onload. * Initialize the defaultaccesskeys and myaccesskeys arrays. * These are either taken from a cookie or from the document. * Extract all the elements on the current page with an accesskey attribute * into the associative array "accesskeyelements". * If necessary, rewrite the values of the accesskey attributes on * the current page . * Add an "edit" button. * Disable Gez Lemon's Greasemonkey script, which does the same thing. */ var dl = document.getElementById(accesskeylistid); var keylist = dl.getElementsByTagName('dt'); for (i = 0; i < keylist.length; i++){ defaultaccesskeys[i] = keylist[i]; myaccesskeys[i] = defaultaccesskeys[i]; originalaccesskeys[i] = defaultaccesskeys[i]; } var taglist = ['a','label','area','button','input','legend','textarea']; for (i=0; i < taglist.length; i++) { var mytags=document.getElementsByTagName(taglist[i]); for (j=0; j < mytags.length; j++){ var myaccesskeyval = mytags[j].getAttribute('accesskey'); if (myaccesskeyval != '') { accesskeyelements[myaccesskeyval]=mytags[j]; } } } var savedaccesskeystring = getCookie('accessKeys'); if (savedaccesskeystring != '') { var savedacceskeys= new Array(); savedaccesskeys = savedaccesskeystring.split('\t'); if (savedaccesskeys.length == defaultaccesskeys.length) { for (i = 0; i < defaultaccesskeys.length; i++){ if (accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]] ) { if (accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]].accessKey) { accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]].accessKey = myaccesskeys[i]; } else { accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]].setAttribute( 'accesskey', myaccesskeys[i]); 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if(greasy) { greasy.replaceChild(dlparent,greasy.firstChild); var toremove = ['jsgmEdit','jsgmRestore','jsgmToggle']; for (i=0; i < toremove.length; i++ ) greasy.removeChild( document.getElementById(toremove[i])); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].removeChild( document.getElementById('jsgmAccessKeyStyles')); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].setAttribute('style','padding-bottom:4em'); var keystyle= 'background:#CCC;color:#000;border:outset 2px; padding:1px 2px;'; var key1 = createElement('span'); key1.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Shift')); key1.setAttribute('style',keystyle + 'margin-left:48px;'); dlparent.appendChild(key1); dlparent.appendChild(document.createTextNode('+')); var key2 = createElement('span'); key2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Esc')); key2.setAttribute('style',keystyle); dlparent.appendChild(key2); dlparent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' to toggle menu')); greasy.setAttribute('style', 'position:fixed;bottom:0;left:0;margin:0;width:100%;border-top:2px solid #666'); } } function saveAccessKeys() { /* * Replace the default values of the accesskeys by the ones * from the myaccesskeys array. * Change the accesskey attribute values in the current document. * Store these values in a cookie. * Remove the editing fields. * Replace the "reset" and "save" buttons by the 'edit" button. */ var dl = document.getElementById(accesskeylistid); var keylist = dl.getElementsByTagName('dt'); for (i = 0; i < keylist.length; i++){ keylist[i].replaceChild(document.createTextNode(myaccesskeys[i]), keylist[i].firstChild); if (accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]]) { if (accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]].accessKey) { accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]].accessKey = myaccesskeys[i]; } else { accesskeyelements[originalaccesskeys[i]].setAttribute('accesskey', myaccesskeys[i]); } } defaultaccesskeys[i] = myaccesskeys[i]; } var expires = new Date(); var base = new Date(0); var offset = base.getTime(); if (offset > 0) { expires.setTime(expires.getTime()-offset); } expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); document.cookie = 'accessKeys=' + escape(myaccesskeys.join('\t')) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/; domain=" + HOST; var editbutton = document.getElementById('editAccessKeys'); editbutton.setAttribute('value','edit'); editbutton.onclick = editAccessKeys; editbutton.onkeypress = function() { if(window.event.keyCode == 13) {editAccessKeys();return false} }; var savebutton = document.getElementById('saveAccessKeys'); dl.parentNode.removeChild(savebutton); } function resetAccessKeys() { /* * Revert the myaccesskeys array to the default values. * Remove the editing fields. * Replace the "revert" and "save" buttons by the "edit" button. */ var dl = document.getElementById(accesskeylistid); var keylist = dl.getElementsByTagName('dt'); for (i = 0; i < keylist.length; i++){ keylist[i].replaceChild(document.createTextNode(defaultaccesskeys[i]), keylist[i].firstChild); myaccesskeys[i] = defaultaccesskeys[i]; } var editbutton = document.getElementById('editAccessKeys'); editbutton.setAttribute('value','edit'); editbutton.onclick = editAccessKeys; editbutton.onkeypress = function() { if(window.event.keyCode == 13) {editAccessKeys();return false} }; var savebutton = document.getElementById('saveAccessKeys'); dl.parentNode.removeChild(savebutton); } function editAccessKeys() { /* * Load the current accesskeys into editable fields. * Replace the "edit" button by "reset" and "save" * buttons. */ var dl = document.getElementById(accesskeylistid); var keylist = dl.getElementsByTagName('dt'); for (i = 0; i < keylist.length; i++){ var input = createElement('input'); var keyvalue = defaultaccesskeys[i]; input.setAttribute('size', '1'); input.setAttribute('type', 'text'); input.setAttribute('id', accesskeylistid + i ); input.setAttribute('maxlength', '1'); input.setAttribute('value', keyvalue); if (input.tabindex) { input.tabindex = i+accesskeystarttabindex; } else { input.setAttribute('tabindex', i+accesskeystarttabindex); } if (input.apppendChild) { input.appendChild(document.createTextNode(keyvalue)); 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