Structures in a Cohesive ∞-Topos
Posted by Urs Schreiber
A cohesive -topos is a big -topos that provides a context of generalized spaces in which higher/derived geometry makes sense.
It is an -topos whose global section -geometric morphism admits a further left adjoint and a further right adjoint :
with and both full and faithful and such that moreover preserves finite products.
The existence of such a quadruple of adjoint -functors alone implies a rich internal higher geometry in that comes with its internal notion of Galois theory , Lie theory , differential cohomology and Chern-Weil theory .
In order of appearance:
So cohesive -toposes should be a fairly good axiomatization of higher/derived geometry in big -toposes. There is also an axiomatization of higher/derived geometry on little -toposes, called structured -toposes.
There ought to be a good way to connect the big and the little perspective on higher/derived geometry. For instance given a cohesive -topos , one would hope that there naturally is associated with it a geometry (for structured -toposes) such that for every concrete object the over--topos is naturally a little -structured -topos.
I have some ideas on this, but am not really sure yet.
Posted at November 6, 2010 2:04 PM UTC