Bazaar / Git

Redirected from "Bazaar".

Instiki development takes place in Bazaar. The BZR repository is the place to find the latest and greatest version. This repository is mirrored on Github.

The easiest way to keep your Instiki installation up-to-date is run directly out of your own BZR or Git repository.

To install Instiki from BZR, do a

bzr branch location-of-Instiki/

To install it from Git, do a

git clone location-of-Instiki

Then, instead of downloading, unpacking and installing a tarball, you just need to do a bzr pull or git pull to obtain the most recent updates.

1. Installing a BZR client

The first step is to install a BZR client


With Homebrew:

% brew install bzr

Using Fink, you’d:

% fink install python bzr-py25


On Debian or Ubuntu, you’d

$ sudo apt-get install python bzr

On Fedora, you’d

$ yum install python bzr

2. Downloading Instiki

Now do a

% bzr branch location-of-Instiki/

This puts a copy of Instiki in the chosen location (creating a new directory by that name). You can now cd into that directory and run Instiki as usual.

3. Updating

Updating your installation is as simple as cd‘ing to the Instiki directory and doing a

% bzr pull

This will update all the application files, while leaving all your stuff in place. Do a

% ruby bundle update
% ruby bundle exec rake upgrade_instiki

restart Instiki, and you’re good to go.

4. itexToMML

Similarly, you can obtain itexToMML via BZR, with

% bzr branch location-of-itexToMML/

But, of course, you don’t need to, as Bundler takes care of fetching the latest Rubygem version for you.

5. Keeping Abreast

So how do you know when to update? Easy: subscribe to the repository’s atom feed (and the one for itex2MML) and you’ll be informed whenever updates appear.